Sunday, February 10, 2013

R.E.M & R.I.P

Mr Zeek called round to view the house with his girlfriend they where only about mid twenties and looked very impressed with the house whether this will translate in to them buying our we will have to see.He was already planing on taking a wall out to have one massive room.
So could he be the one that connects the dots and makes us sell up move on and start again it will happen , but the question is when.

Went to look at Laptops in the White Rose shopping center in Leeds ,  Asus is also looking a good buy and its cheaper than the Samsung , the processor is not as good spec as the Samsung and not much more than a pair of Ugg boots Helen was looking at.

very lazy did not get up until twelve plan on doing nothing , its forecast to snow don't think it will three foot if it is England will come to a halt.

Well off all next week might have to work the Friday but  will get paid 7,5 hours holiday pay because i am on annual leave and another  13 hours at time and a half , i am working twelve o clock midday  until 2 o clock the following Saturday morning , this happens with another two days i have off annual leave , that's nearly two weeks wages for working three days cant refuse plus free parking its a no brainer.

Chatting with my daughter via Facebook will skype her on Tuesday morning.

Watching David Attenborough's  Africa got all six episodes to watch we both like natural history might make the house feel warmer while we watch it.

Craving - New Laptop.

Wanting -  Pear cider ,as its been while.

Needing - a fix of chocolate fudge cake and pouring cream.

Listening to - R.e.m - "Around The Sun" and "Collapse Into Now" and "Greatest Hits"

Finishing - Reading Chris Kyle "American Sniper " (You  have done the world a great service , we all owe you more than words can say , R.I.P Forever)

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3 IN 1

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