Sunday, February 03, 2013


We did not go to bed until four in the morning playing stupid online games via facebook , we still got up at half past eight to go for breakfast at 11TH Earl we  totally pigged out i more than Helen ,i  had three sausages four rashers of bacon loads of baked beans and gammon and potatoes with onion and cheese , by not having a drink of coffee it was way too weak last time it was like dishwater ,  its pre-made in a peculator by not having a hot drink it saved me £2.00 so breakfast for me was only £3.99 .on the way home we went to buy milk and biscuits double packet of  Nice and two packets of malted milk , we then we went home and went back to bed we got up just after three in the afternoon it was a waste of a day off really we should be more disciplined and go to bed at a reasonable hour the trouble was we were not tired .

Helen has a reading booked in for six tonight , and all i plan on doing is having a hot bath having tea then maybe just go to be for a early night , if that's at tall possible .

I had a pear today and a tangerine the other day i have not had a pear for ages i use to eat a kiwi every day i should eat more fruit roll on summer will get loads of fresh fruit in winter all you want is stem , pies and curries .

Work tomorrow going back after a break does not phase me , i have only to work another five days then i have another nine days of sometimes work breaks the monotony of life and gives purpose and reason . being of work is ok if you can go places and spend money , eat out go for drinks and go shopping for goodies , like a speaker for my i-phone and Google that i can carry in my bag for work , a Leatherman knife , A Lamy safari fountain pen , a new Moleskin note book , a Diary and a Filofax , i need a new silver chain i broke the one i wore for the last five years , not sure why but i fancy a small silver skull ring Keith Richards and Mr  Johnny Depp wear them ,

 In 1978 the celebrated London goldsmiths David Courts and Bill Hackett were working on a small scale silver sculpture of a human skeleton. Using a real skull for reference they carved a perfect miniature replica which they then moulded. When the hollow wax skull was removed from its mould the inspiration for the ring was born. Further experimentation led to the creation of the original silver skull ring. At the same time an invitation arrived from Keith Richards to his birthday party in New York – so Bill and David decided that the new ring would make a fantastic present. From the moment he put it on his finger, the magic began and he has worn it ever since

Not had anything to eat since breakfast i am not starving but think i need to ea some food  before i  go to bed .

cooked another omelet its easy i like them they are quick tasty filling and i have all the ingredients and its only cooking using one ring and one pan , i have also on the  plus side a bottle of Budweiser not as good as a bottle of pear but at least its alcoholic beverage could be colder .

Helen is now cooking a omelet , monkey see monkey do , or rather monkey smells monkey wants food i did offer she don't trust me she thinks she the better cook.

Listening to The Weeknd  "Echoes of Silence"and "House of Balloon's"

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