Saturday, January 14, 2012

Took Helen up to Pudsey to Co,Co'S nail salon for her nails redoing another £28.00 well spent she gave me her last £100 she has sold some stuff on eBay and with the money i have we should just about manage , at least the next time she goes she needs to get them done its for half price , they operate a stamp a visit card get six stamps get a treatment for half price.

At two o clock we set off for Flockton to visit Sharon and Steve at their quaint cottage , a couple of clients he has been dealing with had saved quite a bit of money from his services and had clubbed together and bought him a i-pad 2 needles to say i was wishing i could be in the same boat has him doing a job i love travelling get well paid and nice little perks along the way we ended up playing space invaders , 3d pool and table top football was like being a teenager again in the eighties another item added to my wish list Sharon cooked a chili we had with sour cream and jacket potatoes it was spot on , Helen had three classes of wine so was out of it.

Years ago i worked away nearly every week for sixteen years travelled to Scotland Ireland wales and London i had a decent wage had to save up for nothing i could buy more or less anything i wanted out of a weeks wage which was paid cash in a brown wage packet you got your hands on your money before anyone else did unless there was a wage/payroll snatch heist , but all bills got paid on time along with the mortgage there was no bank charges , i had money to get taxis every where i wished and go out nightly if i wanted to , i had money to buy clothes and my music was bought on cassette tapes and if i went to the petrol station a tenner would nearly fill the tank and smoking twenty cigs a day was not a issue well not a money issue , why has life not improved why have we all gone backwards why is everything changed for the worse in most cases.

In some ways life has got better for today's generation thanks to technology if the technology we have now had been available back then , i would have spending ability to buy a i-pad every month if i so wished , as it is now i be lucky to get one this year and that's why sometimes i get pissed off and wish i had a better job seeing has i put the hours in it shouldn't be like this even when i start my new job it is not going to be that much easier at least i will have a contract for forty five hours a week and not twenty as it is now

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...