Sunday, January 15, 2012

Today is extremely cold the car is all iced up again and there is a lot more frost on the ground its whitened Ali around , the skies are very grey and its looking bleak , Helen is still in bed thanks to the wine she had yesterday. At least Harvey and Pip are up and awake. Loaded my i-phone with more books and a couple of albums i have not listened to along with Florence and the machine and Drake .
Took Pip to Golden acre park and walked round its perimeter which takes just over a hour.
On the way home stopped at the supermarket and bought some smoked ham , white wine tagliatelle fresh pasts a large container of double cream stuff the calories a large onion and garlic bulb and organic mushrooms going to make a carbonara for tea oh and we bought four partly baked baguettes , its been a while since we have cooked this dish and it never fails to be filling creamy and gorgeous it wasn't until i finished that i realised we hadn't grated any cheese to throw on the top never mind will have to do it again next week.
Helen had some items she was selling on eBay ending today and has just made over sixty quid with only having to re list one item , never starve whilst their is the eBay option of making money fairly quickly.

Still watching - "Life on Mars"

Waiting to watch - "Ashes to Ashes"

Listening to - Florence and the Machine

Reading - "Message in a Bottle" by Nicholas Sparks

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