Saturday, January 07, 2012

So Far ok nothing brilliant has happened in 2012 , Helen is doing more readings this year all ready she had done around around seven readings and three booked in for next week.
Our fence as blown down in the gales and high winds we have been having its that what divides the two drives , but there is no chance of doing anything with it until i get paid at the end off the month.

My son Guy is after buying a 650cc Bandit motorbike once he get the finance sorted out he finding only being eighteen its not straight forward , Bandit also being the name of my other Jack Russell which i left behind when i walked out on my wife ,Guy continues to look after her and she is now his dog , my other Jack Russell Pip is a love she is well behaved but needs to get out more she has been neglected due to the weather and my working all the time hopefully once i start my new job i begin at two loads of time to get up and walk her wish i was living somewhere more in the country its had living in a city and going to the same stretch of canal all the time is boring as is walking around the cemetery .

Took my camera to Cash Converters on buy back but Christmas wage was that poor i am going have to leave it and pay the minimum amount and get it back next pay day we are really struggling some months and if it wasn't for well hiding food in our chest freezer we be eating just ice, makes you wonder how many people living in England are struggling to pay heating bills taxes and just survive hand to mouth every month so months we do fine if i get plenty of overtime some months its a nightmare and its robbing Peter to pay Paul, the two things i pay straight away are the bills for the Internet and my i-phone the two things i couldn't be without for obvious reasons its 2012 is there still people in houses that don't have a pc or laptop and broadband is anyone still on a dial up connection in fact do they still do dial up connections will have to google it, anyway what ever 2012 is about to bring i get the notion we are still going to be struggling and if things improve then it wont before time

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