Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tonight we went to the Marriott hotel in Leeds city centre to watch the clairvoyant Steven Holbrook , i have seen him once this year in Oldham ,Helen has seen him numerous times , and was watching him at performances way before she meet me.I have his three autobiography's to read that chart his life from a child to present day.Tonight i got a message and so did Helen , he knew it was my birthday today which it is and no i wasn't wearing a birthday badge, hat or carrying a helium balloon saying happy birthday he got my name right and the length of time my mam had passed he knew i had been speaking with her today and knew the last five years have been very turbulent that she approved of Helen and that she had a part in getting us together he also gave Helen a message from her grandmother Lily who's name he got right we both felt he was speaking from his heart quite a few other people received messages quite a few where left without any doubt that it was the loved ones departed relying the messages through Steve all i can say is this if you have not seen him go to one of his shows and make your own mind up about his ability to speak with the dead .The next time he is in or near to Leeds we will go again.

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