Thursday, October 27, 2011

Helen and I are to get engaged we have been through so much together in the last four years .
I love Helen without compromise I will always do my utmost to provide for her, look after her and watch over her.

In the time we have been together we have played some aces and sometimes the cards we have been dealt both good and bad ,sometimes we have got it wrong when we should have got it right , but at the time probably didn't have the choices that where are own making , if people along the way have been upset pissed off or annoyed with us then tough it was never intentional.
We started out with nothing first week Helen walked out of her marriage we was living in a hotel in Leeds city centre until we arranged a viewing and got the apartment at Clarence dock that's is where we spent our first Christmas was fully furnished but we Still had lots of things to buy even the little things add up when you are starting again with nothing but love .

Christmas day we finished dinner and went down to the canal to feed the ducks the city centre was deserted it was like a ghost town.we moved into the apartment a few days before Christmas day we had jotted no trimmings but had everything we needed for the best Christmas Day dinner ever Three months later we moved in to a four bedroom stone built through terrace with a garden to the rear also near to the canal by a few weeks we had the house transformed even the landlord was impressed with how it was looking Having a garden meant we could sit out on a evening we could hang washing out have barbecues and by plants shrubs and flowers we also bought a rabbit .Six months later we was signing a mortgage for the house we have now we have been there three years we have transformed the kitchen dinner knocked the toilet and bathroom in to one with a new bathroom suite , the garden is totally changed with raised beds boarders we even Planted a pear tree .

What else has happened well Helen is still with me through thick and thin she is at my side she left everything to be with me her house belongings and possessions her children even her dog and the best part of her wardrobe she turned up at the hotel with a couple of suitcases and a few of her belongings why to be with me she trusted me not to go back home , she trusted that I loved her would lo look after and care for her that I wanted to be with her forever she trusted me with her heart and soul , and she believed in me above anyone else to be true to my word and She gave it all up to be with me in a double room in a Holiday Inn in Leeds city centre that's why we are getting engaged and that's why we are looking at engagement rings this coming Saturday . still love Helen and i know Helen still loves me , if that upsets anyone that we are still together or are totally pissed off or they have trouble understanding we are still in LOVE , then tough your problem not ours.

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