Tuesday, December 28, 2010

happy birthday helen , bought her a wrought iron bird feeding station , also bought a seed feeder, nut feeder and a another attachment for hold a suet block .plus the nuts seed and meal worms.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Tomorrow is Helen's birthday she is 42 years old she always says its too close to Christmas her ETA was 25Th of December which must be the worse date possible for presents and cards at least no chance of forgetting or getting dates mixed up and of course its the same birthday as Jesus a added bonus anyway hope you enjoy your day love you loads even if your now knocking on a bit at 42 years old lol ,

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Well Christmas is over for another year after today i cant wait for 20011 , think a few people i know will glad to see the back off 2010 as well .
I meet my daughter where she works she is a hairdresser and showed me round the salon she works at its ultra modern hi tech and is over two floors , they even have a ps3 and at least three plasma tvs and sky music channels i-pod docks and all the glossy magazines including STUFF and FHM could spend a few days stuck in there no problem.
Saw my son Guy again he's well grown and madly in love just like his dad , HOPE HE HAS A GREAT 2011 .
Helen got to eat Christmas dinner at her parents house with her son Kris and her mother and father,its the third Christmas that we have now been for dinner having her son there was totally unexpected and like me Helen as not spent that much time with her sons , and i have spent little or no time with my son Guy i hope that changes in the new year , i do miss him loads.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Car is back in the garage i went to the hairdressers yesterday came out car wouldn't start I had to have it towed in to the garage that i have used for the clutch and turbo hose , at least its pay day , i am hoping its not the fuel pump but will find out later today.
Always something every time i earn extra cash by working weekends then something crops up and i never get to spend the extra cash on myself , it always goes on unexpected events. i have got a decent wage coming at the end of January waiting to see what happens next.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Meet up with my son Guy haven't seen him for ages , he as Relly grown up in the last six to nine months he is as tall as me and has matured more than i thought he would i am really proud of him he has a great girlfriend he loves dearly and spends all his free time with her.I meet Rosie for the first time they look a great couple and have been together a while she makes him and happy and i hope truly loves him and sticks with him i know she is his world .

Guy my son lives with my ex wife at Pocklington other side of York and his girlfriend Rosie live at our old Village Swillington .But saying that they spend days at each other houses , he lives in a converted garage and i call him Fonzie and it goes straight over his head which i would expect.He does NOT work he cant get a job ,THERE not many jobs going where he lives not many jobs going full stop , just jobs going redundancy payments are funding a lot of christmas this year.I do hope in the new year he finds work , he will be eighteen at the end of January and he can sign on what a depressing thought.LEAST ITS SOME CASH IN HIS POCKET .

He should be working ,he wants to work and would love to learn a trade and of cause he wants to buy clothes and gadgets and glossy magazines , wants to look nice smell nice and own nice things hopefully to buy a house have driving lessons and get a car as if insurance petrol is ever going to be affordable and i know he would love travel abroad wouldn't we all .

He wants treat his girlfriend and buy her nice accessories , jewelry meals out and weekends away , yet he cant because he doesn't earn a wage , its so sad for him and all the other young people this country is robbing its young folk out of a living robbing them of their dreams and ambitions i feel so sorry as he needs money at his age he should be setting targets for the rest of his life , shouldn't all young people and its not possible no WORK , he as a scooter which he travels to and from his girlfriends house weather permitting , the A64 is notorious for car users , a young lad on a scooter is a scary thought I hope he is protected from those above and i hope he never has a accident.

This country is on its knees and its getting worse and we the British public let it happen we are lemmings , petrol prices , V.A.T,emigration is constantly rising , apart from EMA which is stopping nice one all you M.PS (WANKERS).

i think its about time we dropped the GREAT from Great Britain and just be called Britain , i reckon in a few years time we will be a third world country,were it's people are freezing to death from having no food and no money to afford having their heating on.
Going to be a new year soon , NEW YEAR WORSE SHIT TO COME....MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL especially to Guy and Tuesday love you both.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Hoping to get a White Christmas have Christmas eve off through till the following Thursday . Will need plenty of pear cider and Irish coffees made with old bushmills .plenty of DVDs to watch hoping to watch all lord of the rings films and Harry potter films too.Need a decent book to read and a couple of magazines , to do some walking and do some photography of places and events.BUt before all thus do some Christmas shopping.wanting my helen to have a great festive season and look forward to 2011.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Last Friday had two teeth out a denture plate made with two teeth on it it was made from an impression i had taken the week before.The teeth were extracted once the plate was made i didn't want to be walking around with a massive gap , anyway it fitted fine but its weird having it in my mouth, especially eating ,talking is ok and getting use to its shinny texture has not been easy.
My mother had full set of dentures when she was in her teens and it must have been a nightmare but she never moaned and coped considerable well bless her hopefully i will do the same.

Saw my Daughter Saturday night she cut my hair after we took her to the Academy Chinese buffet as well as eating from the buffet they have a cook there , she had a squid dish cooked for her , i don't think she liked it.

Finished work at twelve took yesterday due to adverse weather conditions it took me an hour and a half to get home which is usually twenty minutes top We was suppose to go to York opera house last night.I had took the night of work bloody snow we got as far as the Fox and Grapes before turning round a blizzard had started and visibility was a nightmare so we used the car park to turn around and head home via Asda it was not worth risking it bought some muffins , scotch pancakes and crumpets , chicken , pork and lamb .

Today again there is no work due to the snow i phoned up just after seven to a answer phone saying due to adverse weather conditions shut until Friday the 3rd December , as i write this its sunny and bright hehe Moby loves the snow Harvey likes to go out only for a short while.

Helen is getting texts from some weirdo trying to split us up, they are saying she is meeting me on a dinnertime and doing certain things with me , lucky Helen is not biting , but it is upsetting these started the other day and so far she has had around twenty messages saying i work too much that i am having sex that i want out all lies... told Helen i am here AND WITH HER because i want to be if i didn't like stuff OR SITUATIONS WE ARE IN and if i didn't love her , or couldn't cope with life as it is that i would be off.
I have don't it once BEFORE and i walked away from a lot more than what i have now but it never is about material possessions with me its about a life style and being with the person you truly want to be with no matter what , about going to bed and waking up with the person you want

Listening to Kanye West :- My beautiful dark twisted fantasy

Friday, November 19, 2010

Helen phoned me at work she had called the fire brigade Moby had got his head stuck in our cast iron wine rack and she couldn't free him .the fire engine turned up within five minutes siren going lights flashing within minutes he was freed using the jaws of life to cut through the steel, a big thanks to the west Yorkshire fire. Service your help was appreciated big licks from Moby our border collie dog hopefully he has learnt a lesson.

My daughter bought these two pieces of art she is only 19 and these paintings like her are so cool she is a hairdresser working at a great studio near to here home she bought the Michael Jackson one first followed by marilyn what she got earlier this week ,the next piece of art she wants is a tattoo she is old enough and its her choice

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Halloween as come and gone so too bonfire night was invited to a bonfire party which was excellent left smelling of burnt wood and fireworks .

For the last seven weeks i have worked every weekend which is what i wanted for ages to get overtime from my hospital job last month was a five weekended i really need the money , who doesn't with Christmas lumming, gas prices going up diesel going up every thing going up and the cost of the car getting repaired its been a struggle making ends meet.

Now i need dental work doing which will be around three hundred pound mark cant wait for this year to end.

Moby is growing every day and he is no longer a little pup he is still playful and still giddy he is going through his terrible two stage at the moment but were not complaining on the hold he is a brilliant dog .

The picture is taken at Wentworth garden centre the historic walled garden

listening to ;- Bon Jovi greatest hits

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Today we went out in the car Parked up in town to do some shopping for crystals and incense .Helen finally got some boots she liked. all the shoe shops in Leeds didn't realise it be such a quest.
still had to go to shopping centre at birstall to pick them up last pair in stock had to get to store before it shut at five ,went to pig out at chinese buffet resturant from chicken sweet corn soup to shreded duck and pancakes cheese cake and ice cream, what diet.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Got a call this morning from the garagewhere the car is booked in and getting fixed. The mechanic has took out the gear box and the clutch fly wheel is totalled, because of this it will add another £400 on to the final price now i am looking at £879 in total ... OUCH its the cost of a mac air laptop, a two week holiday somewhere hot plasma tv with games console ,a decent chritmas , i have even bought and owned cars in the past that didn't cost that much,oh the joys of motoring .Its good job we both think shes worth it.

Listening to Nickleback :- Silver side up

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Woke up this morning ready to put battery back in to car banging headache and no hot water boiler packed in again pay British gas a service charge every month they come out and fix it free of charge .

Replaced battery car didn't fire up with the car already in gear, out of gear it started then once the engine was ticking over i couldn't select any gears typical it was solid couldn't even force it in to 2ND gear reverse or first i phoned the garage that they would have to tow it in , eventually after leaving the engine running and trying to recode the radio i eventually got it in gear and manage to drive it the half mile to the garage its booked in to for repairs , the master cylinder has collapsed its going to be £350 to fix it i was expecting around £600 so iam happy its a lot less.

Gas repair man came out and fixed boiler that's one bill i don't have to pay for hot water and radiators back on .

Also phoned PC world then Dell to sort out a new power lead for the laptop, the other one packed in moby chewed it but they didn't know that should receive it the post tomorrow another thing fixed.

last night i didn't get home until quarter to seven even though i left at work at four went to Boot,s and to poundworld then the rest of the time i was on the bus stuck in a gridlock listening to Nickleback on my i-phone .

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Off working nights this week so it straight home at four o clock , four weeks of catching public transport ie , the bus, the car is finally going in to get fixed tomorrow .

I have had to take the battery out and put it on charge hopefully it will fire up in the morning and at least get me to the garage still no idea of cost expecting to be in the region of £600, will have to wait and see when i started xatching the bus i was paying £1.15p a litre of diseil its now £1.21 ouch... do i really want my motor fixing ,rip of britain lucky us... feel like getting in my car and fcuking off but wouldnt get far enough on a tank of fuel.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

worked until one got home and we took Moby out for his first walk he was scared of the cars and refused to walk on , we only made a few hundred yards before i went back to the house for his rubber ball, i bounced it and he followed did about five hundred yards then it started to rain and still he was afraid of the passing traffic we picked him up to carry him his ears was back and he was fretful so we headed home.
we went to the local pet shop bought a retractable 25 foot lead and a harness , once it was dark went to the local cemetery about a quarter of a mile away Helen's grandma is buried there , he was fine although it was dark we navigated the path and graves said jokingly to Helen hes found a bone when in fact it was a twig , he wasn't spooked by his surroundings and he was 100% better than he was in the afternoon as we headed home it started to rain again .

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Taken the day off work i have to go to the hospital with Helen, she is finally going to see a specialist,at the neurology department to see whats going on , its been a longtime coming hopefully nothing will be a miss ,I spend most days at the same Hospital cleaning last weekend i was on theatres last night x-ray plaster room anti natal. i am now covering a wider area of the hospital and have moved out of my regular cleaning duties ,the time i am there goes a lot faster now and i am preferring it to what i worked on the last few years cleaning the creche which was always sand and paint and pva glue and rock solid weetabix spillages which was left over from breakfast and sets like concrete, they could repair the rest of the Hospital with that stuff , also i am meeting more people and getting more overtime which will help towards the repair bill for the car .
Helen chipped one of her tooth last night at the moment she is more concerned over that , seeing that she hates dentists and has a deep phobia over drills and pain and deep root treatments don't we all.
Moby has learnt to give high five when asked counting down the days to when we can pick his lead up and shout walks i know it will be all weathers come rain or shine wind hail and snow put we are both looking forward to it and it will give Helen the confidence to get out more during the day whilst i am at work.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Second week of catching public transport , have been calling in to Sainsburys in the city centre on the way home from my evening job to pick up supplies and essentials last week we ate a loads of pork this week its seems to be chicken.
Moby has had his second injection another seven days and he can go walking out outdoors cant take him to the moors just yet as its going to be another two weeks before the car is fixed.working today from one o clock Sunday service on the bus routes need to be at work for one second Sunday i have worked this month without the use of the car typical .getting use to the i-phone find our way round the apps are brilliant like the galaxy radio app get all possible radio stations once you download it so if anyone one reading this , and is due a upgrade then i recommend you get one beats all other phones hands down.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Freelander is off the road literally till end of the month, so its a second week of catching buses. its a pain i have to get up earlier and get home later which is no joy less time with Helen . Roll on when its fixed will keep this car till its dismise i will have to keep repairing it no chance of buying a new one to much interest over too long a time be five years to get a newer freelander with not much less mileage.
Helen is doing fine with her phone we wouldn't swap them cant say the same about the car.
Moby has his second injection Saturday he is doing well and can on command lay down , give paw. sit , and roll over he is grown in size incredibly fast , he has not chewed anything he shouldn't including Harvey the ragdoll.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Getting used to my I phone.Helen meet me in town yesterday , after I finished work at one its been a while since Helen as come in to town on her own to meet me .It was torrential rain most of the afternoon we called in to car phone warehouse and bought his and her cases hers is in White leather and mine in black leather for our new phones.
Went to McDonald's why not sure as we both prefer Burger King , Helen getting sick of her phone she as little patience if things don't go right first time i finally got apps on her phone mainly the face book app she can add what ever she wants , and got both phones syncing with itunes.Told her to stick with it a few days she will be fine ,be more difficult with no pc.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Working weekend cleaning at the hospital,Helen and I both got a 3G 8gig I phone. We was due a up grade and the hand set was free.getting use to it slowly,still can't get I tunes to recognise the phone and cant sign up for iTunes so cant get any apps even free ones

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Got my laptop back in the morning had to reload everything back on to it always fun starting with a clean slate.
dropped Helen of at Louie's hair salon for her hair colouring cutting and for her eyebrows doing .
Took Moby our border collie pup to the vets for his first injections he has another in a fortnight then a week after that he can go out , he was also wormed and deflead , Moby was sick on the way back never mind him being on dried food its not too bad to clean up.
Went back to the hairdresser's and had mine cut , Helen was finished mine never takes that long ten minutes tops.
Went to Asda bought the ingredients for a lasagna and some bottles of Jacques fruit cider on offer under £3.00 a bottle and some tiramasu for desert.

Picked my daughter up and her friend Farah its been a few weeks since we last had her over and its always nice to meet up , dropped in to see Mark its a while since they have seen each other must be well over five six years how time flies by she thought his house resembled Amitiville horror house she felt spooked in some of the rooms Went back home for food then went to the Light in Leeds city centre to watch the latest Resident evil film afterlife in 3D was better than i thought and of course better effects in 3D ,even got to keep the glasses that finished at half eleven took my daughter back home .

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Moby is still settling in we will have had him a week today , he goes outside to do his mess only 80% of the time saying that he has never messed his crate once , so that his something we don't need to worry about , he is still learning and seeing that we have rugs in most places where he is we just throw them in to the washer the one in the picture just fits and lets the drum still go round , it is like having a baby and we do have to make allowances .
Its annoying when he does his poo;s then goes round in a circles then walks through his own mess at the moment he is lose so we have to run his paws under the warm tap he has already had one bath head to tail he smelt of Helen's shampooed conditioner.
Helen stayed at her friends cottage in Flockton last night , so it was Moby myself and Harvey to fend for ourselves, WELL one of us had A lamb rogan josh curry yum yum with nan bread and baked potatoes washed down with ice cold pear cider whilst watching Robin hood staring Russell crowe whilst , the other two had dry food for a scientific balanced diet lucky animals.
Anyway next Friday moby can have his first injection then and another one two weeks after that then he is free to go out in to the great outside and beyond , that's when he will start and become a regular dog and hopefully a regular companion on trips to the moors and country side for years to come .The cat Harvey is taking it all in his stride he has hissed the odd time but so far no fur has been flying which makes a happy existence for all

Monday, September 13, 2010

His name is Moby and he's eight weeks old , he's a boarder collie we got him yesterday and so far he's been no trouble. He has his crate/cage under the dining room table and its his new home hes loads of cuddly toys cushion and blankets he is happy and playful so far hes done his toilet duties outside he needs two more injections before he can walk outside and we can take him out on a week end when we go walking .
Harvey our rag doll cat has accepted him and not pawed him once although obviously we wont leave them alone together .Hopefully he will bring hours of joy and happiness and he live a long happy life .He slept through most of the night we left the i=pod on low playing classical music he slept like a baby and woke up half seven this morning.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Spent last night sorting out the bedrooms and staining the dresser didn't get to bed till half two this morning put my shuttle back in spare room had trouble with the speakers sorted it in the end, need it cabling for Internet got t long enough Ethernet cable to get it to the small bedroom .

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Looking at getting a i-phone when we are allowed to upgrade at the end of this month we are both due an upgrade so we both decided on the i-phone 4g if we cant i wouldn't mind the Htc HD2.
Bought Ellie a sewing machine one of her relatives was selling for thirty quid we had first offer ,its quite new not sure what she is going to make with it but its always handy to have one . Also we bought this writing desk its solid oak when the front leaf drops down runners slide out to support we got it of her Dad who stripped it before selling it on and we only decided to buy it once we saw it stripped.Also bought the dolls house shown its going to be done up by myself and Ellie.
Looking at getting another dog would both like a boarder collie , we are in the process of just looking online and no immediate plans to pick on up, we did go see a couple of pups in Manchester last weekend afterwards went to Trafford centre which is a lot bigger than Meadow hall in Sheffield bought a denim shirt each .

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Looking forward to the weekend its payday today and again on Friday as the car needs the turbo hose replacing again and its getting fixed again this morning we dropped it in and went to McDonald's for breakfast its been refurbished and looks alot better which burgerking would revamp prefer them yo mcdonalds but their outlets are well dated .

Monday, August 16, 2010

sky is sorted next door neighbours has had scaffolding put up all round the side front and back of their house and this was affecting us receiving a signal , the engineer from sky took down the old dish , and a brand new dish and leb was fitted at the rear of our house a result , and all for nothing well done sky tv .

Back at work tomorrow have been cutting out mdf hearts out the last couple of days for Helen's craft fare this coming Saturday ,its been harder than work anyway all now done just need painting varnishing and decorating .

Last five days have really flown bye took car to a new mechanic this morning it needs to get sorted again the turbo hose has split again and is leaking diesel had a new one fitted not long ago at a different garage they have done a a cheap job and the new hose that they fitted has failed again inside a couple of months and the engine is putting black smoke out from the exhaust and dropping engine power and once again needs fixing asp roll on pay day next week .

watching :- rock n rolla

Saturday, August 14, 2010

sky box has been receiving no signal for the last few days i telephoned sky and tried rebooting rebuilding the box no joy , so i have been asked to either pay £65 for an engineer to come out to fix either the box or dish or to fork out £8.50 a month for insurance to cover the sky equipment , i told them i would rather cancel my subscription they agreed to send out an engineer on Sunday to fix it free of charge wonder why the change of heart thank you sky for a decent result .
Helen as been making these wicker hearts and we had this chest of drawers in the garage for ages so its been stripped back to bare wood and given a lick of stain and undercoat and paint and new wrought iron handles looks quite good who needs tv wonder what we can strip next.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Not posted for a while things still Rollin bye ,stained all the floor boards in the downstairs rooms and painted a chest of drawers and fitted new handles which for the last eighteen months had been living in the garage.

Monday 2nd august
Went to the Fibre bar in Leeds lower Briggate http://www.barfibre.com/ my Daughter had to put on a fashion show including arranging the venue the models and clothes all clothes supplied by Each To Their Own http://www.eachtotheirown.co.uk/ make up artist photographers it was a great success all the people she approached helped her no end and gave their services free of charge , was very proud so was her boss i know she is sorted in her chosen career.

had a medium come to the house invited a loads of friends round and we all had our tarot cards read £25 a head the clairvoyant Christine was at the house from half six until half past elven will see if her predilections about love marriage jobs and moving house come true fingers crossed.

two weeks of from my night job last shift tonight .
invited my nephew round for a chili and rice supper he is living apart from his partner in the new seven bedroom house they both bought and is totally skint seeing that he has just bought a fifty inch plasma tv , a upright American fridge with ice dispenser and water cooler well life must go on he gets his internet connection sorted out today.


Saturday, July 03, 2010

Its now Saturday and its half past one in the morning not sure what we are doing this weekend but for now i guess we are very shortly going to bed , i have been up since have six Friday morning and i am knackered .really fancy a bike ride along the canal not now sometime later today or early evening.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I had to get the car mot'd today least it passed at the cost £50 also road tax was due so i had pay that with the reminder i got from the dvla did it only for six months at a cost of £134 up from £118 car insurance renewing gone up from £54 to £65 its still on hp at a cost of £160 a month with another two years to pay on hp so far this year i have paid over £600 on repair bills and i spend on average £30 a week on diesel so far this year i have had two parking fines and a speeding fine another £160. i keep thinking of the phrase "the joy of motoring" wheres the fcuking joy? unless your a motor mechanic , petrol station or a traffic warden on bonus.


Monday, June 28, 2010

My Daughter flies out to Turkey tonight for a weeks holiday , of course i am jealous sick of working and getting nowhere near foreign shores white sand and blue seas , saying that i hope you have a safe journey and a great time abroad .

Sunday, June 27, 2010

last weekend and this weekend we have been doing my Aunt's garden. it was way over grown the grass was almost knee high and the hedges needed attacking badly, there was weeds growing down the side of the house and the edges off all paths .
we filled the brown wheelie bin and around eighteen bin liners with hedge and grass cuttings .
we used a hedge trimmer and a strimmer and my aunt didn't bat a eye lid she didn't hear anything .

She is ninety seven years old carers come in get her out of bed , to sit her in her chair all day they leave the tv or cd player on for her ,she needs someone to feed her give her drinks she has no idea who i am , she has no idea we have cut her grass or done the wedding, she has no idea what year it is, what day it is she has no idea about anything only that her name is Ivy its sad all i know is - I DON'T WANT TO GET TO NINETY SEVEN.

My sisters constantly look after her and do her shopping but her what she needs and if her alarm goes of to say she has a pressure pad on her bed it suppose to go off if she has fallen out of bed, they round traveling late at night to sort her out always its a false alarm , the pad is way to sensitive , not once has she been out of bed , they never know that until they get there ,they go ever time one night it went off three times.

Helen is well sun burned her face is peeling her lips are swollen she has over done it this is someone who used Nivea hand cream instead of sun tan lotion she might have well used Flora .
we still went to Saddleworth bought some factor ten sun tan lotion whoa total protection

Listening to :- Vampire weekend - Contra

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Helen and i at her brothers wedding evening reception last night , we took loads of photos,and i actually appeared on a few myself and quite a few with Helen which is always a bonus this one being my favorite shot , i am not always that photogenic specially when asked to smile it always looks too rehearsed .

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I have been real busy working , had no free time been working on my nephews seven bedroom house loads of work needs completing throughout plus there is a two bedroom gatehouse which has been modernized and has its own spiral staircase leading to the bedrooms the toilet and shower is down stairs abs as a decent fitted kitchen and sitting room the garden is massive and they are planing an allotment for a part of it there is decking to the front and rear there mortgage is one hundred pounds more than what we are paying scandalous good for them but pissed me off at the rate we are paying toed in for another eighteen months.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

went to Bolton Abbey was once again red hot took some bread and feed the ducks went for tea and coffee to the little cottage , there was a wedding on at the abbey church the main doors was open and you could see the couple at the alter getting married .

Went back to saddle worth moors not been since it snowed another red hot day was too warm rested for an hour had a picnic , Pek and egg mayo somethings never change .

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Today went over to the North Yorkshire village of Malham i have not been back to Malham since i went youth hosteling from school remembered doing loads of walking and eating crap food and sleeping on crappy beds.

It was hot and tiring we took no water as we walked up the four hundred steps to the top everyone had bottled water felt i was in the desert with no canteen made it up to the top where the limestone pavement is , some of the rocks moved as we walked across them "they could do with pointing" i said to Helen like the peregrine falcons flying above us my remark went straight over her head


finally made it back down to the Buck Inn had a ice cold pear Magners with ice and Helen had a pint of coke , they are no ATM machines in Malham if you no cash everywhere charges you 50p to use your debit card every time .

Got home bought a disposable barbecue from Tesco two for a fiver and some pork steak beef burgers and sausages and we had our first barbie at this house that we lived in since 2008 just got the kitchen done well more or less and we are eating in the bloody garden typical why bother hehe got to laugh.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

finally got the worktops stained and oiled got the tiling completed just need to grout and polish and perhaps re oil the worktops one last time even tiled behind the electric sockets like a true pro dust every where again due to using angle grinder for cutting tiles had doner meat and chips with cheese and onion for tea never made Sunday dinner , off all week so far had four days off and worked on the house every day need to get out more need to go to the moors or coast done nothing but breathed dust in hopefully next few days will be done apart from flooring .cant make my mind up to go see Robin Hood or prince of Persia or go to Picolinos or Mumtaz for dinner one night this week .

Friday, May 28, 2010

finally got the sink in and rest of base units wall units and the work top fitted . Took most of Thursday to get this done had trouble with the washer machine wouldn't empty had a cap end in one of the outlets didn't realize sussed it in the end a few tiles and some staining and sealing to do

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Went to visit my daughter with Helen in their new house that they are all renting she wants a dragon tattoo my daughter not Helen she text me half one in the morning to tell me as it happened i was awake when she was fourteen she wanted a dragon and has never faltered trouble is she wants a complete back piece going down her shoulder and leg , she is now nineteen and lives with her flat mates and they are all hairdressers working at the same salon the house is opposite where they live , and all get on with each other and all look out for each one an other its a great set up and all seem to enjoy living in the home that they share its a ideal situation.
one of the girls has two children who stay alternative weekends everyone has an interest in caring for the children in effect the kids have four mothers what can be wrong with that.
Break up to day don't go back to work until June the seventh off from both jobs yippee no longer going to the Isle of Wight major arguments never mind life goes on .
Need to buy a barbecue asp along with fish and chicken and pear cider bought some tomato and red pepper relish which is sweet and tasty great with grilled poultry and fish , also love barbecued liver and bacon hope the sun shines hot and bright .

Sunday, May 16, 2010

above church door at Adel

Helen went to see her own G.P and was prescribed some stronger pain killers this was Tuesday the hospital was suppose to fax/email there findings never happened.
work has been really busy and i have been staining the island worktop every night only to mess the varnishing up for some reason it didn't take ,i will have to sand it down and re do it not a five minute job was annoyed to say the least.
manage to get the pan rack up and Helen already dressed the airer before she went in to hospital painting the chimney breast green to match the radiator wall apart from that nothing great has happened it is also confirmed this week that we are not going to the Isle of Wight which as caused many problems and will do for sometime. sent the ferry tickets back for a refund not that i will get the amount i paid for them obvious its Britain nobody does nowt for nothing if there's a booking fee sure going to be a cancellation fee.

ABOVE PHOTO OF Harvey just be cause he's kewl

finally got my attachment of earnings order revoked got a letter that its been dismissed i will scan it in to the photocopier at work and email it to my wages department if there is any reason money comes out of mt salary this month i will be fuming pay day is on the 26th.

fixed some brass cup hooks and re jigged so me ornaments about chilled out most of the day did a Sunday dinner , roast chicken with parsnips sweet potatoes leeks and carrots roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings got to say did eat more than a pig would someone once said food is better than sex well today almost but then again it does depend who you have in your life and how starving you are.

went to Lawnswood crematorium around half seven in the evening Helen and i was the only ones there visited mum and dad and Paul and jack all the clan that's passed away.
From there went to the church at Adel we go every now and then it dates back to 1150 -1170 will have seen some weddings and funerals tears and joys.and no doubt if i had a pound for every photo took in its grounds i be a rich man

Gable end of Adel church

Sunday, May 09, 2010

We both had a easy day yesterday i went out in the morning to get cornflakes , brown bread and marmalade bought eight pints of milk and two bags of sugar a large jar of nescafe and two boxes of tea bags for tea/supper had fish and chips , lacquered varnished island worktop before going to bed Helen had some head pains but on the whole was ok for most the day

Friday, May 07, 2010

Helen as her Cat scan done this morning hopefully it will give a all clear and she can return home ,its nearly one and Helen has not had her scan done hopefully it be soon and we will get to know what is wrong with her.

went shopping bought some cooked chicken breast and some ham bread cakes and fruit loaf also some bottled water and some lemon muffins two barbecues chicken pizzas and some chicken tikka masala.
be nice to fill the house full of flowers for Helen's return home but impractical unless your Elton John of course i can understand why he is obsessed with flowers will have to get her some flowers for her hospital bedside .

late afternoon Helen went for her scan i was at my evening job she had seen the doctor and the results where that she had not had a stroke but a very serious strain of migraine ,although she can come home Helen will have to see a neurologist and go see her own G.P for after care, for now see is free to return home. I picked her up just after eight pm we had to go back to the ward after ten o clock in the evening to pick her medication up.

Went to my sisters house for a coffee she has just got two seven week old kittens which are trouble every minute they are not asleep he-he.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Took Helen to A&E last night after i had finished work , she had been having a burning sensation in her head , and the left said of her face felt numb and had ever so slightly drooped, after four hours and just before midnight she was admitted to Hospital, and a bed found for her on the acute ward.They think she has had a mini stroke during the night but wont know for sure until they do more tests and scans take place hopefully by later today.

it was amazing how man people in A&E due to drink and drugs many mentioned when asked what medication they was on said booze and methadone one even turned up with a suitcase he knew he was going to get a bed and no doubt medication, shower food and clean sheets.

I got home this morning at half one and as soon as i walked through the door i was missing her , our rag-doll Harvey was also missing Helen and he knew something was a miss, he as been chatting away constantly like he is asking questions that he needs answers to he is a very loyal cat and will be with Helen and follow her around from room to room most of the day.

something like this is a massive wake up call and you realize what you would miss if its taken away from you , not that i don't realize i do , but it makes you want to walk on beaches see the sunrise and sunset and get closer to nature and to visit the places you always wanted to but never will .

we spend too much time worrying over stuff we cant change that we miss out on the simple pleasures we spend too much money on doing stuff we shouldn't be doing and need spend more time on getting out of the house to pastures new and chilling need to buy a bike rack so we can cycle we have mentioned this in the past and it never happened said we was going to bye a tent and some basic camping equipment this has never happened to buy a barbecue so we can eat alfresco we can do all of these and we haven't , we are just building regrets for when we are older if we have the means to do it then we should just do it.

cant afford to waste anymore time and but stuff off we might not ever get a second chance if we don't do things first time round then its our own fault.

everything i want to do i want to do it with Helen that's why i walked out of my home and marriage to start again, to get things right to make changes in the way i live and the way i do things to have a second chance and a new beginning. Helen basically did the same when she walked out of her house and marriage to be with me so its important that from this day forward we get it right and make changes which are so obvious we should be making.And why is it at times like these you realize that you haven't got enough photos of us as a couple something else i have known for ages and not done anything about

Went back to visit Helen this morning and to drop her some stuff off she needed her mobile charger and her Jim jams and book she is reading will go back at two this afternoon i have took the day of work.

The photo is of the chapel at St James hospital i grew up passing the clock every day going to and from school both primary and secondary.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Three days of painting and finishing of and still not done , need a sink need flooring and still need to put rest of kitchen in, and worktop need a lottery win to finish house off how i we would like it , will get there one day , hopefully .

Back to work tomorrow been going to bed late and getting up early no problem bet tomorrow i cant get my arse out of bed be yawning all day .
Helen as got to finish off the airer put all the flowers and other decorations on it it the attention to detail i don't have.
sure i have seen a shadow out of the corner of my eye , in the house that has twice walked past me today and Helen saw something earlier on spooky

Listening to Usher " Raymond v,s Raymond "

Sunday, May 02, 2010

went to view my nephews house that he has just bought it has seven bedrooms not including the two bedrooms that are in the coach house which is further down the drive, in the 60's it use to be a children s home they is traps in the floors and ceilings in the walls so you can exit to safety in case of a fire it needs decorating through out and will takes ages to get it how they want it.

Have been decorating our kitchen dinner got to do it before the bank holiday is over doing it in white cream and sage

Monday, April 26, 2010

Been busy this weekend stated to put the kitchen in have to wait for the sink so for now just but the work island in it has 2x8oo base units with drawers and the other side has 2x600 wall units surrounded buy oak end panels and worktop not sold oak but it looks ok from Ikea most of the stuff from the old kitchen has been stored in this alone , to fir another three base units and two wall units when funds permit .


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Getting there need to sort out my divorce money so i can pay my builder, lucky he trust me and knows he will get paid with in the next few weeks should be sorted but got to admit its been a pain the consent order should be now void and no further payments should be going through.I got to get some money back for what already has been paid out from my wages.

its great having doors into the garden going to make having barbecue a lot easier and feeding the rabbit less of a hassle just got to make sure the our rag doll cat Harvey doesn't get out , can even get the log burner burning something we havnt done since Rodley

Friday, April 16, 2010

Tonight went to my partners parents house after i finished work we both indulged in having a bath, i haven't had a bath since we left the house in Rodley most of the time when we lived there i used the shower, in the house we have now all we have is the shower, so to have a bath and lay down in hot water was totally relaxing i soaked for about 40 minutes and came out like a lobster ,its a pity we had to go back home to house full of builders debris and dust that should be sorted by this time next week fingers crossed

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Made it back to Whitby the car exhaust is now putting out a load of smoke i need a new back box, a queue was outside the Magpie fish restaurant as there is most of the day , the Frank sutcliffe gallery was also shut which pissed me off as i wanted to get some photos and a DVD and book made it home we stopped of at the FOX & GRAPES for tea was OK for a pup restaurant i had chicken done in a barbecue sauce with pear sponge and custard for desert.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fixed the second light in the kitchen part of our dinner now that the ceiling has been over-boarded and plastered was a bit of messing around to get a long enough hook into the joist to support the light fitting . in the afternoon drove over to Flockton to see Sharon and Steve.From there drove over to the Huntsman Inn just outside of Holmfirth .

Friday, April 09, 2010

Slow progress radiator moved out of the second bay window and a large new double radiator fitted to the opposite wall , its bigger than required so it should put out more than enough heat. Some more plaster boarding and some face brick work was completed to the kitchen bay , hopefully the plasterer is coming today.

All we want to do is get the house back to a home again and stop living in the one room .it makes the days very long i am going to work on a night which is a killer when you have been sat on your backside most of the day. I have had all week off from my main job which has meant no sleeping in have had to be up to let the builders in and have been making teas and coffees all day along with Helen .
Could be this time next week when the door and window arrives have a feeling it might be a few days longer when the builders have cleared up and gone.

Calling in to the county courts in Leeds city centre today hopefully to get a decision on the money regarding the sale of the house and the maintenance order getting squashed.

Suppose to be a nice weekend we both feel like getting of to the coast get some sea air we been breathing plaster and brick dust all this week need some salt air to refresh the lungs and to cap it all its back to work Monday

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...