My mother had full set of dentures when she was in her teens and it must have been a nightmare but she never moaned and coped considerable well bless her hopefully i will do the same.
Saw my Daughter Saturday night she cut my hair after we took her to the Academy Chinese buffet as well as eating from the buffet they have a cook there , she had a squid dish cooked for her , i don't think she liked it.
Today again there is no work due to the snow i phoned up just after seven to a answer phone saying due to adverse weather conditions shut until Friday the 3rd December , as i write this its sunny and bright hehe Moby loves the snow Harvey likes to go out only for a short while.
Helen is getting texts from some weirdo trying to split us up, they are saying she is meeting me on a dinnertime and doing certain things with me , lucky Helen is not biting , but it is upsetting these started the other day and so far she has had around twenty messages saying i work too much that i am having sex that i want out all lies... told Helen i am here AND WITH HER because i want to be if i didn't like stuff OR SITUATIONS WE ARE IN and if i didn't love her , or couldn't cope with life as it is that i would be off.
I have don't it once BEFORE and i walked away from a lot more than what i have now but it never is about material possessions with me its about a life style and being with the person you truly want to be with no matter what , about going to bed and waking up with the person you want
Listening to Kanye West :- My beautiful dark twisted fantasy
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