Tuesday, December 02, 2008

If Helen wants her sterilization operation reversing and her clips removing we will have to pay to go private , the NHS who performed the operation FREE OF CHARGE to sterilize her wont reverse it , its seems so wrong that this country of ours will help you terminate a child more easily then the help you to create one.Helen works and pays her national insurance i work two jobs and pay national insurance and taxes on both incomes and to cap it all we both work for the NHS.

We see people in Hospital from drug over dose and abuse other people receiving treatment for liver damage from years of excessive drinking , from the effects of smoking and at this time of year in particular injury's and deaths from drink driving they all get operations and nursing that they need , which i agree that they should too they still all deserve care and a bed and any operation medication and a full nursing staff to help them live because all live is precious and because hopefully they too at some stage have paid there national insurance contributions so then why does this rule not apply to us.

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