Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Helen which was yesterday i hope you had a great day you are now a big 40 you are still are very much an ANGEL , and you will always be loved by me what ever age you are because my love for you is timeless xxxx.

Helen bought me TomTom one for Christmas so we will never get lost again or go down any roads that we don't want to travel .

The bed we ordered from Argos arrived today its for the spare room. My Son Guy has been sleeping on the floor for the last three times that he has slept over, i will assemble it tonight when i get home and get it made up ready for his next visit.

I have new years day of and the following day too so i break up again Thursday yippee
We have just spent our second Christmas together and will be seeing the start of a new year for the second time , there is no other woman i would rather be with.... she truly rocks my world in this concert called life and i cant thank her enough for her being the remarkable woman that she is.... i couldn't or wouldn't have got this far without her.

We don't yet have a Internet connection at the new house yet so i might not be able to update as often as i would like, what i am going to do is keep a pen written diary again and put it all down on paper like i did in the old days before this blog , we are looking at getting sky in the next few weeks and i will use others computers when i can to keep this up and running.

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3 IN 1

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