Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Helen baked strawberry pies again yum yum did one like a Cornish pastie which i will take to work , she phoned me up totally stressed out that the dogs was not getting on together and where fighting so she had separated them , i phoned dogs4us up and was told them the situation they said that they would take the dog back but that if we would loose £200 from the cost of the purchase price , Helen text me and rang me saying she was worried then asked me to leave work early and

To be honest when i got home and put the dogs together they was getting on fine they was playing and tackling one another and wrestling but where not vicious all in all just being puppies i told Helen that they where only play fighting and they was not hating the sight of each another.

we let them out in the garden and they got on and played together they slept in the dog basket together although molly did get out and slept at the side so we put a blanket down for her next to the basket , they both paper trained and the new dog does not bark she at the moment does not woof which i don't know if its a blessing molly is 17 days older then Ellie the first dog and weighs more than Ellie

It is looking like that they will become the best of Friends when they have settled in together which i reckon will only take a few days at the most.
They did sleep last night together ok until they woke up this morning at half past five Helen bless her did get out of bed to go and feed them then later came back to bed.

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...