Friday, July 18, 2008

Alarm went of at half past six as normal for a week day , i got up washed shaved and brushed my teeth , then went back to the bedroom reset the alarm on my mobile for eight o clock and got back into bed , i snuggled up to Helen and went back to sleep could have stayed there until dinner time no problem and fcuk work altogether.

I got into work at eight forty went to Tesco Express which is just around the corner from the office i work in , did two lines on the National lottery for this Saturday's draw and bought a four pack of current t-cakes to toast for breakfast ,When got to my desk checked my Private emails that was after after i had made a coffee and toasted a current t-cake which i had with marmalade on , i sat at my PC and read a few other peoples blogs that i regular read on a day to day basis and chilled because:- Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right.. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. (this was extracted from a email Helen had forwarded on to me........and are not my own words but i do agree with what it says) .

I went home at dinner time to visit Helen had been to the vets with Ellie and she had been given a injection of antibiotics and some tablets and should have no lasting effects and be a.o.k ,whilst Helen was there she looked at another set of westies pups and wants more then anything to get a play mate for Ellie i went in my lunch to go view the dogs , obviously we are picking the new pup up next Friday she is eight weeks old and will be called at this early stage Molly but as we know that could change Helen paid the fifty pound deposit which holds the dog a week for us they marked its belly with a x in permanent marker pen to signify its been sold they are already micro chipped and we have the chips number so we know when we go back to collect her that we know we have the right dog.
There is no more Ugo's at Tesco express at the moment every one in the office is eating them well a few of us have been indulging in them resulting in they have all been sold out supply and demand bet when they a restocked they are no longer on offer.

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 SUNDAY -  Went over to a school in Huddersfield for a Spiritual and well being event you can buy various spiritual objects tarot cards ince...