Saturday, May 31, 2008

went over to Ikea Helen bought some more plants and another three wicker baskets for the coffee table a white net canopy to suspend over the bed head a solid wood chopping board and a throw for penny to chill out on in the living room , had hot dog coke and a chocolate doughnut once we got through the checkout a lorry had broken down so getting out was a nightmare dropped Helen at house the went to work.

went to work alone Helen full of cold and flu like symptoms she ain't well at all which means i only work until one o clock after finishing work i walked into town i had to go to pay the mortgage on the house i left my wife and kids in bought a Nike bag to replace the bag i bought cheap false economics went to Boots the chemists bought some simple linctus and Sudafed for Helen then went home went to find a soft furnishing shop Denhelm in Bradford after driving around for ages we found it just before closing time , Helen bought six padded seat cushions for the dining table chairs we went back to Ikea to pick up a Aspelund three door wardrobe for the spare bedroom had three miss calls that i noticed it was my son Guy he wanted to know if he could sleep again i told him that i was at working in the morning till one again and if he stayed Helen would be home to look after him but that she was poorly and he was to let her sleep not that he be up before midday anyway so he agreed so after dropping the wardrobe of we picked my son up got fish and chips on the way home for supper.

Finished work at one got home assembled the wardrobe and Helen rearranged the bedroom around and it looks a lot better i moved all my clothes into newly built wardrobes and Helen has now got the triple wardrobe in our bedroom and at long last she can organize her clothes and get them on hangers i also put up the canopy over the bed head whilst Helen baked a strawberry pie she had been promising for ages she would have ago at baking one for me i told her my mum use to make them and once it was cooked between Guy and me it must have only lasted a hour we had it with ice cream it was just too nice after eating all the pie (unfortunately Helen did not get any oops sorry) and it was has good as i remembered i have not had strawberry pie in over 35 years thank you Helen .... we dropped Guy off home at around half seven after giving him our DVD player which is more or less brand new because he had mentioned the one he has in his bedroom no longer works he does spend ages watching films in his room so i felt it was right that he took ours.
Went to the Polash Indian restaurant at Pudsey for supper Helen had her usual extra hot chicken korma and i had chicken Rogan josh.

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...