Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Have bought the 2.0L Renault Laguna for £600 from my work mate although i have not give him the cash he is prepared to wait until i get the endowment money which should be this week fingers crossed it has 80000 miles on the clock and i have already insured it third party fire and theft at a cost of £421.

Since i have been married i have been a named driver on the ex's insurance so i am starting from scratch anyway no point moaning on about the cost of motoring either got to payor its buses for life.Own motor again is a nice thought i have always used the family car but not through the week use to hate waiting for the bus home it was always hit and miss.

I should be mobile by Thursday depending on how fast they send the insurance documents so i can tax the car its mot until July by then i should have traded it in for something newer hopefully.

Had to take the leather jacket back to River Island they had left a security tag inside the pocket every time i would have been shopping i would have set the alarms off so better to get it taken off.
Ellie's knees both out in bruises from the ice skating episode on Friday we have been asked to go to the ice rink on Sunday after work i don't think we should bother if she hurts her knees again she would be suffering all over again she also hurt her back and some how strained her stomach muscles. She as not paid her mobile phone bill so she as been cut of till she settles the amount owing she can receive texts and calls so its not too bad hopefully it will be paid on Thursday so we will hopefully both be mobile again.

My Sisters cat Coco died as its liver and kidneys was shutting slowly down and they finally stopped working altogether it died at home and she was 15 years old and both my sister and her Husband where both gutted.
It use to sleep on the bottom of the z-bed on my feet when i use to sleep in the downstairs back room i was living there during the split with my wife.

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