Monday, September 25, 2023


 FRIDAY - Looking forward to the weekend I love driving home on Saturday mornings specially when I an only working Monday and Tuesday next week a two day a week suits me fine I have more time off in October .

SATURDAY - Helen has readings to do tonight in Elland I am driving her there I will wait in the car I have the full first five "Rise Of The Footsoldier " to watch plus the first episode of the 'Continental " so I aint going to be bored any time soon  . I will also take juice with me and a back up battery pack for the phone just in case .Started to play Gta 5 it looks good the first few times its getting use to the controller and switching characters.I wonder how good the new Gta 6 will be its been over ten years in the making and its going to be 2025 before its released I  might have finished Gta five by then .I think I have played this before but never finished it .Like most games .I get bored .

Friday, September 22, 2023


THURSDAY - We did a psychic investigation at my nephews house last Sunday evening and this photograph was taken randomly during the night it was on the stair way up to the bedrooms on the first floor .The photo as not been edited or altered in any way . The only thing done to it was cropped and made larger it is not fake and when it was taken obviously it was not seen . It was taken on a Samsung A 23 phone , so make of it what you wish but it is genuine if anyone as any ideas let me know strange things have occurred in this house over the years but not many incidents have happened its not ongoing with incidents and the house does not feel negative .At the moment it is empty waiting for new tenants to move in , hopefully they have happy times and experience nothing but love and happiness .

FRIDAY - This week I have bought a new iPhone pro max screen protector and a new case similar to what I have got but all black . I also bought two xbox one games Gta 5 and Sine Mora Ex I am still waiting for Gta to arrive .Helen bought a new whistling Le creuset kettle and a transgender unit for the fire it stopped producing the smoke effect it is working again ready for autumn and winter nights .

Monday, September 18, 2023


 SATURDAY - Finished work drove home in the fog at 3.00 a.m woke up at 06.30 a.m after three hours sleep dropped Helen off at her friends house they had readings to do in Goole .

I went to Asda bought some milk a chocolate fudge cake and some pouring cream I am doing nothing I am way too tired if I fall asleep on the sofa so be it .

Saturday evening after tea I decided to soak in the bath I think I have had only five baths in the last ten years as I always shower soaking in the bath is boring after ten minutes at a push I have had enough , and I always have a shower afterwards .

SUNDAY - Bought two folding camping chairs from Go Outdoors a tenner each .We needed them later that night we was going to visit my Nephews house at Greengates Bradford to seek out spirits do an investigation with rempods and spirit boxes .The house dates back to 1870 they have witnessed certain spooky occurrences over the years the house is rented out but the tenants moved out so it was completely empty .On the way we stopped at McDonalds not impressed its my least favorite fast food outlet apart from the milkshakes the rest of the food is crap .

We got back home just after one a.m stopping off at the local garage to get a child jam pork pie and some cheese and jalapeƱo crisps a great end to the Monday morning .

Friday, September 15, 2023


 TUESDAY - Cant believe how warm the other fridge was its any wonder that we didn't get food poisoning it was worse because the weather was hot not having ice cold drinks sucks who wants warm Coca Cola or cider or milk on their cereal its so cool now the change is mega back to being cool .

We bought more items to go in the fridge and freezer as we threw everything out Helen stocked up on salad items bought more fried chicken pieces and fresh clementine juice another item that's best served ice cold .Its amazing how something like a fridge improves every day life that we just take for granted until it breaks down and food and drinks get warm.

The dryer is really good a lot better than what we had before now its coming up to autumn drying clothes outside won't be possible .

THURSDAY - Cooked fresh pork sausages from the farm shop for breakfast with chilli and tomato chutney in a freshly baked bread cake .

Nothing great has happened life is work and sleep with taking the dogs out for their walks .

NOT WANTING - The new iPhone 15 pro max 

LISTENING TO - "Thirty Seconds to Mars " latest offering well worth a listen .

WATCHING - The film "Jules" .

READING - James Patterson "The Shadow" so far a great read .

Monday, September 11, 2023


 SATURDAY - In the blistering morning sun I washed the car at least it dried fast it was way too warm the hottest day so far and its September unbelievable Indian summers are the best .

Saying that I took Helen to Meanwood to do some reading she was going to be around three to four hours I was waiting in the car it was a sweat box total torture it was beyond hot no wonder dogs die in hot cars I went to a local shop it wa sone I use to go to years ago they did the best ham sandwiches in poppy seeded bread cakes with mustard of course that was over fifty years ago its changed hands I bought a Magnum ice cream and a ice cold cherry coke .Driving home it was air con all the way .

SUNDAY - The Samsung fridge freezer arrived and the Hotpoint condenser dryer they placed them in the rooms had to wait a few hours for the fridge before turning it on .I had to change the the hinges on the doors to the left which was a slight pain but went ok .

All I can say is I have cold cider again ice cold cider , the milk ice cold after the last couple of weeks its nice to have a fully functioning fridge .

Went to Asda to stock up on things for the fridge we threw everything out with the old fridge not running cold we still need a few other items mainly sauces and condiments bought cider , milk and coke .

Sunday night dropped Helen of at Bolsover Chesterfield she had more readings to do at least it was cooler and the sun was setting as we got there .

As always the weekend flew by even though I spent seven hours of it sat in a car at Bolsover I did go for a short walk and snapped a picture of the castle which was a 17th century aristocratic retreat built starting in 1612 .

Saturday, September 09, 2023


 SUNDAY - The day was warmer than w have had over the last few weeks the sun was out we decided to stay in and have. barbecue .I went out to get charcoal and meat bought beef kebabs , thin sliced steak , lamb chops , chicken and sausages I also bought Helen some larger and a bottle of lime I bought some Irish cider also I got some salad stuff baking potatoes and bread cakes all set .

THURSDAY - Went to Currys Pc World bought a new fridge freezer its a 70/30 so we have more fridge space which suits us it also has a water dispenser so we have no need to use the filter box that we have residing in the fridge which takes up half a shelve .Also bought a condenser Hotpoint dryer both of the ones we have where new when we moved into the house just before covid lockdown started a week later .

They are both getting delivered this Sunday extra cold cider its been a while since it was icy cold hopefully the two new items last longer than a couple of years this time I have extended warranties on them both .

Sunday, September 03, 2023


 FRIDAY - Very foggy this morning out waling the dogs the road we use is blocked off making going to the centre of Holmfirth or our local farm shop having to detour not impressed the road will be closed through the week until the safety work speed ramps are completed could be a few weeks.

I go back to work tonight for one shift then its the weekend a bit shit but the shortest of weeks I aint complaining .

SATURDAY - Went out in the afternoon went to Aldi bought two curries from the fresh ready meal section we had the same the other week also bought chapattis and popadoms the curries are for two people there is a decent amount of chicken in them , but we have one each because as we like different ones but even so they are still good value but if you eat it all double the calories  .

Went went to Costa there was no Starbucks I had a steak Mexican sandwich Helen a bean and cheese and a slice of banana and pecan cake to drink she doesn't like coffee she choose a  apple and rhubarb drink with ice ,  I had a salted caramel frappe with a shot of coffee and cream very nice just over £18 .

Got home to burn a few calories I cut the lawns both front and back both to together must only ad up to 18 square foot but did it before tea which we had around seven .

Friday, September 01, 2023


 THURSDAY - Set off to visit Lancaster Castle we went the scenic route and it was very scenic with winding country lanes passing beautiful English cottages meadows sheep grazing at the Side of the road and rivers and bridges .

We arrived at the castle mid afternoon parked near the castle entrance and walked up the cobble road to the portcullis the entrance fee off £8 was waived and we went in the courtyard the Pendle witches where held here before being hanged a few miles away .

Helen was doing some readings at Pendle inn with her friend Julie we had tea there we both had fish and chips they where very nice the food was delivered very prompt at a reasonable price alert eating we went to find the church grave yard for one of the so called witches at St ,Marys church a few miles away and the statue of Alice Nutter at RoughLee a couple of miles further on although we had to park up and walk as the road was closed due to stone wall repairs near the water fall and river .

Gods eye symbol is below the clock and the date at the left hand side reads 1712 other parts of the church are older .

Helen finished her reading just after half past nine I had a pint of cider in the bar area we got home just after midnight it was very foggy as we got into Holmfirth .I ma back at work tomorrow for one shift before the weekend going to the coast was mentioned but looks like the weather is changing summer might be over until next year .

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...