Friday, February 21, 2020


SUNDAY- Liam Helen's youngest son cane round with his girlfriend Somiya she was very petite they had a late Sunday lunch with us we did not know they where coming it was totally unplanned roast pork shoulder with sweet potatoes and Yorkshire puddings ,carrot and swede  .

MONDAY - Break up this coming Friday for another nine days annual leave and I can't wait .The amount of  people either that are on sick or holiday is stressful and we don't have the staff to cover the available shifts which is not good.

TUESDAY - Food shopping again I bought a packet of chicken Kievs and fired chicken thighs and drum sticks as well as chicken baltic pasties and a massive meatball pizza keep us going the rest of the week .

WEDNESDAY - House buying and selling property is all paperwork and waiting for solicitors and estate agents to get their shit together , as our future as always is in the hands of others we have dead lines and things need to happen . we have sent a constant stream of emails which helps with transferring documents across instead of posting them or hand delivering them . We have also made numerous phone calls but hopefully it will all pay off .

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 THURSDAY - Highlight of today was cooking Ikea meatballs with fires peas and Ikea gravy I also baked some baguettes I had a pear cider to g...