Sunday, August 02, 2015


Last day at work i am off for a whole sixteen days and i cant wait i am going to chill out and do nothing much maybe some painting a little bit of gardening , walking the dog and some exploring other than that nowt.
TFIF and it's sunny its the best day so far this week i was digging over the garden and the sun was hot  i was sweating .

It's great being back online i have set up a standing order on Internet banking for my monthly ground rent so all the bill payments come out on the first of every month then whats left is mine to spend on food and other essential items like pear cider and food , and of course petrol or gas to work.

Spent the first half hour paying bills and setting up standing orders that i did not do yesterday seeing as it was the first day in the month . I also paid the first £500 to my sister which means that there is only four more payments to go until my wage is mine which will be just in time for Christmas .

As of yet i have not heard anything from the taxman concerning my rebate which would help me purchase a few things for the home that i saw in the supermarket today a cutlery set i have been looking for a real heavy weight set and i seem to have found it which is a godsend .

Been hard at it in the garden yet again been having a dig and rake for removing stones and rocks from the area that we have designated as a flower and planting area its around twenty five foot long and a few feet wide with the corners at forty five degrees  it as took a lot of digging to get it half decent and 250 litres of compost which might go to another 125 litres to finish it off.

Listening to - The Cure

Watching - Mr Robot

Wanting - Hotter weather

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