Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Quality  grass seed is so expensive weed free guaranteed we bought enough to do 150m square the amount we sowed should keep Wimbledon tennis courts and Wembley green for the next few years .
Helen reckons we will see growth in the next six days ,  i am less optimistic i think it will be in weeks rather than days but time will tell who is right .What we need is rain and sun.

Be Thursday tomorrow all down hill until work on Monday be here before i know it , its like having a long weekend off , i did the lottery today if i don't do it i have no chance of packing work in .

Went to the local council tip i had some paving slabs and Yorkshire stone to take it took three trips i did not want to over load the car the tip is only fifteen minutes drive away but its a hour and half out of the day.

So far this two weeks i have either been shovelling , digging or raking either soil ,  muck or gravel i have had enough of wheel barrows picks and spades. Now all i want to do now is to water the plants , shrubs and bushes and if i am lucky to mower  the grass and hopefully my gardening days are now over .

George our Tom cat is settled in he is out most of the night he was terrorising next doors birds their cage was hanging in the garden and George was in hunting mode .

Pip our Jack Russell as also settled in she is out sunbathing most days she is a proper lazy gal .

Listening to America - Back Pages.

Watching - 6 Way To Die.

Eating - Jacket spud with chilli and cheese.

Wanting - More Pear cider .

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...