Saturday, July 25, 2015


I really do like living in the Can there is a joy of freedom and  it is way  better than I ever thought it would be , also  its very spacious we have plenty of room and it is easy to keep clean and its all ideally laid out and it's all on the one level .

The decking is big enough although i have to admit if was putting the decking on to the side i would have done it another two yards longer , but like the rest of the dwelling it is more than adequate .

We have loads of outdoor plants with room for loads more for shrubs bushes and other flowers i would like a bit doing in the style of a meadow garden and i would like  a better arch way than the one we have now but that's not a major rush .

I would honestly recommend this type of dwelling to anyone there is no real drawbacks who can add on porches conservatory extensions just like a regular dwelling including greenhouses sheds ponds and garages even famous people have them .

All in all we are settled our belongings are all  housed if not exactly placed and we left really nothing behind this time we moved home  not like last time when  we left a fridge freezer , clothes dryers , two leather sofas a  pressure washer which would have been handy here and a expensive garden house ,  plus wrought iron garden furniture and some quite expensive plants ,but  this time it was all moved and transported to our new abode.

it has been a week and we have done so much we went back to the cottage today to clean it that is the last time we will set foot in the place we left the keys in the mail box .

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