Tuesday, July 14, 2015



Don't have to go to my own bank for a bankers draught , i can go to any branch which has saved me time and the hassle of driving to Leeds on my day  off , which is a mega blessing .It was weird walking out of the bank with bits of paper worth £37,000 all i wanted to do was get home after going to a Supermarket for meatballs and salsa .
Got the money home safely we hand it over tomorrow just after High Noon.

Today is grey with risk of rain i don't think it is going to change much all week which will make moving house a pain although Saturday is down for sunshine so fingers crossed , i reckon we will be moving belongings all week what we can get in to the car.
 I guess we can and will take over items like  the canvas blue Ikea bags and the shrink wrap bags i have one large and one medium for my clothes Helen as around six large and four medium , which alone might take a few trips but never mind hopefully its out last move unless we win the lottery then i guess this is it.

Went  over  this afternoon to York with Helen and  Erin  to see the psychic medium Debra Chalmers this will be the third time we have been to see her we have already seen her  once before in York and once in Richmond when she had left her £50k a year paid job to go on the road full time .

We go over at half past twelve hopefully  to seal the deal on the static home we will hand over the bankers draught and hopefully get the keys to the can if they was to ask for more cash originally they was asking for £50k then we are walking away , and i will buy a camper van not to live in just for weekends days off and holidays .
If it all goes through we will be moving some clothes , cleaning stuff , pots , pans , and maybe some plants and of course Ethel this will be her sixth home .

Ethel is a Gargoyle i bought the day my Mum died and it was named after her , i think she would have a good laugh if she knew .

We bought this today at half past twelve we took the keys we have been cleaning it inside and out its been a hard day but enjoyable i also did three trips in the car taking smaller stuff over mainly books ornaments and clothes .
We hope to be fully moved in by this Saturday but  it might be a couple of weeks before we are back online ouch . thank fcuk for tethering .

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