Thursday, July 30, 2015


Decided i hate gardening i have been digging over the borders that Helen marked out and it is hard work like blisters and back ache hard work .
I love flowers and grasses and i don't mind watering them i want to have a wild meadow garden that's natural with no predetermine pattern no neat rows just a wild mixture of various seeds.
I have already got some wild poppy seeds from what was growing in the cornfield i need to dry them out .

Two days at work then sixteen days off work and i cant wait might paint the out building that is concrete blocks with cream coloured masonry paint , i also need to clean the gutters out as the are full of twigs and leaves , will also need to empty the water butts.
I have five bottles of pear Koppaberg in the fridge which i have not touched i am saving them for my days off .

We now have the Internet back on as well as our phone land line it was supposed to be yesterday but it was a day late , or a few hours late as it was on early this morning  , don't think i could permanently be off line .Our connection seems slower but hopefully this will improve as we only went live today.

I hope the weather changes for the following two weeks if it is anything like this morning it is going to be a washout the photo below shows our great British summertime ,

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Already found a nice walk passing a very pretty sight of wild red poppies in a field of golden wheat across this field and on a bit further i have been told you turn right and come to a canal i will go further tomorrow if it is fine .

A view of Emley moor tv mast , it is a landmark that can be seen for miles and is visible from Holmfirth where we lived of course at night it as red lights that makes it as visible in the night than in the day  I was not as near as the photo suggests i zoomed in on my iPhone .

Received the amplifier i bought of eBay i collected it yesterday when we went to the cottage to clean although i did change my address on eBay , they resent it to the old address luckily i was there to collect it .

Bought a new longer shower hose for the shower in our bathroom it is metal rather than plastic we was contemplating getting a new shower head but decided to wait .
George has gone out for the first time we let him out late afternoon it was raining we hope he returns safely fingers crossed he does not stray too far. Pip is being a mother hen and is constantly looking out of the widow for his safe return .

Saturday, July 25, 2015


I really do like living in the Can there is a joy of freedom and  it is way  better than I ever thought it would be , also  its very spacious we have plenty of room and it is easy to keep clean and its all ideally laid out and it's all on the one level .

The decking is big enough although i have to admit if was putting the decking on to the side i would have done it another two yards longer , but like the rest of the dwelling it is more than adequate .

We have loads of outdoor plants with room for loads more for shrubs bushes and other flowers i would like a bit doing in the style of a meadow garden and i would like  a better arch way than the one we have now but that's not a major rush .

I would honestly recommend this type of dwelling to anyone there is no real drawbacks who can add on porches conservatory extensions just like a regular dwelling including greenhouses sheds ponds and garages even famous people have them .

All in all we are settled our belongings are all  housed if not exactly placed and we left really nothing behind this time we moved home  not like last time when  we left a fridge freezer , clothes dryers , two leather sofas a  pressure washer which would have been handy here and a expensive garden house ,  plus wrought iron garden furniture and some quite expensive plants ,but  this time it was all moved and transported to our new abode.

it has been a week and we have done so much we went back to the cottage today to clean it that is the last time we will set foot in the place we left the keys in the mail box .

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


It takes me half a hour to drive to and from work , I use the M1 motorway for most of the way they are installing a smart motorway and the speed limit is capped at fifty , I can quite happy live with a 30 minute drive . It used to take thirty minutes messing around , with catching buses to work when I lived in Leeds.

George our cat was locked in our bedroom whilst we had the door open , so he couldn't exit the Can as we don't want to let him out until he is settled in his surroundings , We left him longer than we should as we found a damp patch on the bedding which was nothing to do with me  ,  he had wee'd on the bed which included the throw , duvet cover , and duvet , we slept in the spare bedroom until the washed duvet dries.

I am working the rest of this week and then next week then I have two weeks annual leave we hope to have a barbecue.

I have sent my application form to the Inland Revenue and Customs for a tax rebate as I paid 18k tax when I got my money through , which hopefully was two and a half grand too much fingers crossed  it's for more but anything back would be greatly appreciated , it is coming via a cheque, I will buy a chest freezer and dryer or at least the clothes dryer.

New things bought for the Can and its grounds , a 15m hose pipe and connector to extend the original hose pipe  it now goes completely around the Can which is 38 foot by 12 foot .
Garden spade hand trowel and fork , table runner and chair for the dining table , somebody battery operated l.e.d lights for the twigs inside and some solar powered lights for the bush in the garden .
Some bird feeders nuts and fat balls and a couple of plants .
Need our log burner from Helens Dads garage bringing over and a couple of sun loungers and a nice fire pit at some stage we like a pond either with goldfish in or just with plants and a fountain .

Really need for the phone and Internet connecting on the coming 29th it's hard tethering when it's a weak signal on my phone.

Monday, July 20, 2015


Saturday was hectic we got the horse box to move our belongings thanks to our good friend Charlie.
All of the remaining items went into the back of the horse transporter it took just over a hour I disassembled the bed and wardrobes we left Pip and George in the cottage which was stressing for them with us and our belongings gone .
It all went smoothly after just under a hour our furniture and stuff was in the Can we just needed to sort and place stuff where we wanted them.
Erin helped us we finished early evening and went to the Sovereign inn for food and drink .

Went to
PC World  bought a 2 meter ariel lead for the TV , we now have channels to view no internet using iPhone as a hotspot.
Helens  parents visited us they were both impressed with what we have bought they now want a Can of there own.
The central heating works fine , the washing machine runs silent and  there is more than enough electric sockets and the shower is powerful the cat and dog have settled in fine George is confined to barracks for the time being.
All in all we are happy we have the hanging baskets up bird feeders hanging and Ethel my gargoyle sat on the decking. So we are in , up and running and are here to stay .

Friday, July 17, 2015


Well only two more nights in the cottage two more nights in Holmfirth .I am going to miss the street and the people and the beautiful landscape and reservoirs , will miss driving over to Uppermill and dining at the Limekiln for breakfast although its that good i cant see use never going there again , and of course we will definitely  be going to Compo,s again for fish and chips because they are that good We still need to visit the vine yard and cider making factory which are both located in Holmfirth they are both  still on the list for things to do , and of course we will be coming back to visit friends we have made in the two years we have been here.

We went over to the Can with more belongings this morning i made another two trips before going to work we now have more stuff in the can then we do have in the cottage , i also took insurance out to cover building and contents , so we won't be left homeless should any disaster fall.

We both want it to be Saturday and to have all our stuff moved in unpacked and to spend time chilling we also need to explore our new surrounding and find out about things near by .

The photo was taken last Sunday evening on a walk not far from where we live .

Watching - Mr Robot episode four.

Listening to - various bands Ramones to Paul simon on the iPod classic .

Thursday, July 16, 2015


We went over to the Can and moved all the furniture that was left behind which included a sofa bed and two reclining chairs that did not match plus a coffee table and a dining table and four dining chairs , they was being collected by a charity shop Sue Ryder's , we also put out a single bed for collection .

We did some more cleaning it was rushed because i was back at work and had to be back at the cottage to get changed and shaved , we have done ok over the last couple of days and the Can is looking 100% better than what it did on Tuesday when we took ownership.

Saturday we move in proper fingers crossed when George cat our and Pip our dog are there with us then we will be moved in for good and left the cottage for good .

The broadband an phone will be on no sooner than the 29th of July fingers crossed its no later.

The kitchen is looking good the washing machine and cooker fridge and freezer was included in the sale  , the rest is our stuff .

Tuesday, July 14, 2015



Don't have to go to my own bank for a bankers draught , i can go to any branch which has saved me time and the hassle of driving to Leeds on my day  off , which is a mega blessing .It was weird walking out of the bank with bits of paper worth £37,000 all i wanted to do was get home after going to a Supermarket for meatballs and salsa .
Got the money home safely we hand it over tomorrow just after High Noon.

Today is grey with risk of rain i don't think it is going to change much all week which will make moving house a pain although Saturday is down for sunshine so fingers crossed , i reckon we will be moving belongings all week what we can get in to the car.
 I guess we can and will take over items like  the canvas blue Ikea bags and the shrink wrap bags i have one large and one medium for my clothes Helen as around six large and four medium , which alone might take a few trips but never mind hopefully its out last move unless we win the lottery then i guess this is it.

Went  over  this afternoon to York with Helen and  Erin  to see the psychic medium Debra Chalmers this will be the third time we have been to see her we have already seen her  once before in York and once in Richmond when she had left her £50k a year paid job to go on the road full time .

We go over at half past twelve hopefully  to seal the deal on the static home we will hand over the bankers draught and hopefully get the keys to the can if they was to ask for more cash originally they was asking for £50k then we are walking away , and i will buy a camper van not to live in just for weekends days off and holidays .
If it all goes through we will be moving some clothes , cleaning stuff , pots , pans , and maybe some plants and of course Ethel this will be her sixth home .

Ethel is a Gargoyle i bought the day my Mum died and it was named after her , i think she would have a good laugh if she knew .

We bought this today at half past twelve we took the keys we have been cleaning it inside and out its been a hard day but enjoyable i also did three trips in the car taking smaller stuff over mainly books ornaments and clothes .
We hope to be fully moved in by this Saturday but  it might be a couple of weeks before we are back online ouch . thank fcuk for tethering .

Sunday, July 12, 2015


I now have over 9300 songs on my iPod classic and over 600 albums 80 gb full half way over 27 days continuous play back its a ridicules amount of music to listen to but excellent when its kept on shuffle.

Watching " Mr Robot " new tv series i have the first three episode to watch just finished the pilot and its brilliant if you like computers and hackers story lines the does have a twist and is well worth watching in my opinion.

Three days countdown until we buy and are new owners of  the Can Tuesday is coming fast today i phoned up our Internet and phone provider to tell them our moving to a new address hopefully because there is a phone line already installed it should be straight forward .
Tomorrow i will go to my bank and get a bankers draught for £37000 to pay for the static home .
Most of the things upstairs are packed up ready to move out wagons roll.



Working to day then i have four days off, Tuesday being D-Day when we hand over money for the park home , static home , caravan ,  or shed anything else you want to call it , think i will refer to it as the "Can".

We will start to move our belongings on the first day we owing and get the keys even if its only plants and clothes and a few other smaller  items its about a twenty minute drive from our house that we are renting now .

Went in to the centre of Huddersfield we want to go to Wilkinson's a kind of superstore that sells all household goods from the garden to the bedroom etc we bought a new pedal bin bin bread bin and a few other items . We also bought the vacuum sealed clear through storage bags that you fill attach to the vacuum and shrink wrap a pound a bag  brilliant .
After we went through the city centre not anywhere as good as Leeds there was loads of people busking and a few performers doing various things .

The two in black was getting quite a lot of attention you can You Tube to see how it's done which kind of spoils it .

The picture below shows what we saw when coming out Wilkinson's after fifty yards or so it made us laugh when intact it's disgusting , hope this does not catch on the  thing is for the life of me when i went back i couldn't remember which was my piece of gum.

Thursday, July 09, 2015


All set for Tuesday i need £3500 in cash to pay the buyers fee to the land owners which is ten percent of the asking price , which is £35,000 which leaves me to get a bankers draught for £33500 for the buying of the static home.

So £37,000 pounds will be leaving my bank account I'll  be sad to see it go very sad intact i will  be in tears , but on the positive side  i will have a dwelling to live in for for only £67 ground rent each month which is still manageable when i eventually retire in years to come. I have to look at the big picture and not just the present time .

It will be a new start i am looking forward to be a property owner regardless it will be home , if your sat in a chair on your laptop what does it matter how big the room is if your a sleep in bed it does not matter how big the bedroom is ,or if in the shower how big the bathroom is , we will have more space than we have now .

Its been two years this will be our last summer in the cottage and it is to be our last summer in Holmfirth its been a great twenty four months  i have loved living here i am glad we did but as good as it has been we will start packing and moving out next week.

I have Monday and Tuesday off annual leave from work and i have two weeks booked for the first fortnight in August .

Helen is excited i never thought she would get giddy about living in a shed be it a tin one , i will take some photos and post them middle of next week , a new chapter is start still Rollin Bye  .

Wednesday, July 08, 2015



Looks like we will be paying  for the park home next Tuesday all being well .We are going to be struggling for the first five months as i will be paying monies back that i have had to borrow to fund the purchase  , but after this period  then we will be living rent free and that will be by  December of this year a terrific Christmas present if nothing else.

I have now 9013 songs on my iPod classic i doubt i want any more on its over half filled i guess 160gb of music is a lot of albums i might put some film on to see the quality of playback.

Started watching The Walking Dead again still on  season five i have finished watching episode 4 , i have had two days of this week i i am back to work tomorrow which is Wednesday which is good news as it's already mid week.

The two days i have had off this week have not been great weather wise so have literally done nothing but a bit of food shopping .

Guess what its raining again , took Pip out yesterday morning and George our ginger Tom cat followed us for the whole of the walk , playfully running along with Pip luckily no other dogs were present . It was quite nice seeing them run and play they get on fine Pip is great with all cats and as never gone for or attacked another cat .

I go back to work today  , i will drop Helen of at her parents house for the day she also takes Pip with her , we need to give the landlady a months notice if we are getting the static home Tuesday which is going to be awkward , i think she will have trouble renting it usually when people leave its a few months before it is rented out again , i think she will have trouble getting someone to stay in it longer than a couple of years .

We moved in 9th of August 2013 and it as been nice in summer but dark , cold and bleak in winter .
its no good for S.A.D sufferers .Helen as found it hard going at times the best thing is the people on our street are all really close friends which goes without saying we would have never known had we not moved .This time next week hopefully we will be property owners once again which in itself is a nice thought .
Since me and Helen have been together this will be our sixth move maybe this will be the last one , but never say never.

Monday, July 06, 2015


This time next week we should be owners of a 40 foot static home it is in the middle of its plot and there is space at either side , we also have a wooden deck to the side with enough space for a table chairs and a sun lounger and barbecue  there is also outside lighting .Outbuildings which will house  a chest freezer there is also part of it it converted to use as a office which will be ideal for Helen it is all wired up and is also alarmed .
Its as two bedrooms an en suite bathroom and shower and separate toilet as you come in through the side door .
It will cost me all my savings and some i have to borrow and will need to pay it back at £500 a month for five months then i will see the difference from having no rent to pay so by December i be better off,

Helen and i went out with Erin ,and Charlie  to  the Fire and Ice restaurant at Honley  , really nice deco we had ciders and lager's , i had lamb kebabs to start Helen had breaded mushrooms for main i ordered the ultimate burger  apart from the beef it contained pulled pork and brisket and onion rings it also came with fries it was too much i left half the burger and took it home for Pip .Helen and Erin had steak Charlie Plaice which was just the fish no batter .

Erin stayed over on the couch it was after half past one when we got to bed this morning i had the iPod connected to the sounder and we was drinking and talking till we all had enough and was ready for bed .
Was up and showered for half past eight and we was all at the Limekiln for breakfast believe or not all i had was coffee toast and marmalade .We sat on the veranda over looking the canal we had half hour wait for our food but we was in no rush.

After breakfast we went to Hope and Castleton we went to an underground cave called the Devils Arse the rope makers use dot live inside the cave years ago its cold and wet with constant drips falling from the ceiling .

The entrance to the cave they have loads of bats and rooks flying around in winter the cave is actually warmer than the outside temperature in summer it feels cool and further you go inside the temperature drops even further .

Passed these trees on the way back to the car i snapped them with my iPhone i really like the photo when i saw it on my computer .
They would really look nice in our new garden at the static home that we buying  on Friday pictures to follow Friday /

Friday, July 03, 2015


Yesterday had to be the hottest day of the year so far it was hotter than Rio or so it said on Facebook so it must be true .

I have sixty gig of music on my iPod nearly 6000 songs i doubt i will fill it any time soon i can continuously play a different song  for the next seventeen days  not that i am claiming that the battery would last that long i guess i could have bought a new  iPod touch but there is something about the classic being discontinued that as an appeal about it .

Order a Topping TPNX1 headphone amplifier to go with my iPod classic and phone and hopefully it will also be good for the mac book and iPad .

Its quarter to ten in the morning Helen is still in bed i have showered , washed last nights pots had two cups of coffee done some online payments caught up on friends on Facebook and now deciding to either have another coffee or take Pip out i think  i will take the dog out i, i need to get some Piriton hay fever tablets i used the last two yesterday , the hot weather continues i have nest Monday and Tuesday off work i am supposed to be going to the Hospital but i am thinking of cancelling it as i don't see the point .
It was the hottest day of the year by far at Wimbledon it reached forty one degrees on centre court.

Thursday rolled in to Friday woke up to glorious sunshine it was flooding the bedroom just after eight pm i showered and went down stairs i tok some hay fever tablets its going to be another scorcher .
The iPod classic as over five  hundred albums on it should have bought one years ago new ,  i am happy that  i eventually purchased one of eBay and that its in excellent condition.
Saturday we are off drinking hopefully starting mid afternoon and getting something to eat along the way .
We are also considering buying another static home on the same site we was looking at a few weeks ago its a lot less money and as large garden areas to the both sides and to the front and also outbuilding one being a office with pvc windows and doors so fingers crossed it will leave me skint bought rent free for the restive my life .

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...