Saturday, February 14, 2015


Last two days  Monday and Tuesday i  have been working twelve hour shifts. I get up at eight leave at half past after downing a coffee to drive to Leeds to start at ten i arrive home just after eleven at night .By which time i just want food and bed .

Wednesday  i just did  my normal hours which  seemed like a breeze at least if i have to move my car it will be only the once , and not like three times like i did yesterday at around went minutes there and back its a hour lost plus its a pain in the arse , things you do to earn money beggars belief.

Whilst i have been at work over the last two days the cat from under the bed as been coming down stairs to see Helen and the dog, so at least he is coming out of his shell a little bit which is great news .
I worked Thursday  twelve hour shift and Friday another twelve hours  tiring as it is its no good moaning you don't earn enough money and refusing to work overtime at time and a half , i will have forty hours in .That's an extra weeks wage .

Pissed Helen off big time  they have asked me to bomb a ward or in technical terms hpv which is hydrogen peroxide vapour this coming Sunday it will take from twelve o clock midday until twelve o clock Sunday night.
How can i refuse it will really boost my wage i never hardly work over and i always need money so i will do it .
Helen is miffed because she is sick of being in the cottage all day on her own i am sorry that's the case but  i have to work dear  .

So basically i am in the dog house for going out and earning us money so we have a better life even if it only makes one  month easier  just get a grip woman.

Did nothing Valentines did not send or receive a card not that its a big thing unless you look on Facebook and see what everyone else was doing for valentines day it's always a money thing .
I wanted to go sell my iPad but did not .

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