Thursday, February 05, 2015


Still not seen the cat he is still living under the bed , he comes out at night and last night he was sat on our dresser watching us in bed i was a sleep , why he does not come and see us is beyond me , but we have to be patient , in his own time i guess he will feel free at ease with us.

Maybe having a dog scares him but Pip truly loves cats and as never even barked at one , she just wants a friend to play with and snuggle up to.

He is off to the vets his appointment is at five past nine now that's going to be interesting getting him his cage is going to be no mean feat if near darn impossible , we tried the other day twice and  he out smarted us both times i swear he isa ginger ninja.

But perseverance paid off he was on a mat under the bed and low and behold he let us pull the mat out with him on it. He then jumped straight in to his carry case and we got him to the vets on time .
He has now been wormed and had a flea treatment and had his booster jabs. The vet puts him at around nine months old he goes back on the 27th of this month for neutering .hopefully he will be more settled with us and getting hold of him won't be a major drama .

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