Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Well it is the last day of 2014 tomorrow is a new year and a  new beginnings i do hope so , and i hope it is not a case of a new year same old shit going on.
 I do doubt that and  i do hope for new happenings for me and everyone out there , some of it is down to us and some of it is down to circumstance and fate , there is a load of people who did not make it and because of that we should endeavour to live life to the fullest and not just plod on .

What i want for 2015 - is for our cat Alfie to finally kick the shit out of his cat flu virus and to be fit and healthy he must be one seriously pissed of cat .

To leave this cottage and move to pastures new a certain static home in Flockton would be a dream come true this is still available hopefully it will still be on the market in March when we will put a offer to buy on it .

Helen to finally pass her driving test and be road legal to drive us around so i can see the scenery you don't always see when your behind the wheel  .

My daughters baby which is due to be  born in March for it to be born healthy and to have a great life .
For the rest of family and close  friends to be healthy happy and contended. 

Helen continues to improve her medium skills and that she gets truly recognised as an astounding psychic every year she seems to do better and meet new people and friends as a result of doing one to one readings.

To see my Son to carry on working in his job and to see him more in 2015 that i did in 2014 .

to have some sort of getaway break or holiday even if it is in the U.K .

That i continue to work and earn money hopefully in a new job as i am getting fed up of the job that i am doing along with everyone else who i work with.

To read more books and listen to more new bands and watch more new films to eat at new restaurants and inns and to go to the cinema.

To make more of the weekends specially in the summer months 

Find more vlogs and blogs to watch read and follow  .

to travel further south and to travel further north than what we have done previously including going to Wales .


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