Saturday, October 06, 2012


Woke up totally knackered it was way after two am when we went to sleep , we went to the pet shop to look at birds to replace the budgies that died on us a month or so ago We looked at a cockateel and a parakeet told Helen to think about , Fish will be a lot better we was looking at neons that look good at night with a blue light for the tank they are a lot more peaceful and calming and tranquil .saying that it was way after one so we went to another fish shop and got one with chips and two bread cakes with scraps and ate them in the car they stopped swimming a while ago their last dip was in batter and then red hot beef dripping .
Helen has five readings to do tonight i dropped her off at seven,i came home and cooked a spicy chicken  pizza .i then chilled out in a red hot bath if that is possible , chilled on Tumblr i down loaded some more photos and clocked watch ,i put some more films on to the Nexus "Brake" and "Into The Wild" .,read some more of the James Patterson novel  "Cross",if that aint living it up on a Saturday night then i don't know what is .

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