Friday, October 05, 2012


The woman who came to view the house was a psychic and her daughter also practices  reiki too as they say small world seven times removed all that crap. Its quite sunny today the sun was coming in through the bedroom window and the sky was blue i am suppose to be putting the fence back up this weekend which blew down ages ago , its all in the garage waiting for my incentive and innovative to do it suppose i will have to get my arse in gear and do it , it always the same just starting it and buying the materials , hopefully it will piss it down i mean it will be sunny and fine lol.

Started using my Nexus as a e-reader to say a kindle cost over a £100 this is much better and makes reading a joy at night especially , the Nexus has a few faults but you do get what you pay for and in most areas its fine the battery is excellent and the screen good enough would be nice to compare it to the kindle fire when that comes out and to the windows tablets when they are released , thought the memory size might be a issue but its fine , i have four films loaded , eight albums , and five books all by James Patterson and i still have 9gb of memory left plus a couple of games and other apps i have downloaded , so anyone thinking of getting one i would say yes go for it but do remember its not a ipad and does not pretend to be one i will  still get a ipad as and when i can afford one ,Might get Helen one for xmas.

Life is like waiting for a film start you watch all the crap when all you want to do is watch the main event its like that every week want to get through the crap so you can relax and chill out and do nice things and go to nice places then when its Monday again you think i haven't really done anything that amazing and done nothing new its then you realize the film your staring in is Ground hog day and your a hamster on a exercise wheel running to somewhere but getting now where fast , then the credits roll and you see the words dedicated to the memory of and thats it end of , got to keep moving cant keep doing the same shit but we do , well some of us do then you realise you do what you do because  you cant fund anything better , then people say its does not have to be like this but it does show me a different script  and i will gladly read from it  a different song and i will sing , it a different film to star in and i will do it.blah blah blah

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