Wednesday, October 31, 2012


well another day done and dusted i was up at 07.00 am i was on training again and went straight back to work until 22.00pm so its been a busy day,to cap it off the rest of the week i am working nights which i don't really want to do i have my nexus working of my iphone wifi hotspot some of the time depending on the connection obtainable.

only two more pay cheques before christmas we have a viewing on thursday which could result in a sale i guess , if it was to go through before christmas we could end up anywhere , it will be last

The slippers are keeping my feet warm its like walking on sponge , i have not worn the dressing gown yet but seeing i am not at work until 19.30pm tomorrow i might try lounging around in it for most day ,will break it in some.

The vanilla coffee as lasted bought a caramel one today think i prefer the vanilla.
Ordered a usb case and  keyboard of Nexus of Ebay costing under £10  a stall holder selling a  bluetooth version in Meadow Hall Sheffield for £85 same one on ebay £22.

Heart goes out to all the good people of the U.S.A hope you all get back to normal asp , and your families and loved ones are all fine .

Monday, October 29, 2012

Longer ride

Sat in my freelander waiting for Helen ,its Sunny but cold I am using my I phone as a hot spot and its  working fine , technology is so impressive, I wish I was now leaving school and could get a career in I.T  or web design your office could be anywhere you choose and could be city or even world wide get your pay cheques through pay pal that would make traveling so much easier and fun .

Today we went shopping bought some slippers the first pair i have owned in at least the last twenty five years or so, they are so comfy and warm i also bought a fleece dressing gown as well its black and grey stripes with pockets got this in XXL just because can double wrap yourself in it for extra cosiness and warmth i also invested in a winters scarf that's extra long , not going to be cold this winter in our out , in bed or not in bed.

They have put on my bus route the long stretch bend in the middle buses with WiFi there is less seats than the double deckers they are now every seven minutes

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Clocks went back by an hour Helen got up before me must only be the second time this year,
We went for breakfast  to the 11th Earl there where quite a few dinners already  there word must be catching on after eating we drove over to Sheffield to Meadow Hall i bought a jacket from Fat face for £85 and i could have made do with a large but i did end up getting a extra large just in case I needed to wear more layers.

Went to the Unicorn in Carlton for our dinner just after two  o clock we both had the  roast beef but we didn't over do it .

At seven o clock we was in the Marriot hotel in  Leeds city centre for a psychic demonstration by  Steve Holbrook he was very good and  he got loads of different messages for people in the audience and was spot on numerous times with dates names and reasons of death for those passed  and loads of different information , a few people that he singled out were moved to tears by what he was telling them about loved ones  passed.

We have another viewing for the sale of our house on Thursday still undecided as to what we are going to do .
Bought another  case with a  usb keyboard  for my Nexus tablet i use my i phone with its AYCE data allowance as a wifi hotspot the connection is good , makes working nights when i do them that bit more entertaining i refer to break times .

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Well it’s the weekend yet again the weather is cold the temperature has dropped and the wind chill factor as increased and the gritters are out as snow beckons .I need  a new winter coat ,gloves and scarf I went in to Super-dry and tried on a Grey wool military type of coat it was very heavy it was also in the sale it was £85 i tried on a  XL And it was too small and they had  no XXL on the rail so I didn't bother , I am not obese or extremely fat I am 34+  inch waist and 44 inch chest , yes I could do with going to the gym exercising more and eating less to shed a few pounds ,but there is a lot more fatter obese men walking around in Leeds than me  , so how come I need a XXL. because Super dry is for little Japanese people who live of rice and sushi and seaweed Christ make sizes that are appropriate for western society it’s so fcuking annoying.

They have changed the parking meters in the city centre NCP now you have to put your car registration number into the machine this is then printed on to the ticket which you then display so no more giving your tickets to someone arriving as your leaving.

Helen got a new coat anyway and a hat gloves tights and leg warmers so she is nice and cosy when she ventures out next.

Helen has two readings today don't know what we are doing after her last one at seven o clock   whether we are going out to get some  food or eating what we have in and then watching a film or two before we put the electric blankets on and go to Bed.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Well Helen's is going to be  busy all day ,i  dropped her of at her friends gym she is doing psychic readings from ten this morning till seven tonight not sure for how many , but thats the way to do it as we need the cash , because the cost of living is so fcuking high in the good old UK.

Got my birthday card from my daughter who is still  in New Zealand , thanks its nice getting cards two days running it extends my birthday by another day nice one.

After four days off its back to work its not bothering me having to go back to work have to go back one day so might as well be today and there's only three days to do and its the weekend .

we have a psychic show to go to this Sunday Steven Holbrook is at a hotel in Leeds city centre the Mariott might get into town in the afternoon have something to eat and drink before the show starts .

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Well i have been up just over a hour ,Helen is still in bed ,Pip the dog is still in bed but Harvey the cat is up and has been feed , i am on my second cup of vanilla coffee , and its dark and grey outside with a light rain its my birthday and i have no idea what i am doing , some people plan birthdays  ,as for  me it always seems to be just another day doing nothing much at least i am not at work .

My Daughter skyped me for half an hour which was especially nice and she is ok which is always good news , had a phone call from my son Guy only for him to then  drive over on his Bandit ,  i updated his tom tom sat nav for him hopefully its updated correctly with all the new roads and speed camera layouts , i should see more of him then i do , i need to make more of a effort and get over to see him specially when i have time of work.

Apple announced today  the release of the  i-pad mini i don't think i will buy one just  yet , as i  thought they would be around the £199 price range but they are dearer £269 which for the wifi 16 gb is not too extreme if i had not bought the nexus i would have more than likely paid the higher price and  got one but seeing i have only had it a few weeks i wont bother saying that i might get Helen one for christmas.

was toying with the idea of getting a play station three we hardly watch any television at all if we watch any movies its on dvd , so it be a change using the tv for something other than an ornament.

To everyone else worldwide if its your birthday today many happy returns hope its a good one .

Monday, October 22, 2012


Its wet grey and coldish and i dont have to go to work its like a second bit of a weekend because i have tomorrow off as well its my birthday and i am getting older and want to do something amazing something that will leave me in a state of wonder going to work is pointless just to pay for bills i can buy everything i need but still need to work , way i see it if i lost my job i be homeless in a few months the house would be reposed so why not sell it get fifty grand or so and pack the job in then go traveling at the end of the trip sell the van rent a home and sign on the rock and roll until we get some sort of job.

 Went to the post office to pick a parcel up for Helen three decks of Angel cards and a meditation cd Eddie Veeder into the wild sound track is still playing on the i-pod dock in the kitchen thats three days now its been playing through out the day from nine in the morning until one or two or whatever the time we decide to go to bed.

 After going to four different supermarkets i finally found some Douwe Egbert's vanilla coffee it was worth the hunt its £2,99 for a small 50g jar but its worth it. Its my birthday tomorrow and another year older , i guess its either get old or die no alternative so i guess i will always settle for getting older by another year , i want to go see the new James Bond film Sky fall when its out on the 26th and Liam Nessom in Taken 2 its been eons since we went to the cinema.

Apple might announce the release of the i-pad mini tomorrow and if they do i might sell the Nexus and get one i have been toying with the idea of getting a new nano or a ps3 . Helen as a reading tonight and another one tomorrow , i have bought a sweet potatoe and i am going to chip it and fry it and have it with a mexican chicken dish we have in the fridge for tonight's supper. Watching "Red lights" Reading " Double Cross" by James Patterson Listening to Mum-ford & Sons

Saturday, October 20, 2012


My Line manager text me to say i could have monday off as well as Tuesday now i need to decide what i want to do ,
Tonight Helen is doing four readings tonight on the other side of town i am in the house on my own , drinking coffee and dunking custard creams .

Today we looked at mobile homes for £50k which is a Auto Rail Apache  we'd be sorted that would buy the motor then it just how do we fund the cost of  traveling and eating etc once we have that sussed we are on to a winner without a doubt , buy a cheaper mobile home would be another solution but  the one we are looking at is brand new zero milage , the other way is to wait until the house price goes up , or chance it do a extra couple of lines on the lottery ,


Spoke with my daughter via skype this morning she wants to get another years visa for New Zealand ,her boss wants her to stay and continue working at the hair salon ,she needs to come home next year but is leaving it open for her to return and do another year which i think is the right choice to make. I which i had the opportunity to travel its ages since i have been to London my daughter suggested i go for a day trip near to christmas to see all the lights and decorations and take loads of photos of the landmarks that are so well known trouble is a day is not longer enough , and the cost for two of us would be around £180 just for the train fair be pointless traveling by coach.

 Helen has watched "Into the Wild " for the third time in two weeks and is constantly listening to the sound track by Eddie Veeder , i am reading the book.

I will miss you too, but you are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from the joy of human relationships. God's place is all around us, it is in everything and in anything we can experience. People just need to change the way they look at things, As quoted by Chris McCandless

Friday, October 19, 2012


Sampled a new coffee by Douwe Egberts its a instant coffee and its vanilla flavor its £2.99 a jar , seeing i love white chocolate mocha with a vanilla shot its a godsend or will be when its available in the supermarkets. Booked next Tuesday off seeing thats its my birthday why i didn't book the Monday off as well i have no idea , i emailed my line manager today to see if i can also have the monday off waiting for a reply if i can then friday night i will break up. Helen had her hair done yesterday had some blonde highlights in the first step to going back blonde today she had her eyebrows done in hd suppose the next thing on the agenda will be the nails ,glad all i have to do is shave and gel the hair. Booked to go see two psychic mediums stand up shows one is a NHS worker who gave up a £55k salary to do psychic readings full time and Stephen Holbrook who we have seem numerous times he is appearing in Leeds the other a hundred miles or so away. well as always roll on pay day we have had no further house viewings so for now it looks like we are staying her another few weeks i guess we might see another christmas her after all , i would like to do something different for christmas seeing my daughter is in New Zealand , my son will be in York and one other sister who don't really give a shit anymore about what i do , or how i spend christmas and the way its going it wont ever change and they will be no way back.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Got up later than we planned , we wanted to go out didn't have a clue where to go we headed to York but didn't stay long Helen bought me some coffee beans from Starbuck's they ground it for me love the smell of coffee grounds coming through the peculator. Headed back to Leeds and stopped at Carlton to the unicorn pub we had sunday dinner was spot on once again had a pint of cider ,we went home and watched films the rest of the evening watched "Into the wild" we watched it last Sunday also , its worth watching twice . Soon be Monday another weekend gone for good Christmas is coming its around the corner cant wait to see all the lights and christmas decorations in the all places we go to.


Helen got up before me today one of the rare occasions its happened she had a coffee waiting and breakfast although she had not done the pots from the night before but cant expect two miracles in one day. Helen has another six readings to do tonight a few miles from home . so its going to be well after one when i pick her up so it will be bath watch a movie read some of my latest James Patterson novel second one this month reading it on the Nexus don't think i could read or buy another book as a paperback. We bought a rolled joint of pork with stuffing , cabbage and bacon with cheese sauce some small jacket potatoes with garlic butter and some mushrooms stuffed with stilton and leeks we ate this before Helen left to do her readings ,and now i have six hours to kill on a saturday night and not a bottle of pear cider in sight and no chocolate i have a tin of cream for my coffee thats it oh well aint complaining. Bought some more white optic lights suppose you could call them fairy lights we have had some on the fire place last couple of years they burnt out a few days ago we got some that flash on and off or just stay on there is more bulbs than before Helen strung them up they look good. Helen is thinking about getting me the new i-pod nano for my birthday in a few days time as its my birthday if she does i might get a decent pair of earphones or might get another dock ,saying that could do with some new aftershave and a new leather jacket want want want well until i got the things i desire which is not a long list. Not sure what we are doing tomorrow i know early evening we will be on the sofa watching a film and eating pop corn .

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


After watching the film "Into the Wild " which i was totally moved by not only the sad way he died but how he lived , he carried his world in a back pack and he was totally happy being skint and traveling across the country  he even gave his money away to Oxfam , i have found out since watching the film he could have crossed the river another quarter of a mile down stream , saying that he survived two years living on what he made alone the way doing and by doing different jobs when the need arose.......I suppose us selling the house and making a lump some of money should give us the ability to go anywhere and live , the one thing that  he (Alexander Supertramp) his alias didn't have was a vast array of bills and outgoings like a mortgage and insurances and the need for mobile phone and  bills for broad band cost and local taxes , tv license ,water rates electric and gas...Christ end of the day who is truly free not i.

Any way i have down loaded the book as the book which the film is based on is bound to be a more accurate description of events and and will cover more than the film showed .

I suppose buying a camper van and moving about would be a piece  of cake at the end of the day if he could have drove the bus away from its resting place he would not have died.

We have received another offer on our house she has upped it from £135k to £141k we have also rejected this new offer we want £148k

Waiting for tea to finish cooking its half an hour to midnight we are having bubble and squeak with chicken in a mushroom sauce with petits pois leeks and pancetta as  i am Hank Marvin once more i am droolling typing this .


Totally knackered need to go to bed its just before midnight and i have to be up early in the morning they are coming to replace our gas meter and as i cant see Helen getting her arse out of bed ,they are coming between eight and one in the afternoon and i can guess what end of the clock they will be at our house for  , and i know there is nil chance of Helen getting out of bed as she never gets up before me on a late sleep in   never mind a early morning its down to me , it was after one when he got here he was running  late.
It was Helen's father birthday today we got him some Fat Face toiletries body wash and sprays etc s and a Gillette power glide shaver along with some shaving gel, he was impressed with the razor and i don't think he has ever had a battery operated wet razor before , but i bet he does not go back to his orange Bic razors or to his shaving soap and brush.again .

Monday, October 08, 2012


Was way after two again when we got home after Helen had finished her readings she did a total of five people. When we got up we went over to Upper-mill Helen visited her favorite clothes shops and i visited mine the pie and bakery shop ,i got a roast lamb sandwich freshly roasted joint of lamb that was very tender with mint sauce and a slice of apple bakewell tart. Then on to Manchester and to the Trafford centre walked miles i was looking for some jeans couldn't find any will have to trail around Leeds and find some , the new James Bond 007 for men is not that bad the new Boss is also very good it be a hard choice think i would get both , i also visited the Apple shop no new ipods where on sale yet they had the new iphone five but think i prefer the 4S ,as its heavier and feels more solid , Helen as always had fish and chips and me as always had a KFC i only have it here , we will have to go back to see the christmas lights and do a shop round Manchester City centre as well. Christmas is around the corner and it will be new year , its my Birthday then halloween then bonfire night then christmas Helen's birthday then new year but it happens fast , and as always we get caught out , will do the fooD shopping up at Upper-mill and got to Delph a small village near bye to see all the christmas lights.Our favorite time of the year will soon here.

Watching "Into The Wild"

 Listening to "Eddie Vedder" ost of the above film

Saturday, October 06, 2012


Woke up totally knackered it was way after two am when we went to sleep , we went to the pet shop to look at birds to replace the budgies that died on us a month or so ago We looked at a cockateel and a parakeet told Helen to think about , Fish will be a lot better we was looking at neons that look good at night with a blue light for the tank they are a lot more peaceful and calming and tranquil .saying that it was way after one so we went to another fish shop and got one with chips and two bread cakes with scraps and ate them in the car they stopped swimming a while ago their last dip was in batter and then red hot beef dripping .
Helen has five readings to do tonight i dropped her off at seven,i came home and cooked a spicy chicken  pizza .i then chilled out in a red hot bath if that is possible , chilled on Tumblr i down loaded some more photos and clocked watch ,i put some more films on to the Nexus "Brake" and "Into The Wild" .,read some more of the James Patterson novel  "Cross",if that aint living it up on a Saturday night then i don't know what is .


The VW Camper van came and is now parked next to my ivory buddha he's too fat and big  to fit in the van.
All i need now is to win the lottery and be the real deal , be off each weekend could cover miles and every part of the U.K .stocked up with tins of curry and nan breads and pear cider be careful not to drink and drive. Who knows got to have dreams and something to believe in or there would be little point the van my be tiny but my dreams are very much on a bigger scale .

Friday, October 05, 2012


The woman who came to view the house was a psychic and her daughter also practices  reiki too as they say small world seven times removed all that crap. Its quite sunny today the sun was coming in through the bedroom window and the sky was blue i am suppose to be putting the fence back up this weekend which blew down ages ago , its all in the garage waiting for my incentive and innovative to do it suppose i will have to get my arse in gear and do it , it always the same just starting it and buying the materials , hopefully it will piss it down i mean it will be sunny and fine lol.

Started using my Nexus as a e-reader to say a kindle cost over a £100 this is much better and makes reading a joy at night especially , the Nexus has a few faults but you do get what you pay for and in most areas its fine the battery is excellent and the screen good enough would be nice to compare it to the kindle fire when that comes out and to the windows tablets when they are released , thought the memory size might be a issue but its fine , i have four films loaded , eight albums , and five books all by James Patterson and i still have 9gb of memory left plus a couple of games and other apps i have downloaded , so anyone thinking of getting one i would say yes go for it but do remember its not a ipad and does not pretend to be one i will  still get a ipad as and when i can afford one ,Might get Helen one for xmas.


The electirc kettle packed in a while ago must be nearly a month maybe longer we have a one for the range master that whistles when it boils , you pull the whistle flap up when you pour the water , i boiled it earlier and forgot to put the whistle down there fore it did not whistle and could of boiled dry , i did this when i was a lot younger i am guessing fourteen or so i was  living with my parents i totally forgot i smelt the paint on the kettle burning i opened the kitchen door it was late at night my parents were in bed i was watching a late night film  the kettle was glowing red least the coffee was hot that night how my dad  laughed the next morning when he got up ready for a cuppa  i was still in bed cant remember what excuse i used to get out of that one.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012


Spoke with my daughter on skype for a good hour this morning she's good has been up a volcano , the weather where she is , is getting hotter.i am getting  knackered need to go to bed its a struggle to focus my eyes and they are getting tired , Helen is tired as well she did another two readings tonight , be nice to have a weekend away just to read a book take in some sights and relax in a retreat in the countryside in a log cabin , burn some logs see the stars at night and do nothing listen to some new tunes and take new photos. Need a holiday i can honestly say that i  don't know what its like to relax and chill its been so long that i have had a break , my ten year passport runs out soon and i have only been to one country so sad i know .The Nexus is good and i have figured out most things i had a problem getting books on but silly me just downloaded the kindle app , need a app putting on for the camera too , anyway the battery , sound and picture quality is excellent and so far i cant really knock it , i reckon for the money you cant fault it except its not a Apple.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Was up at quarter to seven was knackered from the weekend and from losing a nights sleep Friday, i guess losing sleep is a bonus who wants to sleep when you can be doing better things than dreaming.
Second session on training so far we have not really learned anything everybody has such diverse roles its not clear how some of it fits in to what my role is and there is a hundred percent pass rate which sounds alarm bells for me or highlights if you attend each session you will pass the course.

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...