Thursday, September 27, 2012

Well its just past midnight Wednesday morning and for now its stopped raining Helen did a reading yesterday and a reiki session also , she has three readings today . and  two tomorrow plus  five on Friday and five on Saturday and she as bookings for the next three weeks with a possible of twelve turning up if not more on a open day at a friends gym.
Mean while i continue doing my day job apart from friday when i work through the night for a pittance at least what i earns will pay all the bills with a couple of hundred quid spare so things are looking up at least for the next few weeks .

We are going to Uppermill Saddleworth then on Sunday then possible over to Manchester to buy some steak pies and to do some shopping.
when we sell the house we have to decide pretty quickly where we want to live  and find somewhere before the sale on this house is finalized , i have to decide what i am doing about work , if i stay i need a more economical car which is zero tax and maximum efficiency when it comes to petrol usage , it needs to be very low milage under eight thousand and no more than one year old , then i can travel back and forth to work five days a week .

Reading "The zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance"

Listening to Adele " Live at the Albert Hall"

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