Saturday, September 29, 2012


Well I finished work at six this morning it was a long uneventful night and I was total out of it come four am and was extremely glad to get to bed. Helen work me up at one this afternoon  with a bacon and sausage sarnie and a cup of coffe, would have preferred a blow job then something to eat .
Well its midnight well nearly half past midnight just got back from the supermarket and have just taken a chili pizza out of the oven for me and a ham and pineapple for Helen not the best time to be eating but needs must am not at work until 19.30 tonight  then i am working until six Saturday  morning then its the weekend , ordered a cast metal VW van off Ebay might make my dreams of owning a real full size version more realistic.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Well its just gone one am and i am not in the least bit tidy but i reckon i have to make the effort and  go to bed .
I am bidding on some new ipod ear buds on Ebay and i am looking at a shaving cut throat razor which takes half razor blades why i am not sure guess it will go in the bathroom cabinet and they are cheap .
and if i do get a Google nexus i will be looking at cases .
Its pay day friday i need Kopperberg pear cider and a writing case for work. and of course food such as curried duck and noodles and being having the urge for a KFC which i get every couple of months as a one off i  couldn't eat it more than that,
Helen had another two readings today that went as good as the rest she is getting a brilliant reputation and getting highly recommended by others to others and is getting a good following , hopefully if we sell the house or when we sell the house this will continue no matter where we live or move to and will carry on regardless.

Listening to the Pet Shop Boys "Elysuim"

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Well its just past midnight Wednesday morning and for now its stopped raining Helen did a reading yesterday and a reiki session also , she has three readings today . and  two tomorrow plus  five on Friday and five on Saturday and she as bookings for the next three weeks with a possible of twelve turning up if not more on a open day at a friends gym.
Mean while i continue doing my day job apart from friday when i work through the night for a pittance at least what i earns will pay all the bills with a couple of hundred quid spare so things are looking up at least for the next few weeks .

We are going to Uppermill Saddleworth then on Sunday then possible over to Manchester to buy some steak pies and to do some shopping.
when we sell the house we have to decide pretty quickly where we want to live  and find somewhere before the sale on this house is finalized , i have to decide what i am doing about work , if i stay i need a more economical car which is zero tax and maximum efficiency when it comes to petrol usage , it needs to be very low milage under eight thousand and no more than one year old , then i can travel back and forth to work five days a week .

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


MONDAY Well it was raining when we went to bed late last night and it was still raining early  in to the morning and  it looks like its in for the day  ,its grey and dull and its Monday and it  would be a great day for doing nothing but i have to go to work at two o clock this afternoon so will have to do nothing another day.

Its going to be a slog till payday thank god its on Friday i have the day off as i am working Friday night Saturday morning , might go in to town and buy some black t-shirts from Primarni running out of them think i will buy at least half a dozen at £2.99 each wont exactly break the bank .

Sunday, September 23, 2012


This morning we went to the 11th Earl for breakfast they had some pictures of Winston Churchill , Helen asked me if he had ever had a British Bulldog as a pet i Google and found out that he had two dogs one was a pug and the other a poodle but no bulldog so now i know , fascinating facts you can find out during the course of breakfast.


this morning it was sunny i took Pip down to the canal at Clarence dock for a wander around the tow paths.

Friday, September 21, 2012


New blog format weird know things have to change and cant stay the same but do prefer the old format, Went to the Red bus for breakfast its been a few months since we have been it was as good as ever but not as good as the 11TH Earl we go to on a weekend sometimes .
Well Helen as been busy today with readings and is busy all next week including the weekends. Looking forward to the weekend although its going to be busy with running Helen around to do her readings it is always what she wanted to do full time , to tell people the messages that are being passed on from their loved ones ,so her wish has come true hopefully with recommendations she is up and running and hopefully there is no looking back.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Think we have a first viewing this Sunday not sure of the time we need more information i hope they pay the asking price as we are not prepared to negotiate on the price its either buy it or don't.

Went on training day for supervisors as always its a case of ticking boxes to say we have all had updated training i was yawning and nearly nodding off , least i got to call in to Subway for a breakfast had a mega breakfast sub sausage bacon egg and cheese and a latte all for £2.50 , Helen had a reading from seven so we didn't have tea until ten o clock ,i went out for fish and chips with scraps and bread cakes we was Hank Marvin again.

Helen has another two reading tomorrow night and has a party for five this Saturday which will make it a late night going to be looking at half one Sunday morning at least.

Feeling really tired all i wanted to do all day was go to sleep its only eleven and we are off to bed , i,am not starting work until two in the afternoon tomorrow so i can sleep in ,but i bet that i am awake at an early hour ,as we don't ever close the curtains in our bedroom and its a bay its good because we like to see the sky at night , but as soon as its first light i wake up and if its too sunny want to get up.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Took Helen to the doctors she was given some exercises to do and some custom made inner soles hopefully if she does has she has been directed her feet will improve and will be less painful.
Skped my daughter she was ok and was looking well she had just scoffed a Chinese and was eating chocolate she as a few days off when her friend gets there and she is hoping to take her to go see the whales and dolphins.
Work went ok it takes time to get back into the swing of things at least it didn't drag still i was glad when it was ten o clock and i was on the bus homeward bound.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Hatch needed the bolts putting on tonight when i got home and the architrave finishing of , i undercoated it now it needs glossing and hey presto if that doesn't sell the house i don't know what will , next job is the fence which blow down eons ago.

training went ok not totally bowled over but i didn't fall a sleep and it was interesting in parts will not finish it until next year but saying that its only a ten day course cant see anyone failing it , as there are assignments rather than an exam to sit and pass ,and if you attend there is no reason to fail , cant wait until it finishes if i don't attend the rest of the course there is a charge of £1200 that's a price of a decent laptop i wish .

Helen had another reading to day and has another one tomorrow whilst i,am at work ,just for tomorrow i am back on normal hours of 14,00 till 22.00 be good will have quite a few emails to read , it has been three weeks and one day that i have not been in work no doubt they will be shit to sort out.

So far no interest what so every on the sale of the house but we was not expecting a mad rush and at the end of the day we only have to sell it once to one person who is interested guess its a waiting game.

Take Helen to the doctors tomorrow to see about her feet and what they can do for her rather than this awful injection they have asked her to consider having,

Helen had a guy for a reading who is a tattooist he wants to be taught the art of spiritualism and now thats interesting free learning maybe free tattoos for me perhaps there is a deal in the making will have to see he is also a long distant lorry driver and only really has free time on a weekend.

Below Pip our Jack Russell on her favorite blanket on her favorite rocking chair being adorable cute and contented.

Listening to - the Killers album "Battle Born"

Wanting - a Kindle fire i think and pear cider

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Got the escape hatch done , i mean the inspection hatch or loft hatch done i can get through it i could live up there its massive its all the rooms in one,The timbers would need making bigger to withstand the weight of permanently living up there and would need a veloux window or two and the rafters boarding a few sockets be a proper den.
Nothing like the image above be better , not to say thats not good it is just small.

will get a inflatable mattress ,a small fridge for the pear cider , a mac book and loads of candles and strings of little white lights , i would paint it out all white emulsion , have a fish tank to illuminate the darkness , Helen would be invited no one else we could disappear for days at a time only venture out for takeaways cigs and more cider , sounds good to me.

Back on training for a day tomorrow so no work for another day then i back for a day then on another days training getting a right part timer.

Helen had her nails done today i sat waiting for her it took ages i was playing catapult king and reading the Steve jobs bio on my iPhone to kill the time.

Had sausage chips and beans for tea basic but good and quick Talked to my daughter on sykpe she was just about to go out and buy some bedding for her Friend who is jetting out next Sunday she will be staying and working for the next six months .

Thinking of - Going to bed after another coffee.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cut out a hole in the bathroom ceiling for a inspection loft hatch i was black we should have had it done when we had the bathroom converted but the builder wanted a £150 to move it a few inches least Dick Turpin wore a mask , i could have done with one myself the amount of dust , shit and crap i tasted and breathed in.

Helen had another two readings today one person wants to learn it and would like to book lessons the other owns a local pub and wants helen to do a party night in one of the pubs rooms.

Had a curry duck and noodles from the chinese for supper at half eleven we went into work to check my emails i am on a training course Monday so another early finish brilliant got home just after midnight.

Will have to go to the D.I.Y Centre in the morning get some wood to complete the hatch.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Well its just after midnight the wind is getting up that's outside not me , and we have just finished cooking and eating tea Helen had three readings last night and at over a hour a reading its not a quick process all three readings went good . Helen told on lady that a dog was running around the room and had settled at the side of the lady on the settee and was at her side ,it turned out that the woman had had a that had died the day previous.

Another lady that turned up tonight and Helen told her that a double bed mattress had just been thrown down on to the floor in front of her , the women then told Helen that she had just had a new mattress for her bed delivered during the morning before she came for the evening reading , all these women have been for readings elsewhere to other psychics and all said and agreed that Helen's are the best and most accurate readings ever.

Helen does see dead people all the time she always has , and she does receive numerous messages , but saying that our house is not haunted and we have no unwanted guests floating around , and usually its a case of only the good spirits that come through and move about us , they don't and it doesn't freak me out i don't see them or hear them i see the odd shadow and hear the odd thump or bang but that might just be the ambient light and old houses playing tricks who knows for sure.

Well its back to work Monday after working a week on nights then having a week off leave than a week on training then another well off on leave i have hardly been near the place , Helen has been working harder than me .

She had another three people turn up today for readings on woman wa that impressed she is sending her husband tomorrow to have a reading done , the other two ladies have also recommended Helen to their Friends.

Helen as offered to buy me a nexus 7 but i have found out jellybean does not support flash so i think of now getting a Kindle Fire HD can pre order them for delivery at the end of October.

Got a leather iphone case delivered today from Ebay Helen ordered a Radley trolley suitcase for her cards and psychic stuff that she needs when she is visiting other peoples houses specially when doing parties.

So far no one has enquired about the house and we have had no people wanting to look around early days yet its only been really on the market for a few days anyway its not like we have anywhere to go so its not stopping us doing anything for the time being.

Listening to - Owl City

Wanting - To go to the movies

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Helen's phone has not stopped again today its getting a bit much she is constantly getting people messaging her for readings its unbelievable she is booked up for the next three weekends and nearly every night , tomorrow she as five readings to do starting at one o clock in the afternoon through until nine o clock at night , another psychic wants Helen to work with her in premises in Pudsey , this we need to go into more details see all the pro and cons . It's been a boom boom day for Helen .
The house is on the Internet ready to sell Helen is convinced it will sell asp i am not too sure should go with what Helen is saying she is the psychic one guess we will have to wait and see the web address is

Bought Gammon and chicken pieces to cook in the oven with cheese and wine sauces also bought some stuffed portobella mushrooms and fresh vegetables with fresh new potatoes in butter and fresh herbs , a tray of sliced potatoes which will sort out the food for us both for tonight and tomorrow nights tea or supper depending on when we have it , i also bought some Latte coffee pre mixed sachets which are not that bad eight for a pound .

Bought some jam doughnuts not my favorite i use to get chocolate doughnuts with a chocolate cream filling gorgeous from a local bakery which where freshly made every day at around five in the morning , i also used to go to a local butcher that made fresh pork pies he did small ones that only cost 38p they was great still warm with brown HP sauce ,back in the day its all pre packed crap with a plastic wrapper with a best before date on them.

watching - Battleship

Listening to - Elvis Costello

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Well the photos and the brochure layout have been emailed to us for our approval very professional there is nothing to disagree with its fine cant find the smallest fault with it so its full steam ahead with the sale of our home.

Had a lazy day today done nothing except drink coffee and surf online been surfing Tumblr for interesting and wonderful photographs . Waiting for the Apple Keynote speech coming online for the suspected release details and spec for the iPhone 5 which is at 18.00 eastern time.

Helen had more bookings confirmed for her readings after a reading last night went very well the women was in tears she lost her husband in a motorcycle accident and Helen was spot on with the facts that had happened concerning his death , she even told the lady that she had been cooking pancakes for her dinner that very day when the lady told her that she had and asked how did Helen , know Helen explained her dead husband was with her and observing her day to day life , she was greatly moved and very happy that her husband was with her after he had died , suppose you cant put a price on that sort of love , the lady left genuinely happy and was comforted by the reading.

Helen as now got readings booked for the rest of the week on some nights she as two people and on Saturday night she has three booked in , she is doing something she loves and helping people in the process brilliant.Next week is filling up pretty quick she has had more bookings in the last few days then ever its really going mental.

well the new range of Apple hardware is now on their site the new Nano is looking good as is the new Touch and iPhone 5 not heard anything about a ipad mini but wouldn't mind a new Nano with the new headphones interesting.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Woke up and in the space of half an hour i had been to the toilet four times not good feel sick but i have not thrown up yet , the kettle is on going to have a extra large cup of coffee cant face any food , i dropped Helen off at her friends house on the way home i got a curry for the microwave guessing it was something to do with that , me just being on a food hygiene course does not look good .

I need to recut out in the ceiling for a loft inspection hatch when we modified the bathroom toilet we boarded over the hatch , the original fell on the line of the new wall , so we thought loose it well any building society survey will need the roof space inspecting for rot to roof rafters and purling etc and to check the slates and insulation and chimney stack , more work and mess.

Spoke with my daughter on skype for over an hour her Friend is flying over a week this Sunday and is going to be living with her for the next few months she is also a hairdresser.

Went to Harrogate had afternoon tea there was ok the egg mayonnaise sandwich was not to Helen's taste i just had a latte and toasted current teacake was ok they was making at least 600% mark up thats the business to be in .

From there we went back to Leeds went to Tong i called in at CCL Computers to see if they would fix my pc because its not registered software they said they would blank it which is no great hardship as its all backed up , it will be £50 to do a diagnostics test it then what ever the cost of parts ie cooler fan power supply i reckon , called in to Tong garden centre bought some current tea cakes £1.08 for four Harrogate £1.65 for a toasted one with a portion of butter.

Helen as readings tonight and thursday x2 and one on saturday night , i am off all week no work until Monday at 14.00 hours.

Listening to - Jah Cure

Watching - Prometheus

Wanting - Pc repaired , Ipad Mini , new laptop

Monday, September 10, 2012

The photographer came at half two this afternoon to do the shoot for the house he was here well over an hour and he took around fifty photos to do the brochure hopefully which will help sell our home , we spent the morning tidying again dusting and de-cluttering , i bought various different bread rolls for the bread basket some fresh fruit for the fruit bowl and some fresh Lilly's and white carnations for the floral display.

My Shuttle pc is not powering up its either a fan issue or a power supply unit or both either way its a breeze block until i get it sorted , the sound on my laptop is playing up at this rate i am going to be reliant on my i-phone for a Internet connection not good , when i sell the house going to get a half decent laptop and a tablet if i have not got one before.

The above me just messing with my camera on the iphone just as good

Not sure where we are going once the house is sold its a weird feeling not knowing what life has install in some ways its unnerving because the choice is only limited by the need to work if we was making a 100k on the house i would move down on the most southern part of the UK which is Somerset and Cornwall.Helen wants to live in Manchester not sure on the cost of petrol to and from work its around £8.65 each way according to google maps that's well over £320 a month not including parking charges and would take just under a hours drive thats not that practical neither would be packing my job in.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Went for breakfast to another Toby carvery this time it was at Morley was a bit peeved they had no baked beans left other than that it was as good and filling the bread was hand cut doorstops and coffee was ready made and you just helped yourself.We went to the D.i.Y store and bought some plants and some weed killer and lawn feed , the house and rooms are being photographed tomorrow for the brochure which will be at the estate agents and online .
Redone the floor Borads washed the windows done some painting resealed the basin and bath and had a vac around mop and polish looking good hopefully .

A lady who works on magazine has contacted Helen not sure if she wants a reading or to do a story on her Psychic work , they pay between two hundred and five thousand for a story depending .She as also another bookIng confirmed from last night that's six and others pending .

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Currently listening to this album above i have the other two albums released previously they just keep getting better , i love a lot of bands , such as The Script , Athlete , James ,Manic street preachers , Stone Roses , Oasis ,Keane , The Vaccines all great british bands check them out on You Tube.

Its been red hot today we started by going to Toby carvery at Horsforth for a breakfast bad idea really , by time we had both pigged out we really didn't feel like working.
But we did i did the hedges front and back i weeded the boarders and i corrected some paving edging and generally tided up.
I cleaned the Rabbit out bought him some straw for his bed and a new purple litter tray filled his dish and water bottle up so he was a happy bun simple really.

From the pet shop bought Pip some pigs ears she has not had any for a couple of weeks and extra large hide bone for later.

Bought some Strawberries and Cornish ice cream for tea along with Swedish meat balls cheese and cranberry sauce and some tortilla wraps to make a sandwich for tea and a bottle of Pepsi.

we are both going to jump in the bath we have some muscle relaxant no nothing illegal just some bath minerals lol and maybe a glass of pear cider.

Helen's phone has gone mental , we are now both on our old numbers as we got the pac codes to change them to our new network provider , loads of people wanting readings from her she has had eighteen texts in the last hour whilst she was in the bath her phone constantly receiving text messages from different people some wanting group bookings its amazing , she is getting really well known people she is doing are extremely happy with her and recommending her to others if she carries on like this i will have a full time job running her around ,just booking people in can take considerable time , we only bought another ten blank cd's today as we are down to the last five , Helen has a mp3 recorder and we record the readings and burn them to disc usually we buy at least twenty five on a spindle if not fifty ' looks like we will be buying a hundred at a time soon , plus we will need more business cards doing.

Don't like the metal case i got for the iphone just ordered a leather flip case with magnetic catch for £5.99 free postage.

Listening To - Scouting for Girls - The light between us

Watching - Snow White and The Huntsman

Friday, September 07, 2012

well last day of training we didn't have to go in until ten o clock but i still got there at the normal time do some revision , not that i did that much i guess you know it or you don't , we all took the exam at around half past eleven and i had it done in thirty minutes under exam conditions , the unofficial score i got was fifty three right answers out of a total of sixty questions which if its confirmed by the exam board in London it will mean i have achieved a merit so i am a happy as a pig in shit.
Plus i am on holiday and leave for the next nine days so i am duly happy.

When i got home we went to the estate agents office and signed our consent for the estate agents to sell our house i was home for half past three this afternoon so its now officially on the market the hopefully the for sale sign will go up tomorrow even though its a Saturday , so its now a case of wait and see what happens fingers crossed.

I remembered when we bought it i don't think we believed we would get the house as we both had been through a divorce and didn't have the worlds best credit rating but we got a mortgage and bought it for nearly twenty five thousand pounds less than the market value of course that cant happen this time round so fingers crossed it goes through quickly for the asking price we want.

Rumours of ipad mini being unrevealed in the next week so i have waited to invest in a new tablet just yet will wait and see if i go with Apple will be better compatible with my iphone i know Helen would like one too.

Helen cut the lawns front and back today so thats a job less she has another reading to do tonight the lady who was having the reiki is bringing her daughter to have a reading.

Listening to :- "Now thats what i call chill"

Watching - "The Hunger Games"

Thursday, September 06, 2012

well today i sat three mock level three exams and passed them all , the last two i took the first exam i got 50 out of 60 the next exam different questions i got 52 out of 60 which is a merit award level three being the equivalent to a a-level , so it be quite good in having hopefully it will all carry on as good tomorrow.

Next week i am off again hopefully the weather will continue in the same vein as this week which as been really great , with warm sunny days blue skies and a breeze not too warm but enough just to wear shirt.

Helen has had a few readings this week and has another reiki session booked for Friday . The for sale board should go up this weekend and the photos done for the brochure early next week.Got a few remedial jobs to do nothing much and keep the house general tidy cut the lawns do a bit of weeding etc and general good house keeping no farting before people comes round if at tall possible sods law says it wont happen.

We could be long gone by Christmas that will be good it will be my Daughter first Christmas that i wont be able to go see her in twenty one years of course i am not going to be round for every Christmas that she as but i never figure twenty one years ago that there would be a year that we are both alive that she wouldn't just up the other end of town glad i took loads of photos of Christmas we did spend together i don't have one photo of Christmas day when i was young , thank god for computers and digital cameras.KNOW WHAT I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

My Daughter is working on the New Zealand fashion week doing hair for the models she doing really good and i am well proud of her achievements she living it up in New Zealand and a lot of people are looking after her big style i will never get to meet them but would like to thank ever one of them its nice to know there are great many people with big hearts and a willingness to look after her well being her comforts and are true friends , so good to know .

Listening to the Vaccines - "come of Age"

Day three on training its great starting at half nine in the morning and finishing at four o clock specially since its been really sunny and hot last night we went out for tea to the carvery at Oulton pigged out for £6.00 a head i had roast beef but didn't over do it , tonight we ate out at the owl pub Rodley Helen had what she always haves that's scampi with bread , saying that i had beef this time in a homemade pie.

House goes on the market sometime this week the for sale board goes up it could take a few weeks or months or even longer , we still not looking where we are moving to nothing like being organised and making proper plans.

Yesterday sugar and spice our white budgies died they was on the floor of the cage Helen didn't uncover the cage because they where so quite soon as music goes on the start signing Pip our dog know she was crying all day i uncovered them when i came home they both dead and together on the cage floor we to them up to the cemetery and said a pray for them not sure why they died hopefully we have not got a gas leak , but for them both to die simultaneously is strange.The cage is in the garage its very quite without them we could hear them signing when we was in bed.

Monday, September 03, 2012

First day on a week full of training on food hygiene level three its from half nine until four thirty ,and its mainly done by E-learning so far so ok , found out i didn't have to do my regular shift till ten at night. when it finished i went home so a week of early finishes if nothing else , which is good but it doesn't pay the bills oh well cant have it both ways.Received the metal case for my iphone not 100% sure if it looks right thought grey and white would look right now am not sure will keep it a few weeks see how it goes see if i can gel with it.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

After yesterday went out and bought some scones and a jar of strawberry jam and some danish clotted cream.I have argued with Helen over living too far away from where i work ,as its not practical and i am refusing to spend loads on the cost of fuel and time traveling too and its totally unpractical to pack my job in and throw caution to the wind , i agree that half the money from the sale of the house is Helen's to do with what she wants to and the other half is mine that's when its sold and what ever money there is , is split 50/50.
So its been a shite Sunday, i am back at work tomorrow after feeling like i have not really had a week of just a long weekend , anyway i am back for just a week then i have nine days off hopefully by then Helen has put her teddy back in the pram and is talking to me.
Still got to give word to the estate agents who we want to go with to sell our house because whatever happens will not be happening here for much longer fingers crossed.

Playing - Fruit Ninja

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Got up and i went straight to the local super market to buy dog and cat food and my new discovered kenco rich coffee i love it got to be one of the nicest branded coffee every cup taste good , plus stocked up on sugar and milk. Went to the chemist to get some inner soles for Helen's shoes. Its quite a sunny day we are off to Holmfirth and Hebden Bridge where the Hippie community settled in the late sixties still loads of old hippies wearing tie dye pants and cheese cloth shirts quite colourful bought a little minute brass Indian Buddha and a Ganesh not sure why perhaps the will be good luck can drop them in the Lucky Buddha beer bottle i bought the other day. At Holmfirth we went and had afternoon tea at the Wrinkled stocking featured on "Last of the Summer Wine" with home scones strawberry jam and clotted cream gorgeous with freshly made coffee and tea.

Anyway the sun stayed out to play as we went over to Uppermill via Saddleworth moor and had a duck and sweet chili pizza freshly baked from the local restaurant that does take out ate it sat in the car over looking the reservoir we bought two cans of coke from the resident catering van that is parked up there most of the day.


 THURSDAY - Highlight of today was cooking Ikea meatballs with fires peas and Ikea gravy I also baked some baguettes I had a pear cider to g...