Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Got the chance of working through the night weds Thur's and Friday from five pm until six am the following day so far this week i have had no extra shifts just my regular hours i have not worked nights for ages years in fact guess i am going to do it if i cant last the night will have to book out will take a flask of coffee and a couple of mars bars and make sure the i pod is fully charged.

My partners psychic work has really took off this last few weeks and she is making some money , with the help of her friend Kate she has been doing some private readings for two people last Saturday and also did a group of eleven people on Sunday for the first time she did stand up , i know she was dreading it but got really good feed back and has another five to do this Saturday and another group on the 17th.
Iam still waiting for my crb check coming back its been nearly six weeks before i can start my supervisors job.

My partners son has been working three weeks and so far no pay cheque he is pissed off to say the least , with no dole money because he didn't sign on to claim his money measly as it is , due to working on this job so it really has cost him money to go to work which he has not got and to top it all he was also he was also in court and walked away with a fine of £180.

I need something new to play with i need to treat myself it wont happen till the end of the month thinking off buying a cheap tablet no way can i afford a i-pad but might go for this instead

its the quarter of the price of a i-pad and no way as good i am not pretending but for out and about at work or travelling it will do i can go for a seven or ten inch screen it flash supported and has a Ethernet cable point as well as wi-fi also a usb and a TF card slot to allow up to 32mb of storage so for surfing face book blogging eBay and you tube its going to be good enough also can use it as a ebook and music and video player for around £120 whats to loose.

Bought a laminator from Tesco with 50 laminator pouches for under £20.00 and it works fine



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