Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Never felt so ill then i did Monday night through to Tuesday , i was having cold sweats headaches ached all over , i was suppose to be working but had to ring in sick its one week before i start my new job the first six days i go for training . This job is not going to brilliant unless i get over time if there is none its going to be worse for me than ever at least its forty five hours a week and not twenty , might mean that i am looking for a new job elsewhere.
My daughter has her visa and one way ticket all paid for and jets off on the fifteen of this month.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Went to Temple Newsam with Pip our Jack Russell on the way home stopped at the red bus cafe on the A64 , Was thinking about my daughter jetting off in a few weeks times. She is coming over to stay next Saturday night with a good friend Natasha , whom we have known when we moved in to Swillington many moons ago and who as been a part of my daughters life ever since including when i left the family home , its a funny thing some things you can leave but some things you can never walk away from that is being a father and loving a daughter , she as been so unique and so special like all daughters should be, so thank God for Facebook , Twitter , Msn and Skype because of all these my daughter will always be that much closer thanks to the beauty of technology we have today and including camera phones for them all important pictures. Am trying not to count the days but secretly i am counting every minute we have left.

Ages ago lent well gave my Daughter a book i bought when i was eighteen the book i wanted her to read was called "GO ASK ALICE" perhaps it was the best advice i ever gave her when i told her to read it once then read it again , i know it moved her and she understood why drugs are a evil that take lives and ruin family's regardless where they live or how wealthy they are she still as it.

Reading "GO ASK ALICE"

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Need to buy a dvd player so off i went to Curry's and bought a Panasonic which also allows you to connect a usb pen drive and play music or divx films which will do for me it only cost £29.99 a bargain with remote control and batteries will play DVD CD'S -/+ and RW.

Went to the Swillington Arms to meet up with my daughter if when she hits Australia i don't know when i will see her again could be months rather than weeks.Wish it was me going as well , pastures new travelling and seeing a different culture and way of life also a visit to New Zealand is planned along the way better still , she has promised to start a blog and keep us updated on where she is and what she is doing.
Makes me question my life style what we have and could life be better starting again or are we stuck in this groove forever.

Am i glad Tuesday is going yes i am , will i miss her of course i will would i ever try and stop her the answer is no its her life to live just keep in touch then it wont seem that your thousands of miles away.

Friday, February 24, 2012

My daughter Tuesday has been granted a visa to go to Australia she is currently selling some of her possessions on eBay , and is set for the 15th of March good luck girl go for it travel the world and explore life , stuff England and a mortgage and council tax etc etc, and go to places i have only dreamed of going to , and post it all on facebook for all the none believers to see , so wishing you a safe journey and hope you aint gone forever Dad XX

Thursday, February 23, 2012

My daughter wants to jet of to Australia on the 15th of March she needs to amass at least £2000 i don't think it will happen it was only this week she decided to do it nothing like making plans. i Make more plans if we are going shopping to Meadow Hall or the Trafford Centre no ties no cares , just up and go if only everything in life was that easy.
I,am not working till five Helen still not well debating what i need to eat for dinner , Helen son is narked because she wont give him his daily cig he taps every morning , after HE HAS CONSTANTLY BEEN tapping cigs for over three years when he did got a job that lasted two weeks , he dug deep and bought her a ten packet with three missing because he never bought any for himself tight or what , now he is signing back on the rock n roll , so here's a little tip free of charge - GET OF YOUR ARSE AND GET A JOB AND BUY YOUR OWN.



Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Helen still not well and is worse today than yesterday hopefully she be fit again for the weekend .
Budgies doing fine and the cat has not even had a look in, but would have no chance of getting at them even if he sneaked in our kitchen dinner , they are too high up and Rag dolls are not renowned for the jumping ability.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Helen is still not well and is laid up on the sofa , she is looking forward to pancakes and maple syrup £3.50 for a small jar is nothing cheap anymore.
We are going to scatter my mothers ashes which have been held by my sister since my mother died six years ago , at the moment she is like a genie in a bottle hopefully she be free in April near to the anniversary of my Father,s death where we are scattering them not sure could be Scarborough any way i am glad its being done .

Monday, February 20, 2012

My Daughter is back from the London Fashion show , she was doing the styling for the models on the cat walk appearing for Paul Smith and Jasper Conrad models. While she was in the capital she saw Florence welch from Florence and the Machine she was being photographed and harassed by the paparazzi and was not amused , oh to be somewhere interesting doing a job you want to do and not doing just for the money which only just pays the bills and buys the food so we can carry on to be slaves to our mortgage and council tax . I Start my new job on the 5th of March end of the day its slightly more money better hours but by nowhere near to my dream job saying that i wont hate it and will give 100%.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Was up first again got to bed after two was watching "Man on Fire" on dvd it has been a while since i watched it , the last time was with my son Guy , Helen has never seen it and anyone who has will agree its a classic.

It was raining yesterday morning the sun was shinning i cleaned the rabbit Button out with me working shifts and the shitty weather he has been a bit neglected i hosed his run down and swept it out removed all the little shit pellets and changed his tray all in all a total spring clean for him.

More stuff to put in the budgies cage, we bought yesterday afternoon from The Range store over at Halifax , which is about seventeen miles from where we live ,we bought them some plastic coloured hopes with a added bell , a bigger double sided mirror with the complementary budgie bell on the end that will be a total of five bells in their cage so far this is in a week of having them , its like Notre Dame cathedral. When they start chirping and ringing and seeing we have two birds its a lot better and louder in stereo. They also got a metal bird bath , a nice bright pink iodine block and crushed oyster shells to sprinkle on their seeds also sandpaper perch covers and some seedy treat sticks what else can they possible want , oh yes cleaning out.

It was six years ago today that my mother passed away , i was by her side when she gave up the fight she went very peacefully in the end she just gave up the fight to live , she told me she was tired of being on her own that she went to bed as early as possible and stayed in bed as late as she could to shorten the days.My father had died in 1985 and my mother lived on her own over thirty years a lifetime its had to imagine how any one could be alone for all them years going to sleep and waking up all alone,she would NEVER have foreseen that on her wedding day AND thirty years is a lifetime especially living on your own

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Paying £1.42 a litre for diesel i have just checked online and the cost of petrol in 1976 was £0.76p a gallon. 1976 was when i left school.I worked at Grandways supermarket chain on Roundhay Road in Leeds , i worked from five until nine Thursday and Friday nights and all day Saturday i think my wage was £5.50p a week , i use to go to Jumbo Records and buy a second hand pre recorded cassette tape of slade , yes or David bowie and Elton John or one just because i use to like the look of the art work on the cover ELP Brain Salad Surgery and ELO being two i remember.
Two girls who i worked at Grandways with where murdered one being Jayne MacDonald a victim of the Yorkshire Ripper and was only sixteen when she was brutally murdered her father died a few years later of a broken heart.



The second killing i have trouble remembering it happened not long after Jayne was taken but might have been a year or 18 months and as far as i can recall she was stabbed in the door way of a working mans club. i think near to or in either Horsforth or Meanwood , two people i knew of being murdered was a scary thought hopefully it will never get to three.

Thinking back to 1976 i remember going to the Dock Green public House with my sisters and mother on a Saturday night in my wrangler jeans and Ben Sherman shirt and drinking special brew three bottles was my limit , I am bragging more like two ,and putting 10p in to the Jukebox so i could listen to Bob Marley the Exodus single was just out and i loved it i ended up buying all the cassettes after that album came out Kaya , Survival and Babylon by bus and the last one Uprising i was travelling to work when it came on the radio that he had deid this was in 1981 i was gutted.

Today is grey and wet and boring i just might reminisce all day and go online checking the 1970's out films and records and try and remember it all.
I remember my Dad saying he wouldnt pay the prices in town for a cup of coffee when you could buy a full jar of coffee for the same price he would wait and have one at home , with the prices Starbucks charge its nice to know somethings haven't changed , i have just finished typing this and the sun is out BRILLIANT lol.


Alarm went of at six this morning i am back on days after working two night shifts this week , i was totally knackered but crawled out of bed and got to work well before my seven o clock start time and at least its friday and i have the weekend off , be glad when my official start time is at 2 0 clock in the afternoon i wont even need to set the alarm clock and will never have the ganger of over sleeping which will be a blessing.Helen has another nine people attending her stand up psychic evening her last one was only a fortnight ago its proofing a godsend in the terms of money and helping to pay bills sky and broadband would have been cut if she had not made a payment , times are hard and bills are constantly going up as is food and diesel .

Thursday, February 16, 2012

worked again last night twelve hours from five till five thought i would be really knackered but was fine .
Helen cant sleep if i am not there her ex husband constantly worked nights and she never minded it she was glad when he went , i miss two nights BY HER SIDE and she texts me till four in the morning , i tell her go to sleep she cant , guess i am part of her psyche and if i am not there upsetting her balance which is nice to know .

Watched Blade runner i finally got to watch it all the way through for the first time what a brilliant film , i was in my teens when it was at the pictures but never went to see it I have tried watched it a few times on tv late at night but never manage it until the end .

My son Guy has got a spare helmet i know he would like to take me out on his Bandit i will let him i ha vent been on the back of a motor bike since my girlfriend from way back even before i was married , she had a Yamaha 500cc machine a beast of a bike with a Hawkwind custom petrol tank it was fun i never understood why i didn't take my bike test suppose its because i have always had a car be a lot cheaper over the years if i had a choice of car or bike or had both and used each one depending on mood and weather . Its Like living at home for young people now its no longer a choice if they want to our not , for a lot it is down to money and income or the lack of it . so is riding a bike which young person under twenty can afford car insurance these days very few , so guess Guy will be forever a bike rider.

Tonight at work i do my normal hours from five till nine ITS GOING TO FLY.
I have decided to change the font on my Blog might change the design not sure , i want to write more posts this year than i have previously my English is not brilliant and life can be mundane , but this is only really a record for me instead of hand writing a diary this is a replacement method and will in makes me remember what i have done and when and why , and of course it makes more or less perfect sense to me , well most of the time .

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Worked last night form five pm until five am ,the following morning i had the task of cleaning the stair core from D -floor down to A-floor including all landings doors walls and each stair tread and rise which was back breaking , no knee pads there was too much work for one person .I Rolled into bed at half five and was up at one this afternoon .Its the first night i have been away from Helen she has been away from me when she was in Egypt and a few nights in hospital but its the first time i have left her to sleep alone in our home .And its all to do again to night starting at five again.Last time i did two nights was working as a security guard for Initial security i was working on offices at Garforth headquarters at Exsa uk i took proplus to keep awake and drank loads of coffee it was a Friday and Saturday night and it dragged no with i-phones and i pads it be quite a good job to do be forever on line or watching movies or listening to music via you tube , cleaning stairs in the middle of the night not really the same.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Interviewed before Christmas 2011 and job offered , a criminal records bureau check was done and sent in the first week of January 2012 and now i am finally starting my new job on the 5th of March which is the first Monday in march
Since being made redundant in July of last year , i have nearly worked every week apart from last week i only worked one extra overtime shift and that was on the Saturday , i have had extra days off which if i had still been in my original full time job i would have been working so they have been bonuses.

My new job is starting at 2.00 pm so no more early morning wake ups no more tired eyes and no more dreading the alarm going off especially with the late nights we have through the week and especially on the weekends. s
So fingers crossed it goes ok and i like My new roll , and if i don't well i will have time during the day to look for alternate work and attend interview's.
So again at last i will have a contract of employment for forty five hours a week instead of the twenty hour contract i have at the moment , other pluses is my rate of pay will increase and i can rejoin the superannuation scheme , i get paid more for holidays and sickness so for now i have made a good move , watch this space to see how it pans out.

The budgies are chirping away and have settled in , they have had apple and grapes and demolish millet like they are a pair of locust,need to invest in a rechargeable hand held vacuum to clean the mess the pair make as seeds husks cover the floor under their cage .

Bought Helen a card and some flowers for valentines day ,its are fourth one together a lot has happened over the last four and a half years and its still changing on a daily basis .
As always money is tight , but we always seem to be thrown a life line just when we need it most . And its nice to think we are being helped when we are really in need. It is like we are being looked upon by whoever is with us in our home , and who have already passed on to the other side . that amount of times we get help is astonishing Yesterday we was skint down to our last thirty quid , and we received our Tesco club card cash off coupons and Helen had a phone call for reading for the night so our money was doubled and some weeks every little helps , so thanks to the spirits for all your help , it is appreciated .

WATCHING - Killing Bono


Sunday, February 12, 2012

today is one of them days where you want to get out and do something but you have no idea where or what you want to do .

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Worked today from half eight until half four . after work went to buy the Budgies a wooden ladder and another new swing that rotates as well as swings and water holder also we put some green apple pieces in between the bars of the cage to see if they would like some fruit so far they have not investigated it , they are both doing well seem to have settled in ok and are chirping away quite contented. we want them flying around the room as soon as possible so they are not cage bound too long also there is plenty of landing places around our kitchen dinning room.
no work until Monday night at five o clock after Monday i have three shifts from seven till three then another starting at five until nine.So I AM going to chill out next two days and do nothing but burn gas walk the dog photograph the birds and drink coffee .Would like to capture one in mid flight will have to check the settings for my camera see if i can do it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

We covered the budgies cage and put them in the smallest bedroom just in case they got out during the night,Helen hardly slept she was like a mother hen worrying about the new additions.
This morning they where both still in the cage and had not escaped during the few hours that they were alone.
we have a old antique cage we transferred the birds in to there whilst we went back to the pet shop with the cage we bought yesterday not even twenty four hours old they exchanged it no problem , and we was told it was a total inappropriate cage for budgies , they are new rehoused in the new cage and are now settling in there new abode.

Today we visited a few local based pet shops , we was particular looking at cages and budgies we bought a cage and two albino budgies coasting for around £70 we got kitted out , we also bought seed and sandpaper sheet s, millet seed and of course a bell and mirror no cage would be complete with out a mirror and bell we will need a ladder too. The other stuff bits and pieces that they need will follow shortly , it was only after a few hours of having them home that we discovered the budgies could pass through the bars of the cage seeing we have a dog and cat , its not very health and safety for the new arrivals. There is little we can do tonight until the pet shop reopens at nine o clock in the morning.

My Dad had a green and yellow budgie called Peter i fcuking hated it it use to land on the dining table pinching food of your plate it crap in mid flight and chatter none stop whilst you use to try and watch TV , but i guess these two are totally different they are ours bet my dad is secretly chuckling away bless him.

So we now have Button the Rabbit , Harvey our Rag doll cat , and Pip the Jack Russell we have yet to name these two birds , we will sleep on it.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Got the chance of working through the night weds Thur's and Friday from five pm until six am the following day so far this week i have had no extra shifts just my regular hours i have not worked nights for ages years in fact guess i am going to do it if i cant last the night will have to book out will take a flask of coffee and a couple of mars bars and make sure the i pod is fully charged.

My partners psychic work has really took off this last few weeks and she is making some money , with the help of her friend Kate she has been doing some private readings for two people last Saturday and also did a group of eleven people on Sunday for the first time she did stand up , i know she was dreading it but got really good feed back and has another five to do this Saturday and another group on the 17th.
Iam still waiting for my crb check coming back its been nearly six weeks before i can start my supervisors job.

My partners son has been working three weeks and so far no pay cheque he is pissed off to say the least , with no dole money because he didn't sign on to claim his money measly as it is , due to working on this job so it really has cost him money to go to work which he has not got and to top it all he was also he was also in court and walked away with a fine of £180.

I need something new to play with i need to treat myself it wont happen till the end of the month thinking off buying a cheap tablet no way can i afford a i-pad but might go for this instead

its the quarter of the price of a i-pad and no way as good i am not pretending but for out and about at work or travelling it will do i can go for a seven or ten inch screen it flash supported and has a Ethernet cable point as well as wi-fi also a usb and a TF card slot to allow up to 32mb of storage so for surfing face book blogging eBay and you tube its going to be good enough also can use it as a ebook and music and video player for around £120 whats to loose.

Bought a laminator from Tesco with 50 laminator pouches for under £20.00 and it works fine



Saturday, February 04, 2012

Its snowed this afternoon for the first time this winter , the heater has packed in on the car typical , so i bought a can of de-icer mainly for the inside of the car i usually just pour warm water on to the outside of the windows which works fine.
I have been reading about David Choe the graffiti artist who was commissioned to paint his art work throughout the Face book building doing his art in corridors stairwells and any where he fancied he never took a wage in money he opted for the equivalent in face book shares now its being floated he is set to make $200 million dollars.Nice work if you can get it.

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...