Monday, October 27, 2008

Took the eBay packages with me to work , i went in to town at dinner time to get them all posted to the lucky bidders , after queuing up for a good half an hour and a total cost of £9.76 five packages are now going to different parts of the country.
Finished work at half past eight i picked Helen up from our house at Rodley and we drove over to my old house at Swillington i had to pick up two letters that i had been waiting for,they were being mailed to my old address , i saw the Ex - wife first time in ages , i felt nothing and had no feelings for her what so ever there was nothing there all my feelings were dead . The woman i love and want was sat in my car outside waiting for me.
Saw my son Guy he was just finishing walking my dog Bandit who i have not seen for a while i was glad to see her and she seemed happy to see me too , missed the dog more than the ex that should tell everyone something .
Went to the fish and chip shop near home bought two fish and two bread cakes and ate our fish sandwiches in the car before we went home .

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