Friday, February 16, 2007

Found out today peoples jobs are to go through out the Council because the contract for new deal as not been awarded last year.
they are asking people over 50 who are in the pension if they want v.r volunteer redundancy with 6 and half years added on for those under fifty including myself its severance pay depending on how long you have worked there i have 15 years in.

Last year a friend of mine got offered and left with 24k under his belt he had more years in than me but was on a lower grade and he as not really looked back he is in Europe atm in his mobile home a kon - tiki swift he as emailed me photos and its well cool but not sure it will do more than 15 mile to the gallon he and his wife are just following the sun he did also sell his house for added finance and had other investments like isa's endowments etc he had to cash in for more funding he is a few years younger than me as well .

But at the time i did admire his guts to become a traveler a nomad, hippie or whatever other tag fits his bohemian life he is living atm .

I am not saying this is for me , well it is but the wife would never agree to live this type of life style and we do have children at school age and the dogs , cat etc etc.
to fit in with our plans as well he did'nt it was just him and his good lady.

so its a total different ball game for us anyway but leaving the job i have done for the last 15 years would be life changing in a lot of different ways.

I could keep the weekend job as a regular pay check i would even earn more because my tax allowances would be towards that jobs wages so it would be around £30 a week increase about £150 after tax for 15 hours work .

my superannuation would be frozen from my old job for when i am retired when ever that will finally be.

I could try and fit and install kitchens on free lance basis not unlike like a business or similar work i am a trained city and guilds joiner with cscs card which would sort out the rest of the week Mondays to Fridays i used to fit kitchens all over England for MFI as displays in all the stores showrooms which was nation wide .

if i don't get a kitchen every week so what the eck i still got the weekend job and the severance pay to fall back on i can also get other part time work or full time work as long as it don't interfere with my weekend job life should be sweet life ain't that easy though and will have to give it big thoughts as to what avenue i walk down

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