Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Brickwork part of the build should be completed by next Tuesday had to alter some gas pipes so they can go under the joists along with the wife o/j no one call the police lol the plumber is charging £25 a hour or part hour worked he want at least £50 if we wanted the wife rid off hehe , i hope he don't scratch his Porsche taking out his pipe bending machine and the rest of his money making machine hehe as long as he don't blow the house up and want paying for his dinner breaks hehe.

Its been forecast on the council internet site that its a 60% chance we are getting snow by Thursday so i guess a heatwave is heading its way up north to Leeds i hope so can,t wall bricks if its too cold.

Had an important meeting at work and i totally forgot to attend it, talk about snubbing the main man rather a bit like a devout catholic giving the pope the finger he might get over it by Christmas the boss not the pope that is.

The fact is he is never at our base anyway and he works the other side of Leeds but he was in early on this morning because i saw him and wished him good morning why then the pillock could not have reminded me about the so called drop everything important bloody meeting with lashings of ginger beer the Pratt the man bloody still wears ultravox trousers yeah the ones with the zippers on the pockets so his tissue dont fall out with his blackberry organizer strapped on to his belt...........beam me up scotty , the tosser and basically I'm getting a bollocking for not attending a meeting because i was out getting a £2500 job outcome the meeting i was to attend is to discuss the outcome of is extra duties i do and nothing in common with my main duties iam contracted to do or outcomes i have to achieve,

Worst part of it all is i missed the meeting i was out just driving about Leeds listening to Galaxy and just basically tossing it off i called in home to pick my mobile phone i had put it on charge the night before and i didn't pick it back up silly me.

I also went to a butchers i know along the way where the pork pies are outta this world or as good as they get i also got an apple slice as well and was in no rush to get back to base not exactly pedal to the metal unless where talking break and it was only when i got back to work i found out my error oops they can only sack me once hehe everyone else thought i was cool hehe after they all had pissed them selfs laughing at my expense. the wife didnt see the funny side i explained it help if you had a sense of humour to start with, the words was lost on her hehe.

Atm been listen to Primal Scream albums dirty hits and screamadelica vanishing point and riot city blues i didn't realize what a wicked group they are anybody out their not really listened to them got out and get scremadelica.

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