Thursday, February 24, 2022


 World war three is it about to happen? its scary times not just for the people of the Ukraine put Russians too and any other innocent civilians that are caught up in any conflict that arises .

Went to Ikea bought a new bathroom cabinet it is white tall doubled doors and two mirrored doors it needs assembling and securing to the wall it will hold a lot more toiletries and other items .We also bought a bag of meat balls , mash potatoes , gravy and berries for tea we also bought hot dogs and bread buns ,

Went to Next bought new bedding in white it as white baubles hanging of the duvet cover and pillows , we ordered some new white bath sheets and hand towels they are getting delivered and another duvet set also in white .

This morning I went to buy some coffee I tried the other day it is only £3 a bag I bought three I really like the taste its has a hint of vanilla and is good to. drink at any time of the day . I still use my coffee pods but I do use my Sage coffee machine although it does take longer to make a brew .

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 FRIDAY  - Took me nearly two hours to drive into work two lorries had over turned on the M1 and the police had closed the junction to access the motorway .As a result all the cars , vans and lorries had to go through Wakefield it was rush hour anyway so it took forever , I made sure i left early work early because I didn't want to be late twice in one day .

The winds and rain where bad but other parts of the country had it a lot worse we had no damage to our house roof and fences intact .

SATURDAY - It started to snow very big flakes but it did not really lay it is cold went to the supermarkets Aldi and the C0-OP stocked up on coffee and brown sugar burger and sausages and fresh orange just in case the weather gets worse .Bought braising steak for the the dinner we are having tomorrow will need to get the slow cooker out and start early in the morning for dinner around half four.

My Daughter is coming with her dog Bee tomorrow ,  my dogs have not meet Bee before so it should be fun Pip should be fine Bailey might not the cats as well might be territorial fingers crossed .

SUNDAY - Dusted the slow cooker off prepped the veg and steak its now getting slowly cooked .

The dogs got all on fine there was no issues one big happy family it was nice to see them all getting on .

Had to go to the local shop the rain is still falling the roads are heavy with water the gully's and drains are backing up and water is being forced back up on to the road the fields are like small lakes in parts we have had a colossus amount of rain fall over the last four days . Thanks to Dudley , Eunice and Franklin three in a week is a bit much .

WEDNESDAY - I  break up tonight for five days not sure what I am doing if anything it be nice to chill out .  The new corner sofa is coming Sunday it has been delayed due to the storms we have had over the last week which is no surprise .

Bought some new black work jeans from Asda £14 I might invest in another two pairs so I am full kitted out , first time using my blue light card got 10% off it all helps .

Monday, February 14, 2022


 Erin stayed over last night again .I was up first I was going to go to the farm shop get some eggs, mushrooms and bacon for our breakfast and a joint of meat and some veggies for a Sunday roast dinner .My car had been blocked in Bye Erins so no go  until we are all out of bed .

I bought a joint of pork and some carrot and swede will do a giant Yorkshire pudding .

My son has been promising to start paying me money back for ages well in to last year  and its never happened he promised again last Friday that he would have a direct debit or standing order set up it never happened I am sick off his lies his broken promises time after time out of all the family I am the only one who does anything for him well no more I cant do with liars cheats and swindlers and certainly not attributes that  I expect from a so called Sons . So no more that's it finito I have finished no more relying on me when I cant rely on you from now on you are on you're own the shit you give out may you only get back at some stage its called karma  now its up to you to get yourself out of shit that you get into  as I am not interested anymore they are only so many time you can say trust me , I promise and honest  I suggest you find a dictionary and look up each word before you speak of them anymore .

After writing this he phoned me to say he had set up a standing order starting next Friday for £25 a week until next week comes and goes I cant call him a liar but no doubt something will prevail and the money won't land into my account .

MONDAY  -Valentine day Helen got me a card that looks like a record deck when you lift the flap/lid and hit the play button it plays  the turntable revolves and it plays " I got you under my skin " very apt thank you Helen .

Cant believe we are on the brink of Russia invading the Ukraine just know it is not going to be good what happens if it's the start of world war three then its going to be dire for all of Europe I cant see it not kicking off why can t we all just live in peace , to be fair I have no faith in America protecting any nation and I don't think their army are battle ready , I have no faith in them being a deterrent .

Saturday, February 12, 2022


     WEDNESDAY  - Woke up after four hours sleep they are laying new tarmac on the road and side walks .They have ripped new tarmac out side our house not sure because it was only laid a few months ago anyway once awake no chance of getting back to sleep .

Had to go to Leeds Ikea store to pick up the end covers for the new corner sofa once the next delivery arrives on the 22nd of Feb I can assemble it and we will be back to how we originally was .I will have to get a bi- fold door so we don't have to move the sofa each time we need something from under the stairs .

THURSDAY - Did nothing much was a boring day looking forward to braking up tomorrow night four days off .

SATURDAY - Helen friend Erin stayed over last night so I cooked breakfast for three we dropped of Erin to the garage her car was getting its electric window fixed ,Helen and I Went to the garden centre way over priced bought the dogs some sweaters and a pigs ear each.


Tuesday, February 08, 2022


 SUNDAY - Chill out day we are planing on doing nothing Helen wants lambs liver sausage and onion casserole which we will through the week but its Sunday and  for Sunday dinner we bought a chicken with Yorkshire pudding  , peas , sprouts , broccoli , mash potatoes and stuffing  .

Its rained all day we got part of the sofa delivered the rest comes on the 22nd of this month hopefully fingers crossed we also get the end covers for the arms .

Finally applied for a blue light card any savings is welcomed in the world of ever increasing prices the 10% deducted from you Asda shopping bill will be worth on its own .      

MONDAY - Bought Helen a Valentino bag for Valentines day from the boutique shop Sanderson's I was not complaining as it was a lot cheaper than Michael Kors bags I have bought from there for her. I bought two bags of oriental chicken wings and two cartons of fresh orange juice with bits .

TUESDAY - Finally ordered the sofa arm covers the last pieces of the sofa that we needed they where back in stock after waiting over a month we have now a complete five seater corner sofa like what we had but in dark grey the rest comes on the 22nd of Feb but all of the order is in we will soon be back to lounging around once again  .

Saturday, February 05, 2022


 FRIDAY - Its starting to snow its not laying but the temperature has dropped went to work it was ok to drive .

SATURDAY Went shopping took Helen's mum to Tesco we also did a shop I bought some new coconut flat white coffee pods of my Dolce Gusto machine I like them for a change from capochino . I also bought  plant based vegan food not  sure what possessed me bought but we got bacon sausages and burgers cant see it being as good as proper meat but will see  its not even  cheaper .

Thursday, February 03, 2022


 WEDNESDAY - Was nice waking up with Helen beside me back to normal it never takes long .Yes I have dusted , vacuumed and cleaned since you have been gone , like every day lol.

THURSDAY -Auto scratch came in the morning to repair the damaged done to the car it took less than two hours . A great repair is invisible the damaged vanished good as new now restored to show room conditions . Photo below taken screen shot from Ring door bell . Still don't know how the scratch occurred hopefully I stay scratch free from now on , the repair was worth the cost at least the paint work won't blister or will allow rust to appear , and its got to be cheaper than letting Skoda repair it.

Wednesday, February 02, 2022


 MONDAY - Last day of January its been a long month its never ended why's that roll on summer hot days light nights .

Blasted the patio pots and other garden ornaments and features with the pressure washer by the end of a few hours spraying my feet where wet and like blocks of ice was so glad to get inside and change my jeans and socks .

Helen phoned and is expecting her father to come out of hospital sometime today yet they have done no treatment so why they are sending him home is beyond us surely he is not well enough to be discharged and sent home , its a nightmare doubt her mother will cope with looking after him if he is not fully mobile and cannot do things unaided .

Not sure if Helen will come home now or stay tonight as planned .It would be nice to spend the night with Helen at home.

Had  a phone call from Helen she will stay and come home tomorrow a bit shit as I go back to work but I do have more days off over the next few weeks . 

TUESDAY - Picked Helen up just after eleven put her two blue ikea bags she took with her things back into the car and headed for home .her Dad seemed better than I thought he would he is never going to be 100% but for now he seemed happy to be back at his home .

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...