Friday, December 25, 2015


My wage went in to the bank just before one a.m  ,as soon as I could see the money in my account we jumped in the car and drove to the supermarket , the roads all the way was quite a good sign .

it was quite empty in fact it was less busy then a normal shopping night , lots of the things we required we got ,  all 2 litre bottles of semi skimmed milk had sold out so we got two one litre bottles , they still had turkeys i knew they would everyone gets them early so they never sell out to say we only wanted bits and pieces we spent the best part of £200.

We got home at around half past three .a good chunk of my wage already out of my account , i also filled up with petrol just under thirty pounds it 99p a litre at the moment i reckon i did have gallon or two already in the tank a full tank will do me over the festive period i should get about 360 miles driving .

We got up just after nine also less than five hours sleep we went to the farm shop we dropped  lucky and got a parking place  ear to the entrance it was raining again . We bought a cheese and bacon quiche  freshly made pork pies and some salad stuff and more milk , Helen panics because we cant get frozen sausage rolls , Christ  the shops are open on Boxing day ,  what we don't have why worry.

My sister Irene rang me just has we got back home to the van . She told me that she is putting some money in to my bank account paid out  from any old pension policy my parents or my Dad had and for some reason he and my mother never surrender  its like a belated Christmas gift from my parents from beyond the grave .
My  Father died over  twenty - five years ago my Mother must be ten years  , so it is a very nice time to receive it , it will go towards the M.O.T for the car due 2nd of January .

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