Saturday, November 14, 2015


THURSDAY - No work today i spent the night in A&E with Helen we went down at 2.00 am she had another fit come panic attack or whatever they are that she as she was shaking and short of breath and had headache and breathing difficulties .We went to Pinderfield's hospital the other side of Wakefield which is our closest Hospital now we have moved from Holmfirth.
It was empty there was one person waiting we got seen really quickly they asked the usual questions made the right noises did a ECG blood pressure and blood tests the ECG came out normal we waited for the blood to be tested that too came back normal at around six am we drove back home .

At some time today we need to a find a local doctor and register with the practice we cannot use our previous doctors because we are no longer in the catchment area of people they treat.

Back at work and its torrential rain and its colder than it has been thanks god its Friday looking forward to the weekend .


May all  who fly the red white and blue  Australia , New Zealand , England and the United States of America come to the needs of all innocent citizens everywhere including France and HOPEFULLY together we will defeat all terrorists everywhere regardless of nationality or religion .

This is no way a racist comment we all should live in peace regardless ,  if we where to be attacked by alien species from out of space would we be then united as one , it's a scary thought i guessing yes but my heart says no.

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 SUNDAY -  Went over to a school in Huddersfield for a Spiritual and well being event you can buy various spiritual objects tarot cards ince...