Saturday, November 28, 2015


Helen had an adverse reaction to the tablets she is taking she was totally spaced out of her tree there was no way that i could go to work and leave her at home all on her own so had trouble standing vertical ,  so i rang in work to tell them that unfortunately  i would not be attending work today.

Its payday yet again yippee it seems to have been a long month  , but good news petrol is now under a £1.00 a litre which is brilliant thanks to Asda and  Black Friday deals  .I actually bought another black Friday deal this time from  Amazon one of their  Tv fire sticks for £24.99 which seemed too good to miss .I did not pay for postage i will get it on around the ninth of December .

Paid mine and Helens phone bill this morning she has not paid her bill for two months ,  i refused a early update the other month and turned down the chance to own a iPhone 6s , but i might have to give back word and maybe go ahead and upgrade early , as my iPhone 5s is playing up when i put the lighting cable in to charge it it does not always recognise it unless i rest it on top of a pen then it commences charging which is not a good sign for some reason the downward pressure of the phone makes the connection weird .

Bought some more christmas decorations from the garden centre at Dobcross we had a drive through Holmfirth and across the moor through Uppermill before reaching Dobcorss where we bought the  stags head pictured below or is it a deer i have no idea might paint it electric blue .
Back over the moors we had a fish butty and curry sauce from Compo's the restaurant is temporally  shut it does  re open on December the 4th after it has finished  getting refurbished .

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


We put our Christmas tree up Sunday gone  i don't think we have ever put it up as early as this before .The in built lights are still working fine , it always nice to see them lite once you throw the switch for the first time I am guessing the tree is around eight years old , our first Christmas when we moved out of the hotel in to our apartment at Clarence dock in Leeds City centre it was three days before Christmas day we did not have time to but a tree and decorations .We were too busy organising our living accommodation and at that stage i did not have a car. It was a case of a taxi back from the supermarket in the city centre with all the shopping bags with the food as we did not even have a salt or pepper pot but we did have one of the best Christmas dinners ever .

We cant get a sky dish no matter where the engineer tried the dish he was just not getting a signal. The last place tried was two foot off the ground at the front of the van , not ideal place he mounted the bracket fixed the dish but still no signal or a very weak signal  , the issue is the trees most of the leaves have fallen from the tree once back the foliage would totally block the signal out all together so there is no point in going ahead with the subscription we will have to look at streaming and a tv box either Amazon , Roku of Now tv.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


My blog Rollin Bye as  reached 31,000 page views which i never envisage  i am still highly delighted , to begin with i only thought i be the only one reading it , i started writing it instead of keeping a normal diary with the added bonus of you can add photos web links and video clips . So to all those whom have taken time out just to read one page i thank you big hugs to all  and i do apologies for it being so boring i am hardly an international jet setter , but like i said it was really only ever for my eyes only. Any way thank all again and happy reading x.

I have the following books to read  Cross Justice by James Patterson  , The Cleaner by Mark Dawson and The Warrior  by Ty Patterson.

Today we have a leg of lamb and we  cooked a proper Sunday dinner with roasted veg , we might even have eggs Benedict for breakfast if we go out and get some bacon or smoked ham .

We get our Sky dish fitted Tuesday not sure what we get with it might add Now tv.

I am currently listening to Adele's new album 25.

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Get the sky dish fitted next week on Tuesday between 8.00 - 13.00 not sure where they will fit the dish us living in a static home hopefully the wind won't take it off or out of position .

Found out yesterday that are  December wages will be paid on the 24th good old Christmas Eve i bet a few will be going on sick to go last minute  Christmas shopping .

I also found out that there is a very good chance that  i will be working on  Christmas day if i have to i will grin and bear it at least it is on a Friday so it will be the weekend Boxing day being on the Saturday Christmas is not only for one day .

Woke up this morning to a sprinkling of snow i love the white stuff i just don't like getting the car stuck really wish i still had my 4x4 it was a bad mistake getting rid of it .Saying that the sun is out any snow whats as laid will not last very  long .

Thursday, November 19, 2015


I went to the tool shed that i have in the side garden and i happen to see  a cowl and pipe that had obviously come off in the high winds we have been having it had come off the outlet on the roof of our van from the kitchen air vent .
I took the ladder and extended it has far as it would go and cable tied the rungs of each part together so it was extra safe .
Helen footing the ladder i manage to get on the roof which was  really solid i was able to  fit the pipe part back on to the opening inlet and drill and screw it back into position using my cordless drill and screws seeing has it had no screws fixing it originally and it now has three brass crews it should not blow off again fingers crossed .At least i know now that the roof will hold my weight no problem .

I am looking forward to Christmas putting the tree up and decking out the van with lights both inside and out this hopefully will be a great festive period .We will order our turkey crown when i get paid and get some other food stuff we will need cranberry sauce and the like some things we will get nearer the time .

Whats bugging me is might have to work Christmas day it will be a grind i don't want Helen to be on her own for even a part of Christmas day all the managers assistant managers  get it off each year which is so unfair .
I had my first mince pie today it was only a cheap on but it was not that bad .

Tuesday, November 17, 2015



Went to Canon Hall shop bought a couple of glass baubles to hang on to our Christmas tree when we put it up next month.

We then tidy the garden up got rid of most of the leaves off the lawn and from the boarders i also emptied the water butts yet again , it can be a daily job doing both the leaves and the water but its because the guttering are not going into a grate we have to of it i might look at what options that i have.
 In summer its fine because any water will be poured  on to a fairly dry garden when it's  heavily rained  or on heavy downpours the ground and soil are already sodden which does not help.

Back at work weekend gone too fast yet again today is surprisingly sunny and warm , it will be Christmas before w know it i say if ever year next Christmas will be different will be more organised will save up get nice things i might get it right next year this year is not looking good hey ho.

Listening to Jeff Lynne's - ELO Alone In The Universe

Saturday, November 14, 2015


THURSDAY - No work today i spent the night in A&E with Helen we went down at 2.00 am she had another fit come panic attack or whatever they are that she as she was shaking and short of breath and had headache and breathing difficulties .We went to Pinderfield's hospital the other side of Wakefield which is our closest Hospital now we have moved from Holmfirth.
It was empty there was one person waiting we got seen really quickly they asked the usual questions made the right noises did a ECG blood pressure and blood tests the ECG came out normal we waited for the blood to be tested that too came back normal at around six am we drove back home .

At some time today we need to a find a local doctor and register with the practice we cannot use our previous doctors because we are no longer in the catchment area of people they treat.

Back at work and its torrential rain and its colder than it has been thanks god its Friday looking forward to the weekend .


May all  who fly the red white and blue  Australia , New Zealand , England and the United States of America come to the needs of all innocent citizens everywhere including France and HOPEFULLY together we will defeat all terrorists everywhere regardless of nationality or religion .

This is no way a racist comment we all should live in peace regardless ,  if we where to be attacked by alien species from out of space would we be then united as one , it's a scary thought i guessing yes but my heart says no.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


It don't feel like a Monday and its windy and wet again .
Went to cleanse a house in Leeds Helen used a sage smudging stick and salt to get rid of the negative energy hopefully the house is in a different atmosphere for those who are living there fingers crossed it has worked .

Back to work tomorrow at least its not Monday the weather as been the crap i might as well be back and safe my days for winter just in case we get snowed in because if the weather is bad enough i aint going anywhere this is England we don't do snow unless its on  Christmas card we are not equipped for driving for walking transport comes to a halt and people panic buy in the supermarkets this if its a few inches we are not talking feet but inches .

Bought the box set of Downton Abbey for Helen for a Christmas present i got the full series one to five , she was a bit down yesterday so i gave her them to her to cheer her up .

Tuesday went back to work enough said .


The pipe for the waste water from the sink came off again , so  i had the side panels to take off it was a lot easier this time using the cordless drill i bought ,  i managed to push the pipe back on only for it to disconnect the pipe from the opposite end which the kitchen sink connects to so i had to take off the opposite side panel i ended up connecting both ends  i taped the connections to the pipe so hopefully all is good if it comes off again i will ned to buy some more pvc piping and make another connection i reckon the original pipe was cut  a couple of  inches short , time will tell .

Listening to - Seal's album - 7

Reading the - Heroin diaries a year in the life of  by Nikki Sixx  fromMotley Crew.

Sunday, November 08, 2015


We was out last night and saw plenty of fire works going off .

Got up cooked breakfast whilst Helen lazed in bed we had back sausages mushrooms hash browns and eggs i also did hash browns and tomatoes from a tin .

The amount of fallen oak leafs that now surround the van is amazing no way i can i keep up to them i am not even trying anymore once they stop falling i will get rid of them all .

Went to Gordon Rigg garden centre near to Todmorden  about 35 miles away . it was real heavy rain and high winds this morning i went to the petrol station to fill up and the wind took hold of the car door and took it off its stay which means if the wind gets it again it is free to blow straight back in to the car side which will either dent the panel or crease the door once i got back home i managed to re fix the stay to the door cill .

Caught this spider the cats where hunting it last night and it hide it came out to day so it would not get eaten i threw it out in to the wind and rain .

Weather is bloody awful went out to buy sweet potatoes and chicken for us to cook for Sunday  dinner there was loads of chicken both the cats and the dog had a dish full  we had some of the breast meat they also had some breast meat and everything else.

 Helen had a reading so i had a shower Sunday has been a total wash out ,  i do have tomorrow off work my last day back on Tuesday i cant see us doing much . I feel the urge to get another  tattoo on the back of my left leg .

I have the latest issue of Stuff magazine to read which i will do tomorrow i might also get rid of some more leaves .and empty the water butts again .
Helen is doing her christmas list of things she wants what she gets is another matter.

Thursday, November 05, 2015


HAPPY BONFIRE NIGHT even if it is raining cats and dogs saying that the dog is sat on the sofa and Minnie and George are both outside in the pouring rain .

I had a text from my mobile provider asking me if wanted an early upgrade to a iPhone 6s for £58 a month plus a one off payment of £134 pounds which they say will be covered if i traded my 14 month old iPhone 5s in either way its still at a cost of £134 plus a tenner a month extra on the tariff over another twenty four months is £374 , plus they will be extending my contract by another 16 months when all added up they are on to a right winner what a con they make out like its some sort of great deal that they doing me a great favour , when in fact they making loads more of cash out of me it is so one sided they still be wining if they gave me the phone and a iPad as well .

The shower head blew apart this morning , great water pressure or what. The old one was white which did not look right on a metal hose which we replaced a few months ago so  we went out this morning  and bought a shiny chrome one  , it was just a matter of dropping the washer in its outlet and simply  screwing it on the end of the hose  job done  it seems more powerful then the last which is a big plus one cant beat a few decent aimed jets of water .

I am off until Tuesday i know it will fly by it always does i am catching up on some episodes of Blindspot , i have cancelled my Netflix subscription mainly because i don't watch enough programmes sometimes i won't even watch one programme a month .

Bought the latest issue of Stuff magazine i think i will get a subscription next year as i am getting it each month anyway and it will work out cheaper .

Sunday, November 01, 2015


This Sunday morning was very warm and sunny to say its the first day in November i took Pip out for her morning walk she only did a quarter of the journey and she turned round to come home i was pissed off .

We Bought two cushion covers in a dark purple to cover the four second hand chairs we got the other day Helen's father has my industrial stapler which we will need to cover the chair seats i need some pva glue to redo the tenons for the chair seat frames that go in to the back rest .

Went back to Meadow Hall shopping outlet at Sheffield the one we was at yesterday Helen took some stuff back for a smaller size .
I tested the new YSL mens  Kouros silver i use to wear the original and that was nice this is similar but more fruity smell i like it maybe Santa  will bring me a bottle who knows .

Rejoined Sky tv as we really need a dish to receive a interrupted signal and another big plus a sky hd box gives us the ability to record programmes as well as loads of more channels.

 The signal we receive at the moment keeps breaking up on certain channels which is so fcuking annoying even when you are not watching tv so we figured that the best way round it is to go digital we get it wired up on the 24th of November .

We called into the Apple store and had a go on the Apple Tv  we played one of the interactive games Beats Sports it was ok i guess we will get one before Christmas maybe next payday will get the 32gb .
Will have to check out other games and apps before buying .

Bought a bacon and mushroom quiche and some baking pots for tea absolutely gorgeous from Blacker Hall Farm shop will do for a late tea/supper .

Had a few kids for Halloween last night Helen was doing a reading which added to the Halloween event .

Like the women perfume Alaia  might get someone a bottle for Christmas its fragrance lasts well it as on the card i sprayed in House of Frazer yesterday .

I also stopped of at the D.I.Y shop and bought a bottle a bottle of  Gorilla wood glue to fix the creaking squeaking chairs i hope.

Needing - Light bulbs.

Looking forward to -  five days off come Wednesday night

Reading - "M Train" by Patti Smith

Watching - Casino Royale , Quantum of Solace ,  and Skyfall

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...