Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Helen had a phone interview for a job being a tarot /Angel card reader via either Skype or on the phone she can select the hours she wants to work , and can make her self available any time she wishes has it is a worldwide audience , her interview went ok she is now waiting to see if she has been selected fingers crossed that she will be.

Alfie our ginger Tom cat is still breathing problems , and his little nose is still stuffed up ,  i feel so sorry for him as he has never known any difference since we got him he has had cat flu , he is still lively and he is a proper little character , i hope one day he will make a full recovery be nice to hear him breath normally . on a night he jumps on the bed for you to stroke him he bites you if you don't , his bite is always gentle he never breaks the skin , i have woke suddenly a few times when he lands on top of you.

For the second night running i cooked chicken fries and chirizo a tortilla wrap with sour cream and washed down with a ice cold pear cider happiness don't come cheaper than this.

Watching - "The Walking Dead " nearly finished all the second season episodes . Have already got five episodes of season three on my iPad in readiness.

Listening to -  "Queen Forever" a brilliant album it was a sad day when Freddie Mercury died and the end of a great band there is a few tracks on this album that i have never heard before like all musicians that have passed they live on through their music.

Reading - Peter Freestone - Freddie Mercury .

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