Tuesday, June 10, 2014



The rain is back with a vengeance and it is  looking  like the start of the weekend is one big washout .
Went to the fish shop for dinner and brought them back to the cottage so far that as been the highlight of our Saturday.
Helen did her first ever Skype reading yesterday the lady paid the money straight into her bank account and had her reading in the early evening , the reading was as good as if the person having the reading had been present.
The sun finally put in an appearance around six o clock it was hot until sunset better late than never.
bought some strawberries and pork chops for tea also put the lottery on i need a win six little numbers would be a godsend settle for five and the bonus some weeks be nice just to get three as most weeks we don't get one number.

Watching  4OD - George Clarkes Amazing Spaces until three in the morning .

Did nothing boring i know but somedays its good to do nothing but chill.

Three days at work then four off.

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