Friday, June 07, 2024


 MONDAY -The fine weather we had over the weekend has disappeared back to cloudy skies with a threat of rain .Mind you would I really want to go to work if it was red hot do I really want to go to work anyway .

Found out two tradesmen I use to work with back in the day have  both died very depressing makes me want to change my life do things go places before its too late ,maybe its too late already scary thought .

After going to my daughters house yesterday made me realise my son is never going to get married never have a decent job with  a decent income or  house own a car or travel anywhere  because of his addiction ,its hard to understand how my daughter got it so right and my son so wrong guess its down to the individual .

TUESDAY - My daughter Tuesday flew in to Dubai from there made it safely to Mauritius  got to the hotel in the early evening so text me to say she was there .Hopefully she has a very enjoyable stay .

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3 IN 1

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