Friday, July 05, 2013


We was back at the pet shop today we bought a neon blue led 16" strip light which i fitted to the inside of the aquarium lid we also bought another 15 watt day light bulb and removed the blue moon night one light is now equally being omitted on both sides of the tank.

We also took a sample of water for ph testing and to check bacteria levels the bacteria is too low so we bought five Neon's to add to the aquarium they are hardy little fish and hopefully all five will live and we will have no bellies up.

I also bought a green fish net i always wanted Helen in pink fish nets but that's another tale.
Course we bought the most essential item yet tropical fish flakes got to feeder the little swimmers  , we was going to buy some Plecos but cant until we have algae forming inside the tank otherwise we will have to feed the Plecos different food which can cause problems , but so far so good twelve hours later all five fishes are still with us.

I can say it is very tranquil and relaxing watching what fish do naturally  i feel like Jacques Cousteau . "From birth man , carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to the earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free. a quote fro the great man himself who also happened to have invented the Aqua lung.

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