Not been up to much really , still going to the moors on a regular basis printed pictures using new printer which is well good for the money and photos look well on high gloss paper.
Thinking about a Fuji finepix 1600 camera buying it from Amazon its not the camera i really want but the camera i can afford it should do the job will need to get some rechargeable batteries but that doesn't phase me.
still working seven days a week saying that my back as been playing up so i have had the weekend off.working till nine at night till end of march cleaning the operating theatres which i really love i work with my Filipino Friend victor who as his own problems in life money wife and tiredness he works longer hours then i do.
would love to book a holiday but its too hard at this moment in time contemplating going abroad.
the year has gone pretty quick tidy the garden up as soon has its warm enough to sit out have barbeque's and light enough to use the laptop outside i will be, car has not broken down this month which is a blessing other than that nothing else to report. Still in love still breathing , still love curry and pear cider and still waiting for six numbers on the lottery , have been doing lotto plus five a quarter of a mill would do six numbers or five numbers two stars to get out of the rat race once and for all please , there is quite a few people i would help out giving the chance to and a lot more i wouldn't