Tuesday, December 28, 2010

happy birthday helen , bought her a wrought iron bird feeding station , also bought a seed feeder, nut feeder and a another attachment for hold a suet block .plus the nuts seed and meal worms.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Tomorrow is Helen's birthday she is 42 years old she always says its too close to Christmas her ETA was 25Th of December which must be the worse date possible for presents and cards at least no chance of forgetting or getting dates mixed up and of course its the same birthday as Jesus a added bonus anyway hope you enjoy your day love you loads even if your now knocking on a bit at 42 years old lol ,

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Well Christmas is over for another year after today i cant wait for 20011 , think a few people i know will glad to see the back off 2010 as well .
I meet my daughter where she works she is a hairdresser and showed me round the salon she works at its ultra modern hi tech and is over two floors , they even have a ps3 and at least three plasma tvs and sky music channels i-pod docks and all the glossy magazines including STUFF and FHM could spend a few days stuck in there no problem.
Saw my son Guy again he's well grown and madly in love just like his dad , HOPE HE HAS A GREAT 2011 .
Helen got to eat Christmas dinner at her parents house with her son Kris and her mother and father,its the third Christmas that we have now been for dinner having her son there was totally unexpected and like me Helen as not spent that much time with her sons , and i have spent little or no time with my son Guy i hope that changes in the new year , i do miss him loads.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Car is back in the garage i went to the hairdressers yesterday came out car wouldn't start I had to have it towed in to the garage that i have used for the clutch and turbo hose , at least its pay day , i am hoping its not the fuel pump but will find out later today.
Always something every time i earn extra cash by working weekends then something crops up and i never get to spend the extra cash on myself , it always goes on unexpected events. i have got a decent wage coming at the end of January waiting to see what happens next.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Meet up with my son Guy haven't seen him for ages , he as Relly grown up in the last six to nine months he is as tall as me and has matured more than i thought he would i am really proud of him he has a great girlfriend he loves dearly and spends all his free time with her.I meet Rosie for the first time they look a great couple and have been together a while she makes him and happy and i hope truly loves him and sticks with him i know she is his world .

Guy my son lives with my ex wife at Pocklington other side of York and his girlfriend Rosie live at our old Village Swillington .But saying that they spend days at each other houses , he lives in a converted garage and i call him Fonzie and it goes straight over his head which i would expect.He does NOT work he cant get a job ,THERE not many jobs going where he lives not many jobs going full stop , just jobs going redundancy payments are funding a lot of christmas this year.I do hope in the new year he finds work , he will be eighteen at the end of January and he can sign on what a depressing thought.LEAST ITS SOME CASH IN HIS POCKET .

He should be working ,he wants to work and would love to learn a trade and of cause he wants to buy clothes and gadgets and glossy magazines , wants to look nice smell nice and own nice things hopefully to buy a house have driving lessons and get a car as if insurance petrol is ever going to be affordable and i know he would love travel abroad wouldn't we all .

He wants treat his girlfriend and buy her nice accessories , jewelry meals out and weekends away , yet he cant because he doesn't earn a wage , its so sad for him and all the other young people this country is robbing its young folk out of a living robbing them of their dreams and ambitions i feel so sorry as he needs money at his age he should be setting targets for the rest of his life , shouldn't all young people and its not possible no WORK , he as a scooter which he travels to and from his girlfriends house weather permitting , the A64 is notorious for car users , a young lad on a scooter is a scary thought I hope he is protected from those above and i hope he never has a accident.

This country is on its knees and its getting worse and we the British public let it happen we are lemmings , petrol prices , V.A.T,emigration is constantly rising , apart from EMA which is stopping nice one all you M.PS (WANKERS).

i think its about time we dropped the GREAT from Great Britain and just be called Britain , i reckon in a few years time we will be a third world country,were it's people are freezing to death from having no food and no money to afford having their heating on.
Going to be a new year soon , NEW YEAR WORSE SHIT TO COME....MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL especially to Guy and Tuesday love you both.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Hoping to get a White Christmas have Christmas eve off through till the following Thursday . Will need plenty of pear cider and Irish coffees made with old bushmills .plenty of DVDs to watch hoping to watch all lord of the rings films and Harry potter films too.Need a decent book to read and a couple of magazines , to do some walking and do some photography of places and events.BUt before all thus do some Christmas shopping.wanting my helen to have a great festive season and look forward to 2011.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Last Friday had two teeth out a denture plate made with two teeth on it it was made from an impression i had taken the week before.The teeth were extracted once the plate was made i didn't want to be walking around with a massive gap , anyway it fitted fine but its weird having it in my mouth, especially eating ,talking is ok and getting use to its shinny texture has not been easy.
My mother had full set of dentures when she was in her teens and it must have been a nightmare but she never moaned and coped considerable well bless her hopefully i will do the same.

Saw my Daughter Saturday night she cut my hair after we took her to the Academy Chinese buffet as well as eating from the buffet they have a cook there , she had a squid dish cooked for her , i don't think she liked it.

Finished work at twelve took yesterday due to adverse weather conditions it took me an hour and a half to get home which is usually twenty minutes top We was suppose to go to York opera house last night.I had took the night of work bloody snow we got as far as the Fox and Grapes before turning round a blizzard had started and visibility was a nightmare so we used the car park to turn around and head home via Asda it was not worth risking it bought some muffins , scotch pancakes and crumpets , chicken , pork and lamb .

Today again there is no work due to the snow i phoned up just after seven to a answer phone saying due to adverse weather conditions shut until Friday the 3rd December , as i write this its sunny and bright hehe Moby loves the snow Harvey likes to go out only for a short while.

Helen is getting texts from some weirdo trying to split us up, they are saying she is meeting me on a dinnertime and doing certain things with me , lucky Helen is not biting , but it is upsetting these started the other day and so far she has had around twenty messages saying i work too much that i am having sex that i want out all lies... told Helen i am here AND WITH HER because i want to be if i didn't like stuff OR SITUATIONS WE ARE IN and if i didn't love her , or couldn't cope with life as it is that i would be off.
I have don't it once BEFORE and i walked away from a lot more than what i have now but it never is about material possessions with me its about a life style and being with the person you truly want to be with no matter what , about going to bed and waking up with the person you want

Listening to Kanye West :- My beautiful dark twisted fantasy

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...