Sunday, August 23, 2009

Helen had to go back to work this weekend and has been placed on the ward that caused her to go on sick in the first place which seems to suggest where is the duty of care to staff and patients we have a meeting next Wednesday with senior management hopefully it will be resolved intuition tells us it wont at the end of the day our contract states that we will work anywhere within the trust .
I have four days off work from my day job next week after i have finish on Monday but i still having to work on a night Helen is trying to get a shift back on the wing she use to work on Monday to Friday hopefully this will be resolved at the meeting this should have had been resolved four weeks ago hopefully this will be manager and accomplished by said management i doubt it will.

we should get the cooker either mo day or Tuesday if we do and its all plumbed in. Then next Sunday we might be eating our first Sunday roast in our house and home since we moved in to on the 16th of December last year , this is a major event i don't think most people realise how important it is to have great cooked food they just take it for granted since we have been without a cooker we have only been invited for Sunday dinner twice which is better than none but not ideal guy has been with us over two months now and i think he is already realised what a cooker and freshly prepare meals count for its basic human rights to keep your self clean to clothe yourself in clean clothes to wash and keep your self clean and to sleep somewhere clean dry and comfortable and of course safe and to do with out any one does affect how you feel and how you view life it is depressing and it does get you down also it made me feel that i was in some way not looking after Helen and others as i should have been even cavemen cooked on or over a living flame.

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...