Monday, July 30, 2007

Been busy last few days joined a online dvd rental club "i love films" since the local Global video /dvd rental shop has shut its doors at first i thought it was just getting refurbished but it most be some refurbishment has its been shut well over a month ,as far as i know it could have gone bust anyways £9.99 a month for one disc at a time but unlimited rents is not that bad they pay the postage both ways saves going out in the rain and saves on petrol and no late rental charges so far i have had two films in a week and are waiting for the third got to get at least 2 a week for it to pay its way .

Buying some second hand pine furniture for the bedroom triple wardrobe double wardrobe 2 bedside cabinets a king size bed and a dresser was £3000 new just a year ago selling for £550 cant afford not to buy it at that price we do need a new mattress ( not that the old one got worn out, if only) so bought one this weekend for £400 and duvets bottom fitted sheets pillow case's etc of all eBay £150.

I have just got to rip out the fitted wardrobes dump everyhting we dont need , sort the clothes out we dont wear and do a bit of decorating fix a small bit of dado and skirting boards and should be good as new,and if the wife leaves me to get on with it without acting as site foreman shouldnt take that long .

Just discovered the joys of raw onions freshley chopped on beef sandwich's never ever have had any raw veg before but got to say i am hooked why has it took so long don't know just had a Greek kebab's from the market a few weeks ago with my work m8 Mick one luch time and it was filled with raw onions instead of throwing them away i just ate the lot and a new craze was born hehe the wife dont like the smell of raw onions on my breath but she stills smoke yet i dont bitch and i dont eat them every day she still smokes every day, now when shopping i throw in a couple.

Another step was made in the month of my enlightenment Led Zeppelin the band that is never really listened to them before apart from stairway to heaven a mate lent me some cd's albums physical graffiti and houses of the holy and led zeppelin 1v now i am hooked never too old for change best part of living finding out new things and tricks ....

Friday, July 20, 2007

Had yet another day off today to go see the doctor for the results from the blood test everything was ok . Not that i had any doubts better to be safe than sorry

went shopping at Tesco bought some baking potatoes and some chili and cheese which i will cook for supper tonight.Also bought some sparkling water in various flavors trying to drink at least 2x1 litre bottles a day instead of all the coffee i drink be a lot less calories as well .
also bought stuff magazine James Patterson's judge and jury in paper back edition because it dont look like we will be having a BarbieQ this weekend again .

listening to Cherry Ghosts new album "thirst for romance" which aint that bad track 10 "mary on the mend" is my favorite track.

Might call in at NEXT tomorrow its the start of a sale and see if i can get some combats and need another couple of shirts for work thin blue denim if i can the wife hates denim shirts hehe .

Monday, July 16, 2007

Been having heart flutters for a few days no doubt too many tins of curry and urinating small amount of blood wife kicking me in the kidneys didn't help o/j , so i took off and went to the doctors she assured me they are not linked and the blood might be something or nothing and it did seem to be clear just before i went typical its like having tooth ache as soon as you go to the dentist it disappears, just bad timing all illnesses at once , got some antibiotics for the water infection and did a ECG which read as it should , so some blood tests where done which i am waiting for the results from this was on Friday.Had to shave parts of my chest to get the electros to stick now i am itching like a dog with fleas least i get a seat on the bus all to my self .

Saturday went to Temple Newsham for opera in the park it was OK i enjoyed it all though there was no beer tent not gone to the chemist yet for the antibiotics and it did not rain which was a big plus
and getting out took all of five minutes was well impressed.

Did feel a little abit out of it ,with some of the upper classes cracking open the champagne to go with their strawberries when all i wanted was a bottle or two of magners and some dry roasted suppose its the yob in me could have done with some ear plugs part of it was not to my tatse

Sunday, July 15, 2007

in the end i got a complete new shuttle xpc base unit they reckon they was a fault with the motherboard as well as the psu and graphics touch wood this one will last longer than seven months.

its amazing how long it takes to get everything back to normal once it was all reformatted all the program's and devices cameras printers wireless router/modem as well all of my music i had backed up on to dvd put instead of writing it to disc as a data file i did it as mp3,s so all the album art work covers i had to sort back out once the music was back on the hard drive.

wifey is not going to be seeing me for a while got stuff to rip and burn and some serious surfing to do not to mention updating everything bet its not long before she kicks off on one wont push it too much or the pc will end up out of the window hehe

its now on the external drive.anyways things are looking good could do with a usb hub but Curry's and Pc World want up to £27.00 having a laugh or wot will hunt one down on eBay .

Thursday, July 12, 2007

finally got a call from CCL telling me that they was running final tests on the Shuttle and if everything was OK i could pick it up the following day this was on Wednesday last week.

As it happened i had booked the Thursday and Friday off as flexi.

Got to CCL just after nine o clock they was already three people queing finally i got to the front of the queue and the shuttle was return to me first thing missing was my windows license certificate for windows o/s they issued me a new one they told me it was not the power supply unit but a graphic card problem , they had not reinstalled Windows either no prob at least i had my machine back.

I put it in the boot of the car then went back to the trade counter and bought a coolermaster h/d enclosure a Seagate Barracuda hard drive and a external hp dvd/lightscribe burner all for £95 then set off back to Leeds.

Got home set the machine back up reinstalled Windows reinstalled and all software for my camera canon printer, modem scanner, i-tunes and Winamp Nero my Antivirus programme, crap cleaner Spybot , Ad-aware etc etc downloaded all update which which 83 in total reloaded my music collection and covers loads photographs and many other documents.

That's not including the new Lightscribe drive and the external hard drive which is to make up and install.

when i finally called it a day after numerous cups of coffee and headache tabs i went to power down and when it finished shutting down after installing all of the updates the fans inside the machine kept on running and running not a very good sign the only way was to unplug the machine or use the power on/off switch on the very back of the machine guess what its going back to CCL in the morning so much for bench testing it

Monday, July 02, 2007

Still not got my shuttle pc back from CCL its hard work getting through on the phone did speak to someone last week and they told me the psu was knackered but if they wanted a new part they would have to order one they do sell 250 watt shuttle power supply units but the one that came with the shuttle in it barebone form was had a 400 watt output ,
I did take it in on the 2nd of June and i am getting the feeling that am being neglected i do hope that it is sorted this week i have Thursday and Friday off and would like it back before the end of this week hopefully going to buy a coolermaster hard drive enclosure and a seagate h/d when i pick the pc up.

Have been listening to Jeff Buckley Grace The Editors "an end as a start" and Nickelback "all the right reasons" and "silver side up" and "silence is easy" by Starsailor i do need some new earbuds for my i-pod nano not going to fork out best part of thirty quid to get some apple ones i like the gummy ones JVC do which are available from Currys and Hmv for around £7.99.

Bought some Oral B tooth brushes for my rechargeable tooth brush on Ebay and they did not arrive after three weeks of waiting and sending a dispute via the peps from Ebay so i bought some from Boots this Saturday as soon as i got in from work my wife said to me good news your tooth brushes have arrived from ebay at long last at least now i don't have a reason not to have clean teeth for the next 16 months as i have two packs of four brushes oops .

watched the concert for Princess Diana yesterday live from Wembley it rocked my afternoon and my night happy birthday Di where ever you may be


 TUESDAY - Helen bought me some Adidas white with blue strip trainers love getting new shoes cant wear new jeans with old trainers . I also ...