Fancy doing something different this weekend but as always working the weekend knackers everything up just fancy going in to the bars late on a night and getting merry this is with my wife but we would both end up falling asleep in some club somewhere the oldest swingers in town do miss the atmosphere of the club scene the music checking out the latest fashions and styles not sure if i even know what is hot and what is not.
Miss getting a kebab when fueled up on alcohol that you cant walk straight with lashings of chilli sauce all down my shirt front
miss waking up at 3 0 clock Saturday afternoons ready to do it all over again that night
miss jumping into a taxi to go up to the curry house's then back into town to a night club
miss getting refused entrance because i was wearing a leather jacket trainers or jeans does that still happen miss smoking a joint in the corner of club and having the bouncers coming over to throw us out
miss having a mouth like a ashtray and a head like its got a kango inside going full pelt
miss getting ripped of for the taxi home
miss walking home because there is no taxi willing to drive us cause were too drunk
miss waking up and wondering where all the money went
miss waking up Sunday saying that i will never get this bad again its just childish
miss my dad saying to me your surely not going out tonight its raining
miss my mum saying have you got your keys and some i.d on you hehe
miss my dad saying don't be late no i will be early like 4am in the morning lol
still i suppose life ain't too bad sober could be worse could be a vegetarian salad muncher leaf eating water drinker marathon runner instead of this meat eating ice cream licking chocolate fudge cake eating champion of Leeds
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Another person is leaving with a redundancy package of 17K lump sum plus 5k a year pension he is only 60 years old and will loose five years wages as he does not plan on seeking further employment i did ask him out right in what ever form or capacity work does not figure in his plans and no doubt he will spend most of his time watching t.v and burning gas whats the point might as well carry on working and have some purpose to him being alive.
This person still lives with his mother and is reasonably financially secure he has got a few thousand in his bank account 15k about
He as not in to traveling or going places he is not into computing surfing the Internet or technology any shape or form neither is in in to digital cameras, mp3's , blogging or emailing has never got in to computer games doesn't see the point be it x-box PS2 or PS3 is all alien language he doesn't drink smoke or is into any ladies young or old he doesn't read, paint or have anything that remotley resembles a hobby.
He has never been abroad or visited foreign shores will only eat English food will not touch Indian Chinese or pizza no doubt he will look back and wonder why he has lived his life the way he as but then again wont we all no doubt he will have loads of time to reflect on his past years he is the same age as Elton John .
my friend and ex - workmate has also had years of financial freedom not to the extent of Elton if only but still never had to pay a mortgage or had the finacial burden of the luxury of bringing kids up.
His wage has more or less always been his to do what he wishes but he as never done nothing out of the ordinary but if he is truley happy good luck and whom am i to judge. People will tell me I'm making mistakes with my life and i should be doing this and that but i do have a mortgage kids and a wife that takes first place.
personally i just think my friend retired years ago without really knowing .
This person still lives with his mother and is reasonably financially secure he has got a few thousand in his bank account 15k about
He as not in to traveling or going places he is not into computing surfing the Internet or technology any shape or form neither is in in to digital cameras, mp3's , blogging or emailing has never got in to computer games doesn't see the point be it x-box PS2 or PS3 is all alien language he doesn't drink smoke or is into any ladies young or old he doesn't read, paint or have anything that remotley resembles a hobby.
He has never been abroad or visited foreign shores will only eat English food will not touch Indian Chinese or pizza no doubt he will look back and wonder why he has lived his life the way he as but then again wont we all no doubt he will have loads of time to reflect on his past years he is the same age as Elton John .
my friend and ex - workmate has also had years of financial freedom not to the extent of Elton if only but still never had to pay a mortgage or had the finacial burden of the luxury of bringing kids up.
His wage has more or less always been his to do what he wishes but he as never done nothing out of the ordinary but if he is truley happy good luck and whom am i to judge. People will tell me I'm making mistakes with my life and i should be doing this and that but i do have a mortgage kids and a wife that takes first place.
personally i just think my friend retired years ago without really knowing .
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
went to Bradford college for a event today was given a parking permit and told where to go and park which i did i put the permit badge on the dashboard in full view five hours later when we returned back to the minibus i had been given a parking ticket whats all that about what was the point i ask myself lucky that work is trying to sort it out and don't expect me to fork out for it i was with one of the senior managers atm and she was beyond believe that some little Hitler jobs worth person had wrote us a parking ticket.
anyway it was a free lunch loads of Indian snacks and tortilla wrap sandwiches and plenty of different danish pastries what more could a man wish for .
on the way home from work i go through the city centre every night i for my bus i called in to Virgin and bought Lara croft game for the pc the Angel of darkness for only £4 and the John Travolta dvd Swordfish for £3 what a couple of bargains.
anyway it was a free lunch loads of Indian snacks and tortilla wrap sandwiches and plenty of different danish pastries what more could a man wish for .
on the way home from work i go through the city centre every night i for my bus i called in to Virgin and bought Lara croft game for the pc the Angel of darkness for only £4 and the John Travolta dvd Swordfish for £3 what a couple of bargains.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Want to book sometime of from work get good Friday off easter Monday and the Tuesday so will take 2 flexi days plus one a/l to make it a full week got get the towbar fitted promised my son i would sort it when all the building work was completed and out of the way.
A work mate has just been offered 58k redundancy in a lump sum cash payout plus a 10k a year pension he is only 50 years old lets all guess and see if he can work out what he will do , dos'nt take much working out does it .
Alot of people working would be more than happy if they got half that amount me included. Another workmate just got offered two thousand pounds to throw the towel in and call it a day he is on 25k a year salary lets all try and guess what he is going to do i beat you all got it right again yes he's staying put especially when its been posted on the internet that any compulsory redundancy's will mean a cash pay out of two years salary.
Fingers crossed that if the worst happens this is a true statement.
A work mate has just been offered 58k redundancy in a lump sum cash payout plus a 10k a year pension he is only 50 years old lets all guess and see if he can work out what he will do , dos'nt take much working out does it .
Alot of people working would be more than happy if they got half that amount me included. Another workmate just got offered two thousand pounds to throw the towel in and call it a day he is on 25k a year salary lets all try and guess what he is going to do i beat you all got it right again yes he's staying put especially when its been posted on the internet that any compulsory redundancy's will mean a cash pay out of two years salary.
Fingers crossed that if the worst happens this is a true statement.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Have still not recovered from changing the clocks forward by one hour Saturday night hate always have it knackers me up for a few days its never the same when they go back and we all gain an hour i always wake up at the same bleeding time its routine bye then.
at least the nights will start staying lighter for longer need to get down to the canal with my dog and do some serious walking take a few pictures of the barges moored up at the marina check out the walk over the nature reserve its a long walk without killing yourself all though iam not sure if i trespass doing it i have never had anyone say anything to me and there is always plenty of twitchers lurking about never seen Bill Oddy though.
If there is 52 weeks in a year seven days in a week which 52x7 = 364 why is there 365 days in a year i was arguing this point with a colleague at work whom i think now thinks either I'm totally with the fairys and off my head or I'm just winding him up hehe we been asking everyone who walks in to our office i still argue its 364 got to stick to ones guns no retreat no surrender
at least the nights will start staying lighter for longer need to get down to the canal with my dog and do some serious walking take a few pictures of the barges moored up at the marina check out the walk over the nature reserve its a long walk without killing yourself all though iam not sure if i trespass doing it i have never had anyone say anything to me and there is always plenty of twitchers lurking about never seen Bill Oddy though.
If there is 52 weeks in a year seven days in a week which 52x7 = 364 why is there 365 days in a year i was arguing this point with a colleague at work whom i think now thinks either I'm totally with the fairys and off my head or I'm just winding him up hehe we been asking everyone who walks in to our office i still argue its 364 got to stick to ones guns no retreat no surrender
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The things i would like to buy in the next few months in no particular order if possible
1. External dvd burner just got one what does it all atm shuttle pc cant fit another internal
2. External hard drive cant have enough storage preferably in a hard drive caddy to make it portable
3. Ps2 only if Asda are doing them for £50 as stated in a newspaper
4.Decent pair of designer sunglasses always get cheap crappy ones
5.Aluminum water bottle for the hot weather bus journeys home heater on full blast
6.New barbecue again for the long hot summer days and evenings
7.Ceiling fan for our bedroom
8.Sky plus box( it's amazing what one can get the wife to agree to when she wants one to go see Il Divo with her )
9.New aerial and extension sockets in four rooms to pick up a decent reception throughout
10.Back pack for weekend job using son's old one what a all black one
11.Shoulder bag for the week job need it for paper work the sun and metro hehe Nike one will do
12.Compact leather wallet must be able to hold metro card
13.Tow bar fitted to car to transport sons dirt bike
14. Tyre inflater that plugs into the cigarette lighter in car so so handy
15.Filofax want to hard copy phone numbers address's etc
16.fountain pen to go with filofax proper ink does not fade thats why it is used on marriage and death certificates what has been on the cards well over a year
18.leather belt
19.k - swiss trainers in white for the summer months
20.summer light weight jacket can never find owt i like usually get a track suit top to crunched up in the bag just in case it rains.
21.Windows vista ultimate will wait till sp1 is out
22.X-box 360 doubt if i will get one this year
23. Gas cooker broke the glass door trying to clean it
24.Extra kitchen units and work top to go along with what we already have installed
25.wrist watch rely on mobile phone ok if its charged cant use mobile when working in hospital
26. A few new pairs of combat/cargo pants
27.T-shirts never can have enough
28.Dvd recorder
29.Pub Mirror had one ages ago broke moving house
30.Spyderco knife wanted one for ages not too expensive
32.Gerber multi tool Leatherman gone missing somewhere in the house lost with out it
33.Compact umbrella hopefully not until after summer needed for long walks to and from bus stops
34.Plenty of new novels%
1. External dvd burner just got one what does it all atm shuttle pc cant fit another internal
2. External hard drive cant have enough storage preferably in a hard drive caddy to make it portable
3. Ps2 only if Asda are doing them for £50 as stated in a newspaper
4.Decent pair of designer sunglasses always get cheap crappy ones
5.Aluminum water bottle for the hot weather bus journeys home heater on full blast
6.New barbecue again for the long hot summer days and evenings
7.Ceiling fan for our bedroom
8.Sky plus box( it's amazing what one can get the wife to agree to when she wants one to go see Il Divo with her )
9.New aerial and extension sockets in four rooms to pick up a decent reception throughout
10.Back pack for weekend job using son's old one what a all black one
11.Shoulder bag for the week job need it for paper work the sun and metro hehe Nike one will do
12.Compact leather wallet must be able to hold metro card
13.Tow bar fitted to car to transport sons dirt bike
14. Tyre inflater that plugs into the cigarette lighter in car so so handy
15.Filofax want to hard copy phone numbers address's etc
16.fountain pen to go with filofax proper ink does not fade thats why it is used on marriage and death certificates what has been on the cards well over a year
18.leather belt
19.k - swiss trainers in white for the summer months
20.summer light weight jacket can never find owt i like usually get a track suit top to crunched up in the bag just in case it rains.
21.Windows vista ultimate will wait till sp1 is out
22.X-box 360 doubt if i will get one this year
23. Gas cooker broke the glass door trying to clean it
24.Extra kitchen units and work top to go along with what we already have installed
25.wrist watch rely on mobile phone ok if its charged cant use mobile when working in hospital
26. A few new pairs of combat/cargo pants
27.T-shirts never can have enough
28.Dvd recorder
29.Pub Mirror had one ages ago broke moving house
30.Spyderco knife wanted one for ages not too expensive
32.Gerber multi tool Leatherman gone missing somewhere in the house lost with out it
33.Compact umbrella hopefully not until after summer needed for long walks to and from bus stops
34.Plenty of new novels%
Friday, March 23, 2007
Still reading the Skin Gods nearly at the end of the book and on the strength of this novel i will go and buy Richard montanari previous novel the Rosary Girls.
started using the oral b rechargeable tooth brush dont have to worry about clean teeth its knocked the, all out hehe o/j don't want suing its a fine piece of kit whether its as good as its made up to be will see when i go back to the dental school for my next bout of treatment on the 20th April which is when they start the root planing bit of the treatment.
they checked the pocket depths of my gums by using a fine metal toothpick instrument which as far as i could make out went down into the gum line of the tooth the did front back and both sides of every tooth not nice at all, but when they start to do the in depth cleaning they can use anesthetic and freeze my mouth which cant be that bad.
still might end up losing a couple of teeth but nothing ventured nothing gained might have a bridge fitted will see how it all pans out.
my Wife has got us tickets to see Il Divo at Sheffield only £75 she said what a bargin said i lets go twice i said rotflmho what i have done to piss the wife off i don't know hehe can always take my i-pod not exactly a cultural vulture and it will serve her right if i get her a ticket to go see the Red Hot Chilli Peepers chance would be a fine thing at least i will go with her to see her boy band my sister and her husband is going as well different seats same day might have to have a few lagers to get in the mood .
started using the oral b rechargeable tooth brush dont have to worry about clean teeth its knocked the, all out hehe o/j don't want suing its a fine piece of kit whether its as good as its made up to be will see when i go back to the dental school for my next bout of treatment on the 20th April which is when they start the root planing bit of the treatment.
they checked the pocket depths of my gums by using a fine metal toothpick instrument which as far as i could make out went down into the gum line of the tooth the did front back and both sides of every tooth not nice at all, but when they start to do the in depth cleaning they can use anesthetic and freeze my mouth which cant be that bad.
still might end up losing a couple of teeth but nothing ventured nothing gained might have a bridge fitted will see how it all pans out.
my Wife has got us tickets to see Il Divo at Sheffield only £75 she said what a bargin said i lets go twice i said rotflmho what i have done to piss the wife off i don't know hehe can always take my i-pod not exactly a cultural vulture and it will serve her right if i get her a ticket to go see the Red Hot Chilli Peepers chance would be a fine thing at least i will go with her to see her boy band my sister and her husband is going as well different seats same day might have to have a few lagers to get in the mood .
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I bought a electronic rechargeable tooth brush from boots on my way home from work the other nigh its a oral B 7000 this was after going to the dental school at the L.G.I as i need to have deep root planning done right down into the pockets of my gums , and after my first appointment i was told that to preserve my teeth for longer was to invest in a electric tooth brush so on the way home i called into Boot's the dearest one's were retailing for £128 the one i picked was mid ranged priced at £42 which is the cost of one filling if your lucky so looking at it like that it ain't too bad cant put a price on your health.
So i got it home opened the packaging and read the instructions before use charge up unit for full 16 hours no props get it on charge at five o clock pm and be ready for use in the morning equalling nice cleaned teeth fresh breath zero plaque wot a result back to the dental school this Friday for next appointment where dental nurse technician will be well impressed with me and will know i'm taking her advise seriously as it was her recommendation that i get the electric tooth brush in the first place.
Thats when i noticed on the end of the charger what plugs in to your electrical socket is a two pin plug big problem i wet shave have no need for a shaving adapter not got one in the bathroom cause i don't need one but have got one somewhere had one years ago needless to say cant find it hunting high and low cant track it down have moved house about four times since i used to use an electric razor so no joy sob sob sob Tthe new tooth brush as dead as a dodo
You think the twat at boots would have mentioned the fact you need a shaving adapter to charge the unit up you go in to Curry's and buy a dvd player for £19 they try and flog you a scart lead for £15 ha ha ha see previous blog....... so on the way home i nipped into Wilkinson's and for the pricley sum of 65p purchased a two pin adaptor so sorted cant wait to fire it up and get to work on the plaque.
I was tempted to chop the two pin plug off and wire up a normal three pin 13amp plug on the end but some how i think that might have invalidated the warrenty .
So i got it home opened the packaging and read the instructions before use charge up unit for full 16 hours no props get it on charge at five o clock pm and be ready for use in the morning equalling nice cleaned teeth fresh breath zero plaque wot a result back to the dental school this Friday for next appointment where dental nurse technician will be well impressed with me and will know i'm taking her advise seriously as it was her recommendation that i get the electric tooth brush in the first place.
Thats when i noticed on the end of the charger what plugs in to your electrical socket is a two pin plug big problem i wet shave have no need for a shaving adapter not got one in the bathroom cause i don't need one but have got one somewhere had one years ago needless to say cant find it hunting high and low cant track it down have moved house about four times since i used to use an electric razor so no joy sob sob sob Tthe new tooth brush as dead as a dodo
You think the twat at boots would have mentioned the fact you need a shaving adapter to charge the unit up you go in to Curry's and buy a dvd player for £19 they try and flog you a scart lead for £15 ha ha ha see previous blog....... so on the way home i nipped into Wilkinson's and for the pricley sum of 65p purchased a two pin adaptor so sorted cant wait to fire it up and get to work on the plaque.
I was tempted to chop the two pin plug off and wire up a normal three pin 13amp plug on the end but some how i think that might have invalidated the warrenty .
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
got offered only £7834 severance pay an its not enough for 15 years loyal service so for the time being I'm staying put if i was on my own be loads of cash keep me sorted for a while .rumor is and its posted on the intranet two years full pay if made compulsory redundant so i reckon its best to carry on regardless for the time being at the end of the day i always though that if i was to leave my current post it would be lot further down the road then where i am atm have hopes and dreams .
Still reading the skin gods its a good read and a half decent plot want to get his previous book titled the rosemary murders which reading the back cover seems as good as this one.
the Kaiser chiefs new cd yours truly angry mob is there best to date not one bad track on there.
Paid another visit to Wok-in at Hunslet was ok would have preferred to go to spicemania in the city center sick of chines i have always preferred Indian over Chinese any day of the week and when i was working in Birmingham a few years ago for three weeks fitting a shop out i had a Indian meal at a different restaurant every night and didn't suffer Ghandi's revenge once is this a record hehe . hope she dont want a Chinese this week two much lol
bought a pack of 25 blank dvd - r discs from Leeds city market Verbatim 16x usually buy online forget Pc world and the like what a mark up its amazing how many people still buy from this type of outlet i would have to be desperate to shop at this type of retailer or not know better.
need to get some summer wear sorted out for lounging about walking the dog and going to work in more so more or less a new wardrobe need to be lose and cool need some better shades and a decent water bottle for the bus journey home seeing the heating never goes of and the office i work out of aint got air conditioning going to be doing alot of sweating need a new fan for the bedroom as well we broke it last year and i know we will forget to replace it until you cant find a fan to buy for love or money.
will feel better when the clocks go forward in coming weeks at least will be lighter for longer on a night and can start sitting out on a night with a cold beer watching the bats fly to the church tower and eat tea out on the patio hopefully.want a small portable dvd player so i can watch a film and chill into the night............
Still reading the skin gods its a good read and a half decent plot want to get his previous book titled the rosemary murders which reading the back cover seems as good as this one.
the Kaiser chiefs new cd yours truly angry mob is there best to date not one bad track on there.
Paid another visit to Wok-in at Hunslet was ok would have preferred to go to spicemania in the city center sick of chines i have always preferred Indian over Chinese any day of the week and when i was working in Birmingham a few years ago for three weeks fitting a shop out i had a Indian meal at a different restaurant every night and didn't suffer Ghandi's revenge once is this a record hehe . hope she dont want a Chinese this week two much lol
bought a pack of 25 blank dvd - r discs from Leeds city market Verbatim 16x usually buy online forget Pc world and the like what a mark up its amazing how many people still buy from this type of outlet i would have to be desperate to shop at this type of retailer or not know better.
need to get some summer wear sorted out for lounging about walking the dog and going to work in more so more or less a new wardrobe need to be lose and cool need some better shades and a decent water bottle for the bus journey home seeing the heating never goes of and the office i work out of aint got air conditioning going to be doing alot of sweating need a new fan for the bedroom as well we broke it last year and i know we will forget to replace it until you cant find a fan to buy for love or money.
will feel better when the clocks go forward in coming weeks at least will be lighter for longer on a night and can start sitting out on a night with a cold beer watching the bats fly to the church tower and eat tea out on the patio hopefully.want a small portable dvd player so i can watch a film and chill into the night............
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
All the building work is now complete they do have to do a snaging list but apart from that its all done
i did have three days off last week the electrics including the ceiling fan and switches sockets and outside lights was completed along with all the laminate floor in in the new build the living room and kitchen was done.
All in all everything looks well bought a new sony dvd player and a samsung tv in white I built the table and six chairs only four in use the others are in the shed and the cabinet which holds a cd/mp3 player and my wifes laptop dvd player and dvd 's.
we do need more greenery and some other plants and ferns and other odds and sods like a clock ,mirror I'm not sure about perhaps not and some pot ware ornaments etc etc .
we have ordered a brown three seater leather settee and a leather footstool which is a twelve week delivery but that will appear after all the bits and pieces are finished off and some painting is done on the fresh plaster walls and a general good builders clean is completed on the white pvc frames glass and the roof panels the bricks need doing with a acid wash both inside and out and some glazing beads replacing.we need to sort out blinds as well which i know can cost a fortune last time we got blinds for our old conservatory it was £3800 a waste of money what possessed us i don't know. i don't want to spend any where near that amount £600 - £800 max and the less the better ,
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