Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas is history now looking forward to 2007 hopefully will have a new tattoo by this time next week .
Went up to Lawnswood crematorium Christmas day morning quite a few people there visiting passed away loved ones it was quite a moving experience.
Nobody as been added to the book remembrance as to having died or passed away on Christmas day since 2004 and hopefully no one will have had their Christmas ruined this year by the death of a loved one.

Boxing day dinner went down a treat first time we have had sweet potatoes roasted as well as boiled and mashed where as nice changed to just having normal roasted spuds.
bought some combat trousers from Next in the sale going on a diet without a doubt since i stopped smoking can no longer get into a 34" waist depending on the make Lee Cooper no problem Levis forget it that can be my new years resolution if i have the will power to quit smoking losing weight should be a walk in the park.

bought a mini h -fi that plays mp3 cd's wanted one for ages only cost £39.99 and is good enough for what i want it use it for although not sure about Goodman's as a brand and since i can burn over 100 tracks to one cd its wicked hopefully i will get my money out of it

got all next week off as well worked this weekend drag a bit today do tomorrow got Thursday and Friday off with out the kids they go back Thursday there is a God hehe

In the sales i bought a black and gray stripped Quicksilver wool jumper for £34.99 reduced from £77 a Oakley t-shirt for £4.99 reuduced from £24.99 and a black red tab quilted Levi jacket for £59.99 reduced from £110 plus two pairs of jeans from Next half priced £15 a pair and two pair of combats also half price and from Next.

bought some Umd films for the PSP "Predator" and "Aliens" and "Terminator 1" all for £4.99 each at Virgin Bond Street Leeds they was for my son but he will let me borrow it when i want to which is cool.

I got got about a third of the way through Prince of Persia the two throne's its not too bad not as good as the last one .

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Did the Christmas shop yesterday at Asda went without a hitch was not that busy though it was going to be crazy apart from the cost was there and back in 2 hours.
Got the turkey crown and a piece of gammon and sweet potatoes for our Christmas lunch which we will have Boxing day and got all the Indian food and side dishes which we will have on Christmas day.

My Wife got me to chase up a Sony Ericsson mobile phone she had ordered from Curry's costing £160 plus postage which she paid for using a debit card , she had ordered it by phone and not online it was supposed to have been delivered and by tea time Friday no sign so i called Curry's help line which i got the number of the internet and made the call .
when i got through i gave them the order number no such number existed ? and got told it was a product number not a order number so i gave them my postal code it showed up no records for that address i gave up.

when my wife came home from work i told her it looked like the order had not been processed.

I asked her to check with the bank online statements to see if a payment had been made to curry's thats when we found out she had bought it from Comet and not Curry's oops

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Boring day at work had enough by half past two .so i walked out they owe me flexi time 22 hours and i was breaking up today anyway so what the heck also just couldn't hack it was doing my head in Chinese torture or what so i logged of my pc and made for the door one of the managers had gone home on the QT so stuff them i can too,
don't go back till the 8th of Jan 2007 walked in to town bought my wife her Christmas card and a playboy keyring to go inside the card .

Then caught the bus home after a hours wait got off bus went to local shop bought 2 litre bottle of Woodpecker cider and a frozen beef curry my wife works till 8 o clock so i fend for myself.
just gonna chill might do a level on the prince of Persia twin thrones it came the other day wanted to buy the Guinness book of records it was £7.oo in Costco but they had sold out.

So went to W.H.Smiths they wanted £15 guess i will wait see what happens in the sales . haven't bought the Guinness book of records since i was 14 years old dont know what is possessing me to buy it now i just feel the urge to own another copy after all these years .
Guess I'm trying to capture my childhood not sure.........Still not finished reading James Patterson's Mary Mary hopefully will by the time i go back to work.

Going shopping want to get this months Stuff Magazine,FHM and GQ easy reading for over the holiday period lazy me or what.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Walked into town at dinner time went looking for bag charms what they are suppose to charm and why have them i have no idea, bit like phones charms i guess its just a way to be different when everyone as the same bag or phone trouble is everybody ends up with the same charms i guess its best to make your own needles to say i bought one from Tie Rack they had a offer on buy one get the cheaper one half price so i ended up with two both was £9.99.

Found out some sad news today a close friend at work has been diagnosed with throat cancer it is in his lymphoid glands in his throat as well which i know is not a good sign .

He starts treatment this Friday after he has been to the dental hospital to check out his teeth before they will commence any cancer treatment they after to make sure that he will need no dental work until the end of his course of chemotherapy and radiation treatment which must completed before any further dental work can be carried out .

So if you can all send a pray for him for a speedy and full recovery it would be much appreciated and hopefully he will be around to see Christmas 2007 etc etc etc thanks.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Finished work Saturday picked up dragon bracelet what had been altered they have done a perfect job and worth the £20 alteration fee they charged.

my wife took our son into town and bought him some Adidas track suit bottoms Reebok tops and other various t-shirts and hoodies all at bargin prices from the various sport outlets in Leeds.

Hopefully all what is left to do regarding Christmas is to finish off writing the cards and wrapping a few presents up.

Do the food and beer run which hopefully will be this Saturday at Asda which no doubt will be manic, at least its only once a year .

We normally buy different Indian curries side dishes and starters nan breads for our Christmas day dinner we have done this for at least the last ten Years the kids have usually eaten too much chocolate or are not that fussed for a massive some beers have been consumed naturally so we are ready for something spicy

we can put it in the oven and within 30 miniutess its ready to eat no one is wasting Christmas day having to spend it in the kitchen slaving over a hot stove.
Then on boxing day we have Christmas day lunch usually a turkey crown with roasted parsnips done in honey and roast potatoes mash potatoes plus sweet potatoe and Swede little sausages with bacon chestnut stuffing and Yorkshire puddings with cranberry sauce and gravy .

the dogs cat get a fair share of the turkey and are quite happy eating it for a few days after .

my twin Sister is coming boxing day and will be the firstChristmass since our mother died which we will have without here she said for the last 20 years at every chritmas dinner this year will be my last chritmas she was right when she said it last year it was a standing joke and she was 87 when she passed away i don't think she had any doubts her time was neighh so hopefully there wont be too many tears and hopefully she will be enjoying Christmass with people gone on before her fingers crossed we will all meet up in the end ..........

Friday, December 15, 2006

Today i bought two tubs of v05 hair putty wicked stuff keep one in the batnroom and one in the bag i use for work , two packets of wikinson sword razors one Gillette shaving gel which when my Daugther uses to shave her legs gets through half a can at a time and 2 cans Lynx deodorant one for home one for work bag a Chinese lion from Pastimes for only £7.50 reduced from £20.00 , 4 pork loin steaks, 20 dvd cases ,30 christmas cards.

Was going to Leeds City centre but they had been a bad crash on the motorway and the traffic in to Leeds was manic so went to Castleford instead and onto Freeport where i did,nt buy anything nor did my Wife .

Going to cook supper shall not bother with tea change tracks on i-pod have a bath go to sleep
picking dragon braclet up tomorrow hopefully now they have made it smaller and it will fit ok

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Went to Leeds City centre with my son last night drove into town at 8:15 pm because he was bored drove round the city a few time looking at the Christmas lights decorations then parked up near the Templar Public House and walked up the Headrow and down Briggate to Burger King which was absolutely empty by now.

It was nine thirty there where very few people about so much for Leeds being the capital of the North and it also gave us a chance to see some more of the lights you cant see from the road.

My son is fourteen in January and i cant wait until we go into town for a curry and a pint hopefully he will be game and hopefully it will be something we do on a monthly basis fingers crossed.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Had a good buy on eBay bought x-box game prince of Persia twin thrones for £4.20 plus £2.50 p&p and its brand new still in the cellophane wrapper £34.99 in the shops.
I will be playing it over thChristmasas period break breaking up on the 22nd of December and not back till January 2008 yipee have got to work new years weekend but can live with that.

My Wife as finally bought her Christmas present from me a black leather bag from River Island
also i bought her a bottle of euphoria perfume.

Took the Silver dragon bracelet i also got on ebay in to Ace jewellerys in Leeds (by the time you get to the top of the stairs you need oxygen ) for resizing.
didn'td'nt think it would be a big apparentlyntly its not that easy because silver needs to be heated upto a htemperatureture and because it has black highlights in the silver once its heated to a very high temp it acts like its polishing the silver and leaves it really bright as long as it fits and looks ok then tis fine with me , costing £20 to carry out the work which aint that bad i guess.

Someone bought the first lot of mince pies in to the office for everyone to share hope its snowballs and evertrays trys to do out each other with better mince pies visited Costco yesterday and they are selling 2 box's of mince pies flavoured with single scotch malt whiskey yum yum @ £6.99 .

Still need to sort out christmas lights for the front garden usally put them on the bush well its twigs now its lost all its leaves till spring got the wreath for the door last week then its count down till the food shop .

Friday, December 08, 2006

Left the office to go and visit an employer at Woodhouse near the University so i decided to have steady walk we are near the Royal Armouries at Clarence Dock and also it would give me an excuse to vist a couple of shops along the way.
i made it to the side of the market where the best Fish Shop in Leeds is i know because we used to walk into town from school for our dinner and spend the school dinner money usually on fishcakes and chips or if we where flush fish and chips they was good then and are just as good now,Only thing i did not opt for was the panda pop or if i remember cresta pop........ its frothy man if you can remember than you are as old as me or older hehe.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Yesterday we went to pick our new c2 up my wife started our Rover 25 only to find that it was completely dead as a dodo not a flicker bit like the wife in the bedroom so i had no choice but to call out GreenFlag luckily we have home start for the car not the wife .

The nice man from Green Flag got to our address within 20 mins and and soon as he got behind the wheel and guess what yeah the damned thing started , ah but when he switched it of and re tried it was as completely dead as it had been for my wife when she tried to fire it up .

apparently it was a immobilizer fault and we had to switch it off and on with the key fob to get it to work right .

we did get it to the showroom and we did pick our new motor up got to say the little c2 is quite impressive always remember the 2cv hehe but got to say Citroen have got their shit together and from our early driving experiences are more than happy hopefully we will still think like that in months to come the only problem we had is one of the keys didn't spring out when you pressed the release button so they are getting us a new one apart from that everything else sorted.

Hopefully there will be no major problems other than the wife will get to drive it more than me i have a metro card lucky me


 TUESDAY - Helen bought me some Adidas white with blue strip trainers love getting new shoes cant wear new jeans with old trainers . I also ...