Sunday, November 19, 2006

Got up and took my dog out for a brisk walk into the woods seeing as i,m not working this weekend still got monday and tuesday off yipee........ took camera with me it really was sunny morning with blue sky's and a nip in the air should have took my hip flask but i didn't neither did i take any music with me,which is something i never normally do cant remember the last time that happened,
took some good country scene type photographs.

Went home and lazed about watched unleashed (Danny the dog) and detonator again and borrowed sade" the best of "cd which brought back another era.
my wife and daughter went to Ikea for what I'm not sure then they was going to white rose shopping centre which is a bit scary with all them clothes shops dotted about .
Also there is a Currys so i think she will get my Son's Sony's PSP to put away for Christmas

The vacuum my wife bought from Tesco with her points from her clubcard was a total waste of time do one room and it needs emptying a warning light comes and and you have to empty it even though its not full so she is going to have to take it back and get something better with all the pets we have need a decent vacuum cleaner.

Also had to nip out and buy the gecko some new crickets and meal worms couldn't get it any fresh moss will have to go somewhere else for that my Son neglects to tell us when he runs out of stuff which no doubt piss the Gecko off it doesn't ask for much and is well easy to keep .

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